becoming vegan



  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    if you a going vegan on for the ethics of animal slaughter, then please dont be hypocritcal and wear leather shoes, carry a leather handbag wearing a woolen jumper when you get out from under your duck down quilt and sit on your suede sofa.

    i have no problems with vegetarianism or veganism, so long as the people involved go all in, and not just when it suits them.
    You have no idea if people are wearing vegan leather (see moo shoes for awesome vegan shoes) and/or if they "inherited" them or acquired them prior to being veg. People who eat a plant based diet are doing way more for the environment and animal cruelty than omnis even if they happen to have a few leather items (for whatever reason) in their closets. They are not hypocrites they are working towards something absolutely better than where they came. I can't help but wonder if omnis who find fault in veg just feel guilty themselves. Doing something is better than nothing. So instead of criticizing other maybe you should turn your gaze inward and ask what you are doing.

    Also, many of us have different reasons for doing what we do. So buying local, supporting local might make an otherwise vegan person buy eggs from their neighbor and/or the commitment to recycling might include using reclaimed leather (to show respect to the animal and/or as to not contribute to consumerism). Those of us who have chosen to live a more compassionate and Eco friendly life are deep thinkers. Sometimes it is not just a case of "following the bouncing ball" rather it is multilayered. If you are omni you should not be judging veg you should look to yourself and asking why you are not choosing to be veg., give up leather etc. Once you successfully do that then I believe you can join the veg conversation, until then you are simply part of the problem.

    Anyone who wants to add me please do.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Don't do it for health, that would be contradictory. Man is an omnivore.
    Yes exactly we are omnis meaning we do not need meat to survive (unlike say cats who are carnivores). But seriously non veg. why are you posting here?

    ETA: and for anyone who cares to know what 25 years of veg will do to your health take a look at my pictures, I'll be 40 this year. Also after recently having a physical I have tremendous good health :) but that's just anectdotal. Check out the China study or any of the other studies I've linked to over the months here.

    I'm a peaceful person but omnis are infuriating sometimes. They are poisoning themselves which is fine but they are also killing animals and the is so not cool.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    Sign up for!!! And watch Earthlings! It's an eye-opener. But 30 day vegan challenge is GREAT and helps you every step of the way! <3
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    I second taking a look at, there are some amazing recipes on there..but I do find that I have to reduce the amount of sugar in some of the sweet dishes. It's entirely possible to be overweight and vegetarian/vegan..I'm a lifelong veggie and have been overweight for the last 12 years, I also raised a perfectly healthy, slim, daughter on a vegetarian diet.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    if you a going vegan on for the ethics of animal slaughter, then please dont be hypocritcal and wear leather shoes, carry a leather handbag wearing a woolen jumper when you get out from under your duck down quilt and sit on your suede sofa.

    i have no problems with vegetarianism or veganism, so long as the people involved go all in, and not just when it suits them.

    so should I put my family out on the street because I now have to buy a new car (leather seats) and cannot afford to trade in my car yet, or toss out furniture and clothing that are still in good working condition because my values have shifted? I think that would be very wasteful, not to mention economically unmanageable for me. I am human, ergo not perfect, but I am making improvements every day. When the time and money are here to buy a new car, you can bet it will have cloth seats. Future purchases of clothing and furniture will be cruelty free, as new purchases in health care products have been. But I am not going to throw away perfectly good items I had before I went vegan. (Same for treasured family items handed down for many years, even if one of them is wool.)
    Hypocritical would be to criticize people for taking steps to make the world a better place if they dont fit your all or nothing viewpoint.
  • LeisureRunner
    I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian (I eat eggs and diary- mostly cheese and greek yogurt). My diary is open and you're welcome to add me if you want. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    im not sure i can commit 100% vegan though, i atready drink almond milk over cow milk, but i deffinetly want to limit my dairy intake, i love cheese, and ate least become vegitarian for now, and move towards vegan from there want help being a lacto-vegetarian first then...right? And then completely become a vegan?

    And be sure you research this on your own and be prepared to really keep an eye on getting your protein in (as well as researching alternative protein you can take) otherwise you'll suffer from protein deficiency.
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    I went vegan cold turkey about this time last year although sometimes dairy has a way of sneaking back in once in a while, mostly in chocolate form. Feel free to add me. I use Happy Herbivore recipes on almost a daily basis. They are quick, easy and usually pretty darn tasty. My family hasn't made the switch with me as of yet but they eat a lot less meat and dairy than they did.
  • troutstamos

    Firstly, get your facts straight. Michael Clarke Duncan had only recently became vegan. You can't repair your body from years and years of awful eating habits overnight! It takes time! And even though he started to make healthier decisions (including veganism), it was too late in his life to prevent his tragic death.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Whatever you do, an integral part of being Vegan is making sure EVERYONE knows about it.

    Duncan was a vegetarian, not a vegan, and was for two years before passing. IF two years isn't enough time for the vodoo to work, why bother?
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Whatever you do, an integral part of being Vegan is making sure EVERYONE knows about it.

