How to beat the cravings in the first week!

Argh im only in week one of starting over but i am really struggling with cravings! Especially tonight! How do you overcome your cravings?


  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I am not gonna lie, it has been really hard for me the first week. I do allow myself to have a yogurt when I am craving something sweet, I have an enormous sweet tooth. OBVIOSULY lol. If I want something salty I have almonds. Not the best I know, I am still working on it myself, but I have been on track the past 5 days doing it, so it has worked for me so far. My desire to be healthy and to be a role model for my kids is stronger than my desire for bad food. I just have to constantly remind myself of that.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I have never ruled out any food! Never denied myself any little thing! I just told myself that I couldn't have it TODAY. If I really wanted a big slice of greasy Pizza (my weakness) I could, but it HAD to fit into my calories for the day. Well, during the week, there wasn't enough time in the day to work off that pizza (because I work alot), but if I still wanted it on Saturday, when I had the time to burn off an extra 700 or 800 calories then I could.

    Sometimes I would get the Pizza on Saturday but most times the craving passed. I didn't want it anymore.
  • mshopey
    mshopey Posts: 125 Member
    You can have anything in moderation.
    I wanted a bacon sandwich today, so i had one.
    I only had 2 slices of bread, whereas before i'd have had 4.
    And just had smaller calorie meals throughout the day.
  • GraceElS
    If you're craving sweet things then options hot chocolate is great! White hot chocolate made with just water is only 44 calories, low in fat and tastes really sweet. So a cup or two of that or any of the other flavours (mint, belgium chocolate, etc etc even just plain hot chocolate) which are even lower in calories will satisfy your cravings but not affect your diet too much (: Bit difficult if you're craving something savoury but at least it covers the sweet cravings!
  • Abi2012
    Abi2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Unsweetened teas! My collection is enormous.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    There is not magic answer, and there never will be. What works for me today, may not work for me tomorrow. Having said that, I like to fill up on water and veggies. Sometimes popcorn with no butter. Yes, it is not generally what I am craving, but it fills the void with things that should not harm me. If I find I'm getting cranky I'll have a one slice peanut butter sandwich. Good Luck
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Make sure to get enough protein and drink lots of water or tea.