Guilt Free Creamy Chocolate Dessert

Hi there,

I love Philadelphia Cadbury's Chocolate Light - but I can never stick to the suggested '30g' portion so I just stay clear of the stuff especially when milk chocolate is so bad for you in comparison to dark chocolate. Instead, My version is a much healthier, cheaper one that tastes good and feels more satisfying! Its also quite high in protein with 5g per 40g serving and tastes creamy, without the calories and fat of using cream!

First, get 10g of dark chocolate. I use Tesco's Ivory Roast brand (72% cocoa) which only contains 55 calories per square and costs 72c for 100g in Ireland. I then melt the chocolate (microwave until soft) and stir in 30g of extra light soft cheese. I use Linessa Light Soft Cheese (lowest calorie brand I could find and the cheapest at 59c in Lidl!) which only contains under 20 calories per 30g serving.

Hence, all you need is:

10g Dark Chocolate (Tesco Ivory Roast Dark Chocolate 74%) = 55 calories
30g Extra Light Soft Cheese (Linessa Light Soft Cheese) = 20 calories

Total: 85 calories

Nutritional Info per 40g:

Calories = 85 calories
Carbs = 6g
Protein = 5g
Fat = 4.5g

Try it out for yourself and see what you think - I'd like to see what others make of it. Note: If its not sweet enough then throw in a dash of sweetner. Hope you enjoy.


If you want a less intense taste and larger portion, use 50g extra light soft cheese, bringing the calorie total to 95 calories!


  • butt2lose
    im going to try that
  • momof2TONI
    I haven't seen those brands in the United States and wouldn't know what to use for substitutions. But it sounds good!
  • jacquirich
    jacquirich Posts: 105 Member
    I will try this
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    No chocolate philly here in Canada...and not familiar with the chocolate brand you are referring to either...but could find a subsitute!
  • skimpyskimp

    Any good quality generic brand of dark chocolate will do (minimum- 70% cocoa solids) and I think the extra light soft cheese is called soft cream cheese in the U.S. such as Philadelphia Fat Free soft cream cheese. Hope this helps! :)