Cardio + Weight Training Question...

Hey all!

I've been going to the gym for about a year now, (starting to go everyday) I had a free appointment with a fitness instructor, she asked what I wanted out of this, and I said to lose weight but gain muscle,... So she put me on a plan, anyways, my first question is that she said the best thing to use to burn calories is the "ARC TRAINER", I like to use it but for some reason after about 15 min I give up, is their anything that can make it fun? (either I give up or my feet start to hurt) :grumble:
I'd really like to go on it for 30-45 min at the min,.... (as that's mostly my exercise during the day, other than taking the dog for a 15-20 min walk)
A second thing, I've started the weight training too, (abs, biceps, triceps, etc) Basically all around toning,... the thing is since I've started I've gained about 1.2 lbs, is that just muscle weight? Like does muscle weigh more than fat?
'Cause I still look skinnier than I used to a couple months ago, but I gained a bit for some reason,.. Sorry if the questions sound really stupid! I've just never really weight trained before,... :ohwell:


  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Your muscles are likely retaining some water in order to repair from training.

    It's usually difficult to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. To lose weight you need a caloric deficit. To put on muscle, you need a caloric surplus. However, that doesn't mean you can't get stronger while losing weight. And I highly commend the effort to lift weights -- it will do wonders for your body.

    My personal opinion re: making the "ARC TRAINER" fun is that exercise will only become a habit when you enjoy it. Do you like to run, bike, swim, etc? Maybe that will be better for you than some machine with the claim it burns the most calories. You know what does? Something you do because it's fun, you'll stick with it longer.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    1 lb muscle = 1 lb fat. Most likely the weight you gained is water weight caused by your dody retaining water in order to help your muscles recover after a workout; give it a few days and the body will release the water, PROVIDED you're drinking plenty of water so it will release it. Plenty of water = 1/2 your body weight in ounces. Seems like a lot now, but as you lose weight the amount your body needs will go down.
  • akrepel85
    A pound of muscle takes up the space of a lime in your body and a pound of fat takes up the space of a grapefruit. A pound is a pound, but what makes up a pound is much different.
  • k5oddo
    k5oddo Posts: 4
    To make my cardio fun, I do interval training. You can do longer or shorter intervals. The point is, to get your heart rate up real high and then rest until you catch your breath, and repeat. I do these on the tredmill or running outside. Personally, I prefer to do very high intensity (sprinting) for 20 seconds, walking 40 seconds. I actually find it fun sprinting as fast as I can. You will be AMAZED at how you feel afterwards. My whole body gets sore sometimes. My brother is a personal trainer and claims that it is the best way to burn tons of calories not only during your workout but for the rest of the day as well. Hope this helps!