I am look for like mind people ..

Hi i am Amy AKA Avivah.. I am new here and look for friends who are like me who i can share my weight loss with who will understand what i go threw and all..

I am in to body piercings, tattoo, metal music and gaming

always open to all kinds of people but know that sometime it great to have friend that share the same likes as you .. look forward to meet you


  • NoxiousNoah
    Are those elf ears?!?! Body modification?
  • amyavivah
    no those are my real ears lol.... nothing been change on them but the gauges and metal
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    how many piercings do you have?

    and here's a question i'm sure you get alot...

    do any of them still hurt?
  • amyavivah
    i have 12 of them now i just took out a bunch. only one hurt.. and to be honest it hurt more coming out then going it.. and that was the dermal piercing (permanent piercing) they had to cut it out of my face..
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    ouch. i could never get a piercing. i'm a big baby when it comes to needles and stuff.
  • amyavivah
    i used to be very scared of needles .. but now 25 tattoos and over 20 piercings i am over the fear lol
  • Star0007
    Hello! I am doing the weight "journey" but for me it is more of a life change- be more active like I use to be.... :) - babies change bodies, well my body anyhow. And use to have a whole bunch of piercings, but since have just leveled it out to my ears (8)... lol, sad I know, but there you have it. However Tattoos are a bit of a thing for me... lol, once you get one, gotta keep going back ;)
    Feel free to add me.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    i used to be very scared of needles .. but now 25 tattoos and over 20 piercings i am over the fear lol

    ouch. ouch. ouch. ouch. + 41 more "ouch".

  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    Hi i am Amy AKA Avivah.. I am new here and look for friends who are like me who i can share my weight loss with who will understand what i go threw and all..

    I am in to body piercings, tattoo, metal music and gaming

    always open to all kinds of people but know that sometime it great to have friend that share the same likes as you .. look forward to meet you

    Tats.. Check
    Metal... Check
    Gaming... Check..
    Piercings.. Ok can't say I ever got one of them.. But your cooll..

    So what is your favorite tat and why?
  • amyavivah
    i love all my tats.. i got each one for something but if i had to pic one humm i need to think about it .... i dont think i can pic just one...
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I use to have 10 piercings but had to take my nose stud out.
    I have my belly button and four on each ear.
    I also have three tattoos.
    The breast cancer ribbon on the back of my neck, and then a year later I got wings added to it as well have a symbol on my ankle.
    I want to get two more tattoos going up the side of my leg for my parents.
    Just waiting for the money.
  • amyavivah
    ya i wanting more ink but not sure when still working on my newest one which is a evil cupcake