Weight loss stopped 2 weeks in - starvation mode?



  • gabiii1989
    Thank you all for your advice! I've read through and there's so many differing opinions that I'm not sure what to do! I'll have a little think and decide how to proceed for the next few weeks/month or so. I think I'll up my calories to 1300 and remain at a low calorie diet for a bit longer to try and shift some of the weight. I am going out for a meal tomorrow and I've decided to allow myself to eat whatever I want, and then just fruit/veg/salad at home so I'll be going over my calorie limit. Perhaps that will do what a few of you have suggested by shocking my body when I eat lower calories the next day again, although I'm a bit worried that only one day of eating more won't have the same effect?

    If going to 1300 still produces little result in the next few weeks I'll go up to my BMR/TDEE calculations (the lowest one recommended was 1621 which seems reasonable, although I do feel it's quite a lot) and see if that helps.

    Thank you again for all your advice and support! Really overwhelmed by how helpful a community you are :)!
  • tsdaughe
    Go here :http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/

    Calculate your BMR and your TDEE. Don't eat below your BMR and as long as you eat below your TDEE you will lose weight. I eat 1520 calories a day at 165 lbs. I set my acitivity to lightly active and don't log when I clean the house, do normal errands activities. Instead I use a heart rate monitor and only log when I run, walk, etc. and then eat those calories back. I am losing inches and fat. I haven't weighed myself in several weeks. What you are eating is way to low especially for where you are starting. You could eat 1800 calories a day and lose weight easily. Best of luck and don't get discouraged. Try to measure yourself and keep track of inches versus weight loss because that will show you how your body is changing over time even when the scale doesn't move.
  • tsdaughe
    Also, figure out what you were eating prior to starting this journey. I imagine going down to even 1300 calories is drastic. The more you can eat and lose weight the more likely you will stick to your weight loss. I would say if I can lose at my weight that you could easily eat between 1600-1800 and lose weight.
  • sherylfa
    sherylfa Posts: 2 Member
    Good advice!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would see what MFP recommends for weight loss for .5 lbs a week and eat anywhere between that 1230 and the higher number. On days you aren't hungry, you can stick to the lower numbers. On days you are going out, are tired, hungry, or just feel you need more, you'll know your number that you can eat up to and still be losing. (This doesn't really have anything to do with starvation mode but more sustainability.)
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    You said you were 200+ lbs?? I am 175 lbs and I eat 1672 cals a day, sleep a lot as well and get in atleast 150 cal burn a day... you NEED to eat more calories.. I would aim for nothing less than 1400!!

    This... yes! I found out the hard way that I wasn't eating enough... don't be a do do bird like me.
  • lovingrn
    lovingrn Posts: 27 Member
    I think your Calorie Level is too low. I started at 264 lbs. and have lost 26 lbs. in a month and a half. My Calorie Goal is higher than yours.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Don't get disheartened. Weight loss isn't always predictable and doesn't seem to follow set patterns at times. You may you lose a large amount the next week. Your body doesn't know your checking it weekly to see if it's behaving itself and shedding fat lol. It will dump excess fat when it's ready, if you've been eating at a deficit it will happen.

    i agree! my husband stalled out for 3 weeks, didnt lose a pound... he stuck with it, in over this past weekend, boom! he lost 2.7 pounds, then monday, another 2.4 pounds from that... went from 243 on friday (247 for 3 weeks) to 237 in just a matter of days... it all catches up and evens out... just stick with it!
  • fatlossburn703
    There is no good food to lose weight. It is all about calorie deficit, eat less calories than your maintenace calories to lose fat. You can even lose fat with fast food or your so called 'broscience/ dirty' food as long as you eat less than your maintenance calorie.

    fatlossburn.com -Do this or choose other program that you like.