Ways to avoid shin splints?

I'm very prone to shin splints and they get excruciating pretty quickly. I've heard that gelatin is good for preventing and healing so I think I'll start incorporating bone broth into my meal plan, but what are some other good ways to avoid getting them?


  • MichelleADB
    MichelleADB Posts: 45 Member
    Compression sleeves. I had a particularly bad bout with shin splints after increasing my milage too fast. I haven't had a problem since i started wearing my Zensah calf sleeves.
  • you need to make sure you drink a lot of water and stand on the edge of a stair with about two inches of your toe still on the stair and lean back, you should feel the stretch. i had the same problem just make sure you keep stretching and drinking water! also don't push yourself further than you can go!:smile: good luck!
  • Shin splints can also be caused by pronation (flat feet). Even if you don't have flat feet at rest, you may pronate while running which can cause the pain. Many times adding arch supports or just purchasing a quality shoe with good arch support can help if that's your problem. Otherwise not stretching your calves enough can cause shin splints. Make sure you are stretching your calves out really well AFTER running - prolonged holds of 20-30 seconds, two or three times on each side.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    you need to make sure you drink a lot of water and stand on the edge of a stair with about two inches of your toe still on the stair and lean back, you should feel the stretch. i had the same problem just make sure you keep stretching and drinking water! also don't push yourself further than you can go!:smile: good luck!

    You can use a wall as well. Angle your foot up and push into the wall using your calf. Make sure you stand tall when doing this.
  • Emily3456
    Emily3456 Posts: 42 Member
    This exercise helped me SO much! Please try it.

    1. Find some stairs. Actually, just one stair or a curb will do.
    2. Turn so you're facing down the stairs. Scoot forward until just your heels are on the stair, with the rest of your foot hanging off (you can hold a wall or railing for balance).
    3. With your legs straight, point your toes downward as far as you can, then lift them up as far as you can. Repeat.
    4. Use a timer. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds. Do them rapidly, but with full extension and flexion.
    5. After 30 seconds, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle (about half way). Without pausing to rest, do another 30 seconds of flexing in that position. That's one complete set. If it burns like hell, then you're doing it correctly.
    6. Rest for a minute or two, then do another set—30 seconds with the legs straight, immediately followed by 30 seconds with the knees bent. Rest for a another minute, and repeat the two-part set.
    7. Each day, do three of these two-part sets. The total daily routine includes 6 30-second sessions.


    Also, remember to ice them!
  • When I changed my shoes, mine went away.
  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    Used to get them fiercely until I bought good walking/running shoes.....
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    * Comfortable shoes. They make a huge difference.
    * I run toe first now--my gait used to be heel first.
    * Do not ramp up your speed and distances too quickly.
    * Give yourself enough rest between exercise days to allow bones and muscles to rebuild.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member

    Then you can try the sleeves and gels and stuff. it is also good start slowly with run/walk programs like C25K.

    Good luck!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When you run, land with your foot hitting the BALL of your foot, not the heel. Don't run on a hard surface if possible. Stretch. Don't jump into it right away. Try C25K if you haven't. I used it after not being able to run for 50 years, YES, 50 YEARS, and was able to do it without shin splints or side stitches! Yay. I actually enjoy running now. Good luck and I pray you stay pain free!
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    Make sure you stretch to warm up before you walk/run, drink lots of water and stay hydrated, start out slow when you go for a run/walk each day and work up to your comfortable pace.
  • s9812694
    s9812694 Posts: 3 Member
    I woud strongly suggest finding a GOOD running shoe shop. They often have a treadmill in the shop and will video you in some different shoes to see which ones you move in best. If you mention feet/anckle/leg problems they normally know which brands and styles would be best. DO NOT SKIMP ON YOUR SHOES REPLACE THEM AS NEEDED.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    REALLY good shoes! I had a huge problem with this in high school when i ran track. I understand how painful it is. I bought nice running shoes ( yes they were expensive) and they almost completely went away.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I woud strongly suggest finding a GOOD running shoe shop. They often have a treadmill in the shop and will video you in some different shoes to see which ones you move in best. If you mention feet/anckle/leg problems they normally know which brands and styles would be best. DO NOT SKIMP ON YOUR SHOES REPLACE THEM AS NEEDED.

    This. Good running shoes for you don't have to be expensive (mine are between 80-100 USD, which is often considered cheap), but you need to have the *right* shoes for your foot and the way your body moves. Not doing so can result in excruciating, movement inhibiting pain - not saying that your shin splints are necessarily caused by your shoes (likely culprit but there are also other causes), but when in doubt, shoes are the best fix. Even if you have the perfect shoes for your body, if you've got 500 miles on them it may be time for more. I've gotten 1400 miles out of some pairs, and only 300 out of others. YMMV, depends on your foot, terrain, and the shoe.

    Compression socks, while expensive, are also amazing - and not just for shin splints. They seriously feel fabulous after long runs, and I know a lot of people who wear them flying. They come in pretty colors too (I have pink argyle).
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    When I changed my shoes, mine went away.

    Agreed - get properly fitted for a good pair of shoes (for whatever activity you are doing). It makes a world of difference.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    You have a lot of great suggestions so far but for me, keeping off the pavement (I will run on ANYTHING before pavement) and getting sorbothane inserts for my shoes fixed my shin splints and other issues (foot soreness, etc).
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    A few things you can try. I've always been prone to getting them and recently when I started training for my marathon, I was coming from an extended break (I barely ran in 2012) so I was extremely worried since I was going to have a very aggressive training plan. I managed to avoid them though and I did the following:

    1. Shoes! These are important. I discovered a couple years ago if I tried changing from my Mizuno Wave Inspires, I would get shin splints. I'm sure there are other shoes that are right for me out there but why bother looking if these work? So go to your running store that can analyze your gait and see if you need a different shoes. Don't skimp on shoes...they're really important.

    2. Diet. Protein is hardly a problem for most people but I've never been a big dairy fan so my calcium intake has always probably been low. But for my training I needed a way to ensure my body could recover. I started eating for breakfast two servings of Greek yogurt. High in protein and calcium. Its my personal superfood. Shin splints are caused by either muscle or bone issues and if you experience very sharp pain, that is a serious sign of stress fractures which is the most serious form of shin splints. I think I usually have had that form as well and I credit my increased calcium intake with helping me avoid it.

    3. Running surface. Sidewalks are the safest place to run to avoid traffic and the worst place for your legs. See if you can at least find a place to run on asphalt. A lot of my weekday training ended up on treadmills (not by choice, I hate them) and I think that putting about 1/3 - 1/2 of my mileage on such a giving surface was very helpful. If you can run on gravel or trails, it will help strengthen the rest of your leg muscles.

    4. Strengthen your calves. Find some exercises to strengthen your calf muscles. If your calves are strong then they will help your legs absorb the shock of running much better and keep the bones of your leg from flexing as much which probably contributes to stress fractures.

    5. Compression sleeves. I've also recently started doing most of my runs with compression sleeves on. I also usually wear them all day under my slacks at work. Any brand is good but I personally like the one I got called 110% because they incorporate pockets to hold ice packs.

    6. RICE - Speaking of ice packs, just remember the RICE acronym. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevate. If you feel shin splints coming on, as much as it sucks, you need to either cut back or stop running entirely. That's the rest part. Ice after every run. That's why I like 110%. As soon as I stop running I slip the ice in to my compression sleeves for 20 minutes. And then I ice 3 or 4 times a day if I can. Do this even if you don't have pain. Icing cuts down on swelling which is really how it starts. Compression also works by preventing swelling. It increases blood flow to your lower legs which aids in recovery. Elevation is the last part. You can do this while you ice...just try and lay down and keep your legs elevated to prevent blood from pooling in your lower legs.

    You can also do things like take aspirin and ib profin (advil...). This helps with both pain and swelling. Swelling is the big danger. Tylenol will help with the pain but not the swelling so don't bother with it.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Lots of good points already. Muscle related shin splints occur because, as the name says, the shin muscle is contracting to act as a splint for the leg. For some reason it finds a need to try and protect.

    Shoes - cannot be overstated. Specialty running shop and let them help you find the best pair.

    Form - You want to land gently nearly under your center of gravity. If you are slapping the ground with your foot, driving your heel or foot into the ground, overstriding (landing in front of your center of gravity) - all of those can contribute to shin splits. You want your landing to be soft and quiet.

    Also - make sure your foot is relaxed going forward. If you are using your shin to pull your foot/toes upwards, that can contribute.

    In other words, think relaxed in the lower leg. That can be hard sometimes - what is the natural reaction if you're worried something will hurt? You tense it, right? And that's the opposite of what you need to do.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Form - You want to land gently nearly under your center of gravity. If you are slapping the ground with your foot, driving your heel or foot into the ground, overstriding (landing in front of your center of gravity) - all of those can contribute to shin splits. You want your landing to be soft and quiet.

    I've had two coaches independently say precisely the same thing - "If you can hear your feet fall over your breathing, you're hurting yourself." Jogging with my flat-footed, "but I like these shoes"-fitting-resistant husband makes me cringe with every *SMACK* of a foot fall. If it sounds painful, it will be.

    A friend sent me a link to goodformrunning, http://goodformrunning.com/learn-good-form-videos looks pretty helpful.
  • I can't tell if anyone else added this but I found that "Down Dog " yoga pose really helps too (in addition to all the other good suggestions). Good luck!