Hair falling out! Help

I have lost 94lbs over the last year. I eat very healthy and workout 6 days a week (cardio and weights). Recently my hair has started to come out in large amounts and I can feel how much thinner my hair is now...... HELP!!! What is causing this?!


  • mrspryz
    mrspryz Posts: 11
    Do you suffer from stress? This could be one reason why it's falling out.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Go to your doctor.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    I have lost 94lbs over the last year. I eat very healthy and workout 6 days a week (cardio and weights). Recently my hair has started to come out in large amounts and I can feel how much thinner my hair is now...... HELP!!! What is causing this?!

    Hello, I am no Doctor but I deal with this question every day because I am a hairstylist....I always tell my clients they need to see a doctor when there is excess hair coming out....They may be health issues causing this...or not enough vitamins... Never play around with your health!
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    I agree go to your doctor....thyroid conditions can cause this too!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    There are LOTS of different reasons why your hair may fall out. When I lost a lot of weight a long time back, my hair thinned a bit, but I went to my doctor and he said it was normal. It could also be a thyroid issue, an auto-immune issue, alopecia, etc.

    Point is - go see your doc. Do not rely on an online diagnosis.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    That happened to my mom when she lost her weight, it was falling out in clumps. It was because she was not eating enough calories. Hers was extreme, she was eating 800 calories a day and walking 8 miles a day. She was obsessed. It was not healthy.

    I am not say that is your case. Stress and thyroid could do it too. But if you are not getting enough calories, you might want to look at that too.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Go to the doctor, I found out my thryoid was causing so many issues and one is my hair falling out
  • t1sh
    t1sh Posts: 13 Member
    This happened to me last year. It really worried me .Everytime I ran my fingers through it , it would come away in my hand. I hear it's common in runners , so maybe it's the cardio. I stopped running for 2 months and my hair seemed to thicken . I have just started running again so will be interested to see if the same thing happens this time. I've also heard it could be a seasonal thing , more common as we age . I'm 37 , how old are you ?
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    It's gluten.
  • Rebekahforan
    I have also lost a lot of weight this year, 111 pounds. My hair is falling out also. I have even been getting bald patches. My doctor says I need to increase my protein and eat more. Even though, I think I eat well I am actually between 500-1000 calories a day under. I hope your hair comes back soon.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I have lost 94lbs over the last year. I eat very healthy and workout 6 days a week (cardio and weights). Recently my hair has started to come out in large amounts and I can feel how much thinner my hair is now...... HELP!!! What is causing this?!

    Eating healthily is eating enough overall calories and of every nutrient to maintain your health, that is tough to so whilst losing one and a half to two pounds a week and exercising so often. My guess would be you are not eating half as healthily as you think.

    Get checked out by your doctor in the mean time start eating at maintenance, make sure you are eating a nutritious diet, ALL the nutrients your body needs, ALL the food groups. Try taking a break then cycling your training, even athletes do hard and easy days, hard and easy weeks.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    I've had 2 instances so far where I felt my hair falling out in clumps almost.. I'm only 28 and when I went to the doctor, all she said was lets get a blood test for thyroid.. did that.. test came back and there was no problem with thyroid. I said so what next.. she said.. you should probably cut your hair...... yeahhhh ok. Smart doctor I tell ya. Anyways I'd love to help you but I had the same issue. It started falling out the first time for about 2 months or less.. then.. it stopped.. about a year later.. it happened again and stopped. It's not stress because I don't stress easy, otherwise at the time the doctor didn't suggest much else, she said it was "normal".. I told her no.. its not. But she carried on about cutting my hair shorter.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    My hair thins a little every winter. Jan and Feb. My scalp is dry and my hair falls out some. Then it warms up and it fills out again.
    I also had lost 50 lbs 2 years ago, in a very short period of time. My hair thinned then too. That time I went to the Dr. had all the blood work done. Dr said it was from the loss of fat on my scalp. It disturbed the roots.

    Go to your Dr and have it checked out. That is if you have insurance.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    many weightloss surgery patients lose hair after about 3-6 months of being on a vitamin & healthier eating routine... the doctors explain it as a shock to the system as well as the follicles reation to getting rid of the gunk in the bloodstream... Most of these patients hair start to grow back thickers & halthier than ever...

    PS... Biotin is a great supplement for hair/skin/nails...
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    many weightloss surgery patients lose hair after about 3-6 months of being on a vitamin & healthier eating routine... the doctors explain it as a shock to the system as well as the follicles reation to getting rid of the gunk in the bloodstream... Most of these patients hair start to grow back thickers & halthier than ever...

    PS... Biotin is a great supplement for hair/skin/nails...

    Mainstream medicine usually describe it as down to the shock of the operation, severe calorie or macronutrient restriction. Biotin is no more important than a raft of other nutrients for hair.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    It's gluten.

    That is usually my go-to answer. But it could be. I am Celiac and impacted my skin. You might want to check that out. I know if impacts the hair.

    Gluten is evil, more evil than those calories.
  • LetsGetFitMama
    I agree with everyone about seeing a dr. Sometimes it is just because you are lacking in nutrients so maybe some more vitamins or minerals are needed as they may be lacking. Sometimes our diets don't give us all we need and even though eating "healthy" we can still deal with malnutrition. At least that is what the dietitian told my b/f. Good luck though!
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    A very common side effect (though not very well known) of birth control pills is hair loss. Have you recently changed what type your are on? Or recently gone on/off bc?

    Everyone elses suggestions were really good. I would get a blood test that tests your overall health (looking at white blood cell count, vitamins, etc) as well as getting your thyroid checked out. Taking a multi vitamin may be beneficial as well.
  • Speedtrap
    Speedtrap Posts: 216
    Hair loss is quite common with rapid weight loss.
    If you look at any Bariatric forum most of the people in there get it, it tends to be from lack of protein. If you up you protein to 90+ grams a day I would be willing to bet the hair loss would stop.

    I do agree with the others to see a doctor and get any tests they recommend but try adding more protein in your diet and see if that helps.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    My hair once started falling out because of stress, got over that. The next time was when I decided to treat myself to Biolage shampoo, BIG mistake. I went back to Tresemme and all is fine.