I have never been this disgusted with myself



  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't be upset with the girl in the before pictures. She is the genius that decided you needed to change. You will thank her for motivating you every day. Please don't hate her, she's your number one fan. When you inevitably reach your goal weight, you will show your new picture to your old picture and your new picture won't be upset, she'll be proud, and so will your before picture.

    And that's ignoring the whole 'just had a baby' thing. You just created life, for christ's sake.

    This answer is just beautiful :). That really put a smile on my face!
  • 253down
    253down Posts: 13 Member
    you just had a baby so don't beat yourself up. You can do this. I just jumped on this bandwagon today, but I am retired, usually don't even get dressed during the day, just gown and houseshoes. I have decided I will get up, get dressed, do something with my hair and maybe a little makeup to make myself feel better and more positive. Anything you can do to put a positive spin on it will help.
    Trust me, I lost my youngest son in 2002 to a violent murder to which no one was ever arrested. I thought I could not go on. I have gone on to gain 100 pounds. Now my eldest son is married to a wonderful lady and I have 3 granddaughters. It is time to get this weight off so I can be here for my family and for myself. My dad is 75 and I think he will outlive me. I can do this for myself, and so can you.
    I am so glad I found this group. We can all help each other. Hang in there:smile:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    You are the age I had my son! When I was your age, though, I didn't had a fiancé. I made it through many tough times (Taking my child to school with me (they had a daycare), going to work and getting an apartment of my own). You are in a lot better place than I was. You are very lucky to have a support system. I was on my own @ 17 and pregnant. I am now 38 and have a 20 year old and a 4 year old. I met the right man and married him. Long story short, please listen to the positive self talk in your profile.

    "You are worth every pound lost. You are amazing". You have given birth and that is something to be proud of! Don't beat yourself up -you will get there. Spend time with your baby-time is more precious than anything. Before you know it that baby will be 20!
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Don't be upset with the girl in the before pictures. She is the genius that decided you needed to change. You will thank her for motivating you every day. Please don't hate her, she's your number one fan. When you inevitably reach your goal weight, you will show your new picture to your old picture and your new picture won't be upset, she'll be proud, and so will your before picture.

    And that's ignoring the whole 'just had a baby' thing. You just created life, for christ's sake.

    ^^^ brilliant ! :)
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Don't be upset with the girl in the before pictures. She is the genius that decided you needed to change. You will thank her for motivating you every day. Please don't hate her, she's your number one fan. When you inevitably reach your goal weight, you will show your new picture to your old picture and your new picture won't be upset, she'll be proud, and so will your before picture.

    And that's ignoring the whole 'just had a baby' thing. You just created life, for christ's sake.

    Of course-best reply ever-you are awesome! Sweet
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I did the same thing yesterday and was just as upset! Sucks!
    We are our own worst critic!
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Two weeks after a baby we ALL look like ****. Of course your stomach looks big. It will go down and things will work themselves back to normal. It takes time and nutrition/exercise. You can do this.

    Congratulations on the birth of your child. Congratulate yourself for being a Mom and don't beat yourself up for the effects it has had on your body. You will get to your goal. Hang in there.
  • lauraping05
    Delete those pictures immediately! This is about getting to a place where you feel good not rubbing your nose in the fact that you aren't where you want to be. Besides you will know what the after is like when you see the difference in clothes, you don't need photos! And, girl if you had a baby 2 weeks ago you need to ease up. It took 9 months to put the weight on, you have to give yourself at least 9 months to take it off. It is only fair. Remember to be kind to yourself. That will help your health as much as anything.
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    You will do wonderful.. The before pics sometimes is a reminder to me when i feel like going off track that the before pics is a place i never want to be again,
    You will be glad that you took the before pics after you lose the weight. i had lost 40 lbs but never took pics and deleted everyone elses so whe I had dropped 40 lbs I had no compare pics. Oneday at my job I came across on of me at the heaviest weight and when i seen the pic I was shocked.. Just let it be the old you and a place you don't want to be.You just had a baby so be fair to yourself and just store them away if you need to. Chin up pretty girl!
    Best of luck..
    I sent a friend request ..
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    Don't be upset with the girl in the before pictures. She is the genius that decided you needed to change. You will thank her for motivating you every day. Please don't hate her, she's your number one fan. When you inevitably reach your goal weight, you will show your new picture to your old picture and your new picture won't be upset, she'll be proud, and so will your before picture.

    And that's ignoring the whole 'just had a baby' thing. You just created life, for christ's sake.

    ^ This is so incredibly sweet, honest, and heart-warming. Agreed!! You will be fine!! Starting is the hardest part. Congrats on taking the first step. :D
  • aubdobalina
    aubdobalina Posts: 10 Member
    I think 'disgusted' is a really harsh word, but I understand the feeling of not liking what you see in the pictures. My advice is to think of the people that you love and care about the most, and think of how you react when they do something that disappoints you. I bet you still love them and give them more chances...I think you should extend that same courtesy to yourself. HUGS!
  • MrsAnderson_GettingHealthy
    Everyone really is so helpful and supportive on this site. I already have depression and seeing myself in a different light made it worse rather than better. I deleted the pictures off of my phone but, I swear to keep them on my profile and computer in order to work towards my "new" body. I can't wait to compare pictures and I guess that rather than dwelling, I should think about what I have accomplished. My gorgeous daughter thinks that I am amazing no matter what, I should take a page out of her book.
    I'm 19 years old, I shouldn't be this large at such a young age but, I am not going to let it go on!

    Thanks so much, everyone! :)
  • ltweaver
    Don't be upset with the girl in the before pictures. She is the genius that decided you needed to change. You will thank her for motivating you every day. Please don't hate her, she's your number one fan. When you inevitably reach your goal weight, you will show your new picture to your old picture and your new picture won't be upset, she'll be proud, and so will your before picture.

    And that's ignoring the whole 'just had a baby' thing. You just created life, for christ's sake.

    Could not have said it better.
  • krissa3670
    krissa3670 Posts: 76 Member
    Firstly huge congrats on the birth of your baby. A true blessing. Secondly please dont be so hard on yourself. You just did an amazing thing. Beauty comes from the inside not the outside. You have just been through the first part of an amazing journey, now it continues as your little one grows. Your partner loves you for who you are on the inside. Yes i have been there, i have two grown up children and i never got rid of my baby belly but that was my own fault, i didnt try, i had no motivation. Now i do. I have great support on here. Please feel free to add me if you like. We can do this together. Your not alone.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Hi two weeks after a baby a thin body wouldnt have pulled back into shaep! It is a long time since I had my babies.
    A good exercise is to lie on back knees bent feet on floor slightly apart. With your hand support the sides of your stomach
    pushing to the middle then curl torso up gently and down. This helps centre of abdominal muscles to mend after being stretched
    apart in pregnancy . Do a few at a time during the day! :)
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    You're 18 years old, full of life and energy. With a little commitment on your part and maybe a swift kick in the pants from your MFP friends form time to time, you got this. Now, enough posting for the day, you got work to do.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    well not sure this will cheer you up but here goes, try taking your before pictures now and then in 6 months from now having to retake them again because you never got off the start line!
    yup.. see... it could so be worse lol
    do not let this happen to you... (been there , done that).
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Congrats on your new baby!! And yes!! you most def can get to your wanted size!! So many, many success stories on this website and YOU! will be one too.....heck you are already a success....all you are doing now is enhancing :):smile:
    We're all in the same boat.
    Just set your goals for slow, steady and lasting results. Follow the MFP recommendations, and be dedicated to yourself and these goals. You can do it!
    Constancy here is the diet and exercise you do after you get tired of doing the diet and exercise you already did.
    Perseverance brings victory....ALL IS POSSIBLE :flowerforyou:
  • rush2875
    i felt the same way but am glad i took them. once you get farther into your journey you be able to look back and compare
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    I just took my before pictures last night and boy did I cry when I saw them. I see something completely different when I look in the mirror. I was horrified. My friend said a wonderful thing to me, though, she said "Part of this process is learning to love yourself". It's so true. We can look at ourselves and be disgusted or we can change the way we look at ourselves and think "This is a beautiful work in progress". Or something positive like that.