    Duncan was a vegetarian, not a vegan, and was for two years before passing. IF two years isn't enough time for the vodoo to work, why bother?

    You can be vegetarian (and vegan for that matter) and still have a terrible diet. Oreos are vegan.

    Could never do voodoo...that involves hurting chickens. If you are going to toss insults around at least make sure they make sense :laugh:
  • allylbrown
    I am a vegan (mostly sometimes I eat egg whites) I am currently 45 and I stopped eating pork at 26. So with that said I took awhile to totally transition. I think it takes time to learn how to eat vegan (with out becoming anorexic) and getting adequate nutrients! I take vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium daily....religiously or my lab levels are low. My pcm draws labs on me twice a year since I eat a vegan to make sure my levels are adequate. I gave up milk and red meat at 28 and chicken and fish around 38. To be honest fish (not shelled fish) was the hardest for me to give up and If I am in a bind and have no other choice I will still eat fish. Probably TMI but I think it is important to make the change gradually so it will last for a lifetime. I use Genuine Health protein brand and hemp protein and garden of life vitamins. All u can get at Vitamin Shoppe. My proteins are not soy based and I mostly stay away from soy products that look like meat!!! Feel free to add me as a friend and look at my diary. Good Luck
  • mfaine
    mfaine Posts: 84 Member
    I too am trying to adopt a vegan lifestyle and it has set me back a bit since I had a fairly effective diet for maintaining my weight and I find I eat a lot more carbs when eating a vegan diet. I do well on a diet that consists of a lot of protein so that has also been a problem since one can only eat so much soy. I'm learning and adjusting, but I think it will just take time. For me, one thing that has helped is to not try to go cold turkey (pun absolutely not intended) but to allow myself to just think about eating more "vegan" whenever I can with the goal of always trying to do a little bit more but not ever getting OCD about it.

    It is very hard finding prepackaged foods that are vegan. I live alone and find I do better with counting my calories if I eat mostly prepackaged foods that can be considered a "known quantity" when it comes to calorie counts. Calculating homemade recipes is much more demanding of my time and likely to be less accurate. Not to mention I enjoy the convenience of having something easy to prepare for lunch. However, I've eaten every Amy's vegan frozen entree they make about a dozen times and I've had just about enough :) The grocery stores and food manufacturers really need to step up their game.

    Also, I have a hard time with admitting it to others since I don't want to be seen as the stereotypical vegan. As the joke goes, "You know how you can tell who are the vegans in the room? Don't worry, they'll tell you." I don't want to identify as vegan since a lot of the vegans I've met actually are very judgmental, holier-than-thou, evangelist, hipsters. I don't want to identify with that. I'm hoping that a vegan lifestyle can just be another thing that I do, not who I am.
  • beezipper
    beezipper Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not a book pusher, per se, but if you're interested in veganism, I recommend Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live. It gives you a different perspective than that of the moral/social that you might find with a lot of vegan materials - it's all about the nutrition aspect of it.
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    Firstly, haters gon' hate.
    Secondly - if it hasn't been said before - - delicious and healthy and vegan desserts!! Yum.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I am Plant Strong. I will avoid disreputing or arguing with anyone, there's been enough of that already in this thread; I'll just give my take.

    In November my husband watched Forks Over Knives with me & he decided that it was time for him. I was already mostly there (Celiac's since birth, dairy & soy intollerant, stopped enjoying red meats a couple years ago, didn't like eggs anymore, etc.), so for me to switch was easy. It made sense. I dropped 10 lbs in a month, my husband has lost over 15 & looks & feels healthy again. I workout stronger & harder than ever before. I'm upping weights & combating fatigue, high stress & depression better than ever (I haven't taken pills or meds in years & would like to avoid those for the rest of my life).

    You're welcome to view my diary - it is open. I log almost everything (even my over-eating days!), and have been creating new things for both of us to enjoy. Once I actually get a recipe to work, I'll log it fully (sometimes it's a partial log, but you can always ask if you're not sure).

    PS - the profile pic was just taken a couple days ago, there is definition in my back that I have been working years to get & never quite achieved until recently. Yes, I'm confident I'm on the correct path of life for me.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, trying to slowly slip into vegan. My diary is open so I hope we can help each other out :D!
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Whatever you do, an integral part of being Vegan is making sure EVERYONE knows about it.

    Duncan was a vegetarian, not a vegan, and was for two years before passing. IF two years isn't enough time for the vodoo to work, why bother?
    We wouldn't need to talk about it if "corpse-consumption" wasn't assumed :flowerforyou:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,815 Member
    I mever buy or wear clothes made from animals
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Oreos are vegan.

    well bugger me. i was going to be condesending about not knowing what the word vegan meant, but thought i would double check ingredients before making an *kitten* of myself.

    turns out you are correct. a cream centre chocolate biscuit with no dairy to be seen. who woulda thunk it.