
My name is Valerie. I have just started here and it is definitely an eye opener. I have lost 31 lbs since August due to a new diabetes med that I started. It feels great so I really want to keep it up. I plan to work at it this time. Only 70 more to go. And about me: I have been married for almost 19 years. I have three kids. My oldest daughter will be 18 in 3 days :cry: , My son is almost 8 and my youngest (girl) is almost 6. I have absolutely no excuse for my weight except myself. I gained weight with each pregnancy and didn't lose any afterwards. I'm lazy and I admit it. I also like to eat, none of it healthy. This is not an excuse but my youngest is a special needs child. She was born with Epidermolysis bullosa (check it out at debra.org). She does take more of my time but just having kids takes time. I have to quit making excuses for myself. Can't wait to "meet" all of you here and encourage as I can.


  • Hey Valerie. I have 2 girls. Same age group as yours. an 8 yr old and a 6. My 6 yr old is also a special needs child and I know the feeling. I have a goal to lose 10 to 12 lbs. I get up at 5 just so i can go to the gym a few times a week bc that is the only time i have. Dont know how i run a house, 3 x a week work, hairdressing in my home at all different hours of the day and a mother in law that lives downstairs from me. but I want it . So we do what we have to do. We can do it. Good luck. Angela
  • Hi I'm new too been here 3 days and been very good so far and intend to stick with it. I too have no one to blame but me for my weight gain but ive tried blaming everyone and everything and it doesn't help. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me to your friends for support :smile: