i have weight loss questions i need HELP

I have questions that I would like help on NOT rude people being nasty & basically calling me stupid.

I have gotten SO many different answers from everyone & everything.
I am trying to lose weight the right healthy way so as much help & support will gladly be taken.

I am 5'6 I weigh 146lbs I am 19
I exercise 3 to 4 times a week doing cardio & weight training

I would like to get to 120-125

I am currently on a 1500 calorie diet. I have people telling me im starving myself even though im full & that I wont lose weight. Unless I eat 1800 calories a day. & others that say I am on track to losing weight & have the right idea.

How much am I supposed to eat to lose up to 1lb a day? Help me out so I can have success.


  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Using this site, http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/, it calculated your BMR at 1511 calories (what you need to eat to maintain your weight).

    Depending how much you move during the day (without exercise) your TDEE could be from 1700-2600 calories). Let's say you walk alot between classes and put it at 2000 calories. Eating at around 1500 would gear you for 1 lb/week. I'd say stick with what you're eating, eat back most if not all your exercise calories, be patient and stick with it. MFP builds in a calorie loss, thus the whole eating back the exercise calories.
  • kelemurphy
    kelemurphy Posts: 4 Member
    Myfitnesspal should calculate the Calorie intake for you ? Be sure to complete your settings. Depending on the activity you do in a day your daily calorie intake will change . Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. i think your calcuation will show around 1600. and i you burn 500 with activity you will beable to eat 2100 and cont to drop the pounds
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    At 5'6" and 146 pounds you are at a healthy weight. Losing a few additional pounds would still keep you in that healthy range...where as losing 20 pounds is unrealistic and unhealthy. Forget the scale and lose the 'want to lose one pound a week' mindset. If you want to see changes in your body - lift heavy weights, if you can do more than 12 reps it's too light, make sure your getting enough protein (80 to 100) grams. Go back to eating 1800 cals a day. Not hungry enough for that extra 300 calorie more then you're eating now? Try a couple tablespoons of peanut, or a handful of nuts, avocados, olive oil....a little bit of any of these foods boost your calories.
  • trkilpatrick
    trkilpatrick Posts: 37 Member
    The healthy way to lose weight is to give your body what it needs to survive and use the nutrients to your advantage. I recommend using this site to find your TDEE and go from there.:
    I did yours based on the numbers you listed and with a low amount of activity, and it says that to MAINTAIN your weight, you would have to consume about 2000 cals per day. To lose fat with a 20% cal reduction, 1655 is the number it spit out. You may want to adjust that if you do more activity. More activity = more calories needed to support your body!
    I have read a lot about the ratio of protein to fat to carbs and most will say that the closer that you can come to about equal on all is best.
    One thing i know FOR SURE is that depriving your body (eating under BMR) will make you plateau and sometimes even gain. Also, I am afraid that losing 1lb per day is not practical. You didn't gain extra weight a pound a day so coming off is going to be a process as well. But it is great that you are on your way with the cardio and weight training. I think you will get the body that you want if you continue this process and don't deprive yourself of the things your body needs to support the activity that you do day to day.
    Good luck to you!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member

    How much am I supposed to eat to lose up to 1lb a day? Help me out so I can have success.

    Did you mean to say "lose up to 1lb a day"?

    Healthy weight loss is up to 2lbs per week and at the weight you are, you don't have enough weight to lose to expect quick losses that are healthy and sustainable.

    Set your goal to 0.5lb per week. You shouldn't strive to lose a lot at the weight you are.
  • Sheilagh85
    Sheilagh85 Posts: 33 Member
    At 5'6" and 146 pounds you are at a healthy weight. Losing a few additional pounds would still keep you in that healthy range...where as losing 20 pounds is unrealistic and unhealthy. Forget the scale and lose the 'want to lose one pound a week' mindset. If you want to see changes in your body - lift heavy weights, if you can do more than 12 reps it's too light, make sure your getting enough protein (80 to 100) grams. Go back to eating 1800 cals a day. Not hungry enough for that extra 300 calorie more then you're eating now? Try a couple tablespoons of peanut, or a handful of nuts, avocados, olive oil....a little bit of any of these foods boost your calories.

    Exactly what she said! Also if you are already in a healthy weight range it will be very hard to lose that 1 lb a week without going on a VLCD...which in my opinion are a waste of time, energy, and usually money.
  • XkatnipX
    Up to 1lb a week **
    Not day
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    At 5'6" and 146 pounds you are at a healthy weight. Losing a few additional pounds would still keep you in that healthy range...where as losing 20 pounds is unrealistic and unhealthy. Forget the scale and lose the 'want to lose one pound a week' mindset. If you want to see changes in your body - lift heavy weights, if you can do more than 12 reps it's too light, make sure your getting enough protein (80 to 100) grams. Go back to eating 1800 cals a day. Not hungry enough for that extra 300 calorie more then you're eating now? Try a couple tablespoons of peanut, or a handful of nuts, avocados, olive oil....a little bit of any of these foods boost your calories.

    This completely!! If at this weight you think you are fat and need to lose 20lbs then you might want to consider talking to someone because there are some other issues going on. I say this with all best intentions for your well being. I'm 5'2" and 125lbs would be fine for me but not you.
  • XkatnipX
    I was under the impression that the healthy weight was between 120-155?
    So a more realistic goal would be 5-10lb loss & to tone up?

    I am unable to make it to the gym because of my schedule so 3-4 days out of the week at home I do
    Legs&back p90x
    Plyometrics p90x
    shoulder & arm p90x. (I used to do the program & came from 174 tp 155 on it but loaned them out & only have those now)
    or I walk

    So stop eating 1500 & bump up to around 1800? And this will help me get to where I want?

    I really appreciate all the responses I am getting
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I was under the impression that the healthy weight was between 120-155?
    So a more realistic goal would be 5-10lb loss & to tone up?

    I am unable to make it to the gym because of my schedule so 3-4 days out of the week at home I do
    Legs&back p90x
    Plyometrics p90x
    shoulder & arm p90x. (I used to do the program & came from 174 tp 155 on it but loaned them out & only have those now)
    or I walk

    So stop eating 1500 & bump up to around 1800? And this will help me get to where I want?

    I really appreciate all the responses I am getting

    I probably misread your original post but I thought you said when you ate at 1800 you lost? So I suggested some foods to boost you from 1500 to 1800. Have you calculated your TDEE? Here's a good site if you haven't already - http://scoobysworkshop.com/ If you calculate your TDEE and eat at 15 to 20 % less that should give you a good deficit. Also are eating your exercise calories back?
  • XkatnipX
    I usually just eat my meals counting it around 1500 then exercise at night before bed
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    I think you should be more focused in losing body fat than the "general weight". If you look in the Success Stories thread you will see a lot of people who tried going down to a weight they wanted only to see that it doesn't look good on them. Later on taking up the challenge to increase your "general weight" without gaining much body fat but instead gaining lean muscle mass. Like me I've seen guys with the same measurements like me at 145-150 lbs same height but look more sculpted because they're composed of more lean mass than body fat.