Not a fan of breakfast

So I don't like eating breakfast. I don't crave food AT ALL until about 11 am. I've always felt this way even as a kid. My mom always made us eat cereal or eggs before school and I always ate less than half cause I had no appetite.

Do I have to eat breakfast? I'm eating twice a day and have 2 snacks during the day to keep me full until dinner.

Is this unhealthy?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Meal timing is about personal preference only.

    Eat when you want.
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    I would be concerned about this ONLY if you tend to binge or get really hungry at night. In that case, your body is probably compensating in the morning by not being hungry at all and you might be better off training your body to eat at more appropriate intervals.

    It's all about personal preference, but I used to feel the same way and now breakfast has because my most essential meal.
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast fan either, and I don't eat it everyday. Mornings are usually pretty hectic around here, so I don't ever have time to make breakfast. My kids aren't big breakfast fans either. I have to be at work by 7:30 and in order for me to have time to eat breakfast, I'd have to wake up really early. I usually just have some toast, or a yogurt or something if I'm really hungry.
  • silversnake84
    silversnake84 Posts: 17 Member
    I never ate breakfast, for over 15 years and since I've started on MFP over 6 months ago I've never missed a breakfast since. Granted I don't have the same hectic schedule as you but you can always make time and once you start doing it regularly, your body will just adapt and then you will need it. Try just mixing greek yoghurt and fruits in a container and bring that with you, it's quick and easy. I eat my breakfast at work, always leave cereal box in case I can't get a normal breakfast in.

    It is the most important meal of the day and it has obviously helped me in my weight loss journey so try to incorporate it.
  • thenance007
    thenance007 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm like you--not hungry till 11. I'm a 3 pm - 9 pm eater. After reading responses here saying it's ok to shift your eating to later in the day, I'm finding it much easier to control my calories. As a matter of fact, I sometimes have difficulty eating them all. Yesterday I ate 5 oz. of turkey for lunch at 2 pm, then went to Red Lobster and had shrimp linguine alfredo, grilled shrimp, green beans, and a cheddar bay biscuit for dinner--ate about half of everything and was stuffed. And hadn't broken 1,000 calories and 60 grams carbs for the day.

    I feel better about it after reading Gary Taubes' "Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It" (excellent, by the way!). He says that for a period of time after we eat, we use that food for energy., but on a low carb diet, we then switch to burning our own fat and continue to do so until the next time we eat. I figure that the later I have my first meal, the longer I'm burning fat!
  • jillbeanschoop
    jillbeanschoop Posts: 61 Member
    Actually, breakfast does matter to your body. I'm a diabetic and I have learned that if you don't eat breakfast your sugars actually spike higher in the morning than if you do eat breakfast. If you are even remotely close to being at risk for diabetes, eat breakfast and move your body. You don't have to run or do anything enormously difficult; just get out there and MOVE. Exercise of any kind helps the cells in your body accept insulin. Even walking around the block helps. I have always been a walker but I would have walked even more if I had understood this - and eaten breakfast more. Once you get started, I think you will find that you miss not having breakfast.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I just add protein powder to my coffee.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I'm not hungry until about 10 if I get up at 7:30. I have coffee then eat when I get hungry. If home I have eggwhites and veggies, if really not that hungry or rushed, I make a smoothie. A smoothie might be the way to go for you, fruit with greek yogurt with a straw that you can sip on while doing other stuff. Not a big production like actually having to sit and eat when you don't want to.