exercise and kids



  • I head to the gym after my husband comes home from work. I go 3-4 days a week. I usually get everyone dinner and ready for bed so he just has to put them in bed. He works about 60 hours at the office a week and then remotely from home once he's here as well. He gets up and goes in the mornings before work. I usually get to the gym around 7 pm.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    My 4 and 7 year olds work out with me. They love it. I think it teaches them about being active and healthy, plus they get so wrapped up in that they motivate me to keep up with my work out routine.

    This. Do activities that the kids can do with you, or do your workout during times they're up and can watch you. You're not just improving your life- you're helping to shape their impressions of fitness and healthy living too!
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I have a 20 month old who loves to try to workout with me. The 10 week old falls asleep watching me so its easy with them. Get your kids involved as I know mine love trying to jog with me or jump around! I would die if I woke up 30mins earlier personally so I fit it in when they are quiet or sleeping. Im getting a stationary bike soon so I can do it when theyre in bed or when its nap time. I can ccle for hours, find somethin you love to do and go with it, good luck x
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    Is there another mom you know with fitness goals that you could trade off kid watching with? You watch all the kids for an hour while she works out, then she watches them for an hour the next day while you go. I know some people who do this for kid-free grocery shopping time.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I would go insane with your life.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I'll second the nerdfitness bodyweight series, I like his style and his advice is solid. You may not be able to find 30 straight minutes to do a work out, but maybe you can do leg lifts while you hit snooze in the morning, do pushups before breakfast, squats before lunch, run up and down the steps before dinner, and plank before bed. Boom, you just did a 30 minute work out.

    Don't forget your local library will likely have some exercise tapes or DVDs to shake things up, and it's free.

    If tv is your downtime, you can also turn your favorite tv show into an "Exercise Game" (kind of like Drinking Games from college, but far less destructive...). Every time Alex Trebek says a snooty "I'm sorry" do a push up. Or every time a teenage character rolls their eyes do a squat. When Sponge Bob cackle-laughs, do a burpee. You'll be solid muscle in no time.

    You can do this. Don't be afraid to succeed!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member

    there ya go
    tons of workouts on here. I'll never have time to try them all (I didn't make this list)
    I found it same way you are, someone on mfp posted a link :)

    Also, for workouts you can do with your kids
    just dance or any of the dancing workouts on ps3, xbox, wii etc.
    some of the yoga or dancing can be done with the older ones.

    also, if you just don't have time do some quick strength training 2 -3 times a week.
    15-20 mins. done.
    compound exercises like squats, lunges, push ups
    even better if you have some dumb bells or resistance bands.
    do them as fast as you can with little to no rest in between exercises.

    if you think you don't have time for cardio-
    jump rope, jump squats, doing either of those for more than a min is very hard.
    you could do it while you're waiting for something to cook in the microwave
    sometimes I hold the squat position while I wash dishes
    just whenever you can find a min, it all helps, really!
    and if you just hate doing cardio or don't have time for long workouts
    you really can get by with just doing quick strength training.
    I wish I had started exercising when mine were younger too,
    but you really can do it, and it doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming.

    also, if you have any stairs, or something you can use as a step,
    that's a great workout too
    running up and down the stairs cleaning the house- win-win.
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    I was in the same boat, completely stuck at home. I started running up my driveway and down the neighbour's - looked mad, but worked! I also worked out inside around what I was doing. Lunge walk to the sink to do the dishes, squat while watching TV, bicep curling groceries. I had some cheezy workout DVDs that helped too. I can get out more now but I still use hand weights, a suspension trainer (TRX) and fitball at home, and do exercises like planks, push ups etc.

    My whole journey losing weight with kids is here if you want to have a read

  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member

    M100 is another cardio workout that is super fast, no equipment.
    very challenging even if you are advanced,
    and if you're not in great shape, just do what you can
    and work from there.
  • Hi,

    I don't have a lot of time to go to the gym myself, I have little ones 5 and 2. Instead I turn on the Wii and play Just Dance 4, Dance Work Out and any video game that is physically active and fun for the family. I also let the little ones play for a while. They get a workout and go to bed early.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    i work full time and I have a 17,14.11,7 year old. I workout at 5 am every morning sun is my rest day not really I clean house that day. I have a home gym, so I dont have to go to the gym. I have workout videos, books. There are so many thing you can do walk in place the kids will think its a game. Do squats while you are cooking get a jump rope . get some weights. sit them on your night stand jog in place, walk outside you can get it in. Take kids to the park the swing is a great workout, when my kids was really little I use them for my workout. I can go on and on. You just have to be creative when you have kids. I also put music on when cleaning I dance and get down on the floor scrub the floors and windows I make sure I get a workout and a clean house at the same time. You can do it add me if you like my diary is open.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Ditto getting up earlier than them if you can. That way, you do it, get it crossed off your to do list as well. If you have extreme early risers like mine, carve 30 min where you can whether it's after bedtime, during nap for the little one--your 6 and 4 can do it with you or you can get them involved in play/activity where they are busy (it might take a couple weeks for them to get used to the routine, but they will). Once the weather cooperates, incorporate a lot of play time--do a soccer game, relay races with them, scavenger hunt walks/hikes or whatever--good for you and them! If you have a Wii, get the games others have suggested
  • Seriously, you can make solutions or you can make excuses

    i was never making excuses i was just curious what other people were doin:smile