So I just opened my new fitbit one, and set it up.. and it's saying 1361 calories burned? But I haven't worn it yet, so what's that about?

Is this an estimate of what someone my height, weight & age burns in a day? Cause if so then that's super low & I'm consuming 1300 so I've got a deficit of nothing!! Help!


  • Good question and I wondered this when I got mine yesterday but I think that it comes down to: Day one wont' be accurate. It's already calculated calories burned based on being tossed around in the box/bag.

    I don't think there's a way to manual reset it upon first use, it will auto reset at midnight. I may be wrong but I looked everywhere yesterday to try and reset mine.
  • harmonyh10
    harmonyh10 Posts: 58 Member
    Yea I wouldn't think day one would be accurate, it is telling you what it estimates you have burned so far today without accounting for you wearing it.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Day one, as MissyGorman said, won't be accurate. It will, however, automatically "burn" calories for you once you've put your height / weight into the system. It will figure out your BMR and keep it logged per minute. For instance, if your BMR is 2000 calories a day, it will automatically give you a burn of 5.6 calories per minute. Your exercise and additional activity will be lumped on top of this.
  • To add: I made a mental note of the starting number (which thankfully for me was only like 300 calories) and just counted everything burned from that number on.
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    So I just opened my new fitbit one, and set it up.. and it's saying 1361 calories burned? But I haven't worn it yet, so what's that about?

    Is this an estimate of what someone my height, weight & age burns in a day? Cause if so then that's super low & I'm consuming 1300 so I've got a deficit of nothing!! Help!

    Yes, it's an estimate of what someone your height, weight, and age burns from midnight up until this point in the day, just by living. Even after day 1, if you don't wear your fitbit for a day, it will still have a count of calories burned. And that number will continually go up throughout the day until it resets and starts over at midnight for the next day. When you wear the fitbit, the calories burned are these "burned just by living" calories, as well as calories burned by walking.
  • lozzieemayjenkins
    lozzieemayjenkins Posts: 71 Member
    Okay thanks everyone, I get it now! They really should include a more detailed instruction manual!
  • lmjeff1973
    lmjeff1973 Posts: 1 Member
    I am really a newbie to FitBit...I just got my FitBit One yesterday & I was really confused. I got it set up & synced w/ my IPhone, no problem. But I've been using MyFitnessPal & it has me eating 1200 calories a day & so far I've lost 15-16 lbs. Well I wanted my FitBit to use this as well...but it's doing it's own thing.

    First of all it did state I had burned calories & I had not even worn it yet. Plus it was taking what was on MyFitnessPal & adding it to what's on FitBit & doubling everything.

    I wore it to sleep last night I & it worked perfectly with waking me up & tracking my sleep...however, it said I burned like 684 calories in my sleep which was quite puzzling.

    This little thing wasn't cheap & I really was looking for more accuracy...
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am really a newbie to FitBit...I just got my FitBit One yesterday & I was really confused. I got it set up & synced w/ my IPhone, no problem. But I've been using MyFitnessPal & it has me eating 1200 calories a day & so far I've lost 15-16 lbs. Well I wanted my FitBit to use this as well...but it's doing it's own thing.

    First of all it did state I had burned calories & I had not even worn it yet. Plus it was taking what was on MyFitnessPal & adding it to what's on FitBit & doubling everything.

    I wore it to sleep last night I & it worked perfectly with waking me up & tracking my sleep...however, it said I burned like 684 calories in my sleep which was quite puzzling.

    This little thing wasn't cheap & I really was looking for more accuracy...

    Your body burns calories even when you sleep. The fitbit tracks your total calories, not just your exercise calories. Even when you're totally sedentary your body is working keeping you alive - fitbit includes that burn.
  • lsigall
    lsigall Posts: 58 Member
    It's what others have said. The FitBit estimates how many calories you burn just for living. You do burn calories while you are sleeping, so that is why it is showing you that. It's based on the FitBit calculation of your basal metabolic rate (BMR, based on height, weight, age). Of course, you burn more calories when you are physically active, but that is above and beyond your BMR.

    Here's a link to calculate your BMR, so you will understand what FitBit is doing: