5'4 Woman Looking to Lose 5 Pounds

I'm now five pounds away from my ultimate goal weight, and while I know that considering I look something like 30-40 pounds by myself (I didn't weigh myself at the very beginning) I should be able to lose these last few pounds easily I'm really struggling to get those last few off, and tone up like I want to.

Really I'm looking for some outside support from people who know this path. Any advice, and morale boosting anyone is willing to give is more than welcome. :flowerforyou:


  • RunningTowardsFit
    Hi! Congrats on reaching the last five pounds. Good Job :) I just lost my last five pounds.
    As far as my advice goes, I will need some more information. What is your current calorie intake, exercise routine, and your current weight, and age. If you do not wish to share on the thread you can add me as a friend and e-mail, etc.

    I am proud you are on your last five, they are not as hard to lose as everyone thinks they are :)
  • AmourDuCorps
    No it's fine, I figure this site is probably one of the safer ones. :wink:

    I'm 130 lbs. and 19 years old, I do three 1 1/2 hour workouts a week which include 40 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weights, and I eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. (Talk about a run-on sentence :laugh:)

    Thanks for the encouragement, you really don't know who much that means. It's the little things from the people who know where you're coming from that really stick.
  • RunningTowardsFit
    Thanks for your response! We are similar in height and were in weight. I maintained at 125 lbs. for an ENTIRE year and just dropped down to 115 lbs. and have been here for about a month or so.
    As far as your diet goes, when you are trying to lose the last five pounds, I found it easier to set my daily intake of calories (on sedentary) on my goal weight. So, I wanted to be 115 lbs so I set my weight to that on MFP. This put me at 1550 calories per day and then I would eat back any calories I earned from exercise. I would encourage you to cut down your cardio to about 30 minutes and do weights for the extra ten. Also, I would increase your calories to 1500-1550 calories per day and then eat back whatever cardio calories.

    Does any of this make sense? Let me know :)
  • AmourDuCorps
    All sounds reasonable, though I admit I'm a touch skeptical about increasing my calories and lessening my cardio. Forgive me for sounding ignorant but wouldn't that do the opposite of what I want? :huh:

    Though considering you have the actual results that I'm trying to get I figure I should probably go with what you say. :laugh:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    All sounds reasonable, though I admit I'm a touch skeptical about increasing my calories and lessening my cardio. Forgive me for sounding ignorant but wouldn't that do the opposite of what I want? :huh:

    nope! the best thing for fat loss is strength training and a small calorie deficit.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You and I are in the same boat. I lost 50 lbs on MFP. I then gaine 15 (honestly, I got to 123 on a diet I had to be on for medical reasons, and it wasn't sustainable and when I got off it, I went up to 135ish). My goal weight is 130.

    Anyhoo. I'm the same height as you....but I'm different in that my goal has a lot to do with body composition. I could do a crazy diet and get down to 123 again, but I didn't like how I looked and I felt weak. I want to be 130 lbs and 16% bf. you can friend me if you want to chat me up about how I'm doing it, or you can look at my blog.

    Good luck!
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    My advice would be to look around a little. You'll quickly go from "I will eat less and I will get skinny fast" to "omg! I wanna be strong and fit and awesome!!!". I don't have any of the links on me because I'm at work, but you'll often find stories from people who lost the weight slowly with strength training and a reasonable calorie deficit and look fantastic! AND they can eat so much more and maintain much more easily.

    I've made a lot of friends that I look up to on here and have a few people on the boards that I just admire from a distance because I'm too shy to friend them :blushing: People here are rad and you'll find yourself more interested in getting fit and toned and strong than losing that last five pounds (which, when done the right way will likely come off slow).

    Welcome to the MFP community. Keep posting and asking questions and making friends and you'll love it here. I promise.