Five Months Till Summer Challenge!

Hi I'm Tina, I am needing some support and motivation to get back in shape for summer. I intend on being in a swimsuit. Summer is June 21st and I want to feel and look great. Does anyone want to join with me? If you do please reply with an introduction and your starting weight and what your goal weight is. I want to check in on every Friday and on that day if there is any progress please post it. I would love to do a before and after photo of myself and If you want you can do that same. Thanks everyone! Can't wait to here back from everyone!


  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I am going to start this by this Friday and the end date will be June 21st
  • _mbrace
    _mbrace Posts: 48 Member
    Im in it. I was doing the insanity but i had to stop because i pulled a muscle in my lower back and have to finish it i lost a total of 20lbs.
    Starting Weight: 246lbs
    Current Weight: 227lbs
    Goal Weight: 165lbs
  • sdrottman
    sdrottman Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in too. I have been a yo-yo weight loser for about 5 years now. At my heaviest I was 226, my lowest I was 133. When I get down to a good weight, I start thinking that if I eat a little more then it is ok. That is never a good thing. We are also going on vacation in early June, so this is perfect.
    Starting Weight: 193.6 lbs
    Current Weight: 189.4 lbs
    Goal Weight: 130 lbs
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    Awesome, Thanks Guys! I am really excited this time, I bought a treadmill and some other exercising equipment. I lost about 20 pounds about 8 months ago and gained about 30 back after going to 3rd shift.

    starting weight 165.00
    Goal weight 115.00
  • poochluvr
    I'm in!! I just started something like this with my family today so I'm all in. :) Prepping for that summer bathing suit!! We're going to look bombbb

    Starting weight: 145
    Goal weight: 115
  • Britbratkins3
    I'm in! I'm ready to be a summer beauty for the first time in my life :) Watch out boys, soon- to -be- babe coming through!
    SW:140 LBS
    GW:120 LBS
  • xomorganjc
    xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in! I want to actually be able to feel confident in a swimsuit and actually have fun this summer!

    Starting weight: 210 lbs
    Current weight: 187 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm in! Though I don't have an accurate current weight as I don't have a scale yet...I should have one soon :)

    HW 195+
    Last known weight 175
    GW 145
  • roxie1118
    I am in..I am new and need to do more to my profile !!! I am back on track today. I weigh 192 and goal is 155-160
  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in! I've already started since the new year but motivation is def needed!

    Starting Weight:220lbs
    Current Weight:216lbs
    Goal Weight:135lbs
  • PandaBandit19
    I want to join! June 22 is my 1 year anniversary and we plan on heading to the beach! I know I may not get a bikini body by then but I can damn well try!

    SW 200
    CW 200?
    GW 120
  • AmeliaMilli
    I would like to join too! Last summer was hell for me since I wasn't brave enough to wear a swimsuit. I want to change.

    Starter weight: 132
    Goal weight: 110
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! Thank you for joining with me!! I will add all of you to my friend list. I just want to say that we can do this!
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    There is also a fantastic app called Runtastic that you can link up to my fitness pal. I absolutely love it, it keeps track of my jogging and work outs. Also we will check in this Friday with our weight and goals, Thanks again for your interest, we are all going to look fantastic by summer!!
  • c_melanson
    c_melanson Posts: 34 Member
    Definitely joining! I went down south last year and didn't wear a bathing suit once while we were there! Gah! Definitely want to wear one this summer and not feel like everyone is staring at me.
    SW 200
    CW ~194
    GW 140
  • Beka_Elizabeth
    I'm in! Good luck to everyone, summer if definitely my biggest motivation!

    HW: 167
    CW: 128
    GW: 112
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, I went to the Crystal River in Missouri to go camping and rafting and I ended up wear this awful two piece grandma swimsuit with the skirt that was supposed to suck in the flabby bits of me and I ended up looking like an elephant trying to squeeze in a bathing suit. I had parts of me that looking something like cookie dough coming out between the top and bottom parts of the swimsuit. It was horrendous. I am NOT going to look that way this summer. I'm going to go to Colorado this year in June and I am going to look fantastic!
  • tinamommy727
    tinamommy727 Posts: 113 Member
    I am only about 4'11 or 5'0 depending on what shoes I am I weigh 165 pounds....and short girl like me is not supposed to weigh that much. Plus the weight is playing havoc on my skin, I am only 35 and got asked if I was my six year old's grandma. That was a wake up call!
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I"m in !!! I need to lose 50 pounds at least!! currently 223.8, want to get down to 175 asap!! good luck. (also - if anyone is on fitbit - you can add me - profile is
  • shaffy08
    I'm in!
    SW: 158lbs
    CW: 140lbs
    GW: 120lbs
    I'm 5'2"