First Week In & the Scale Didn't Move! :(



  • Hey you,
    Don't get discouraged; you're not alone : ). Take a look at the last week and see if you have any bad habits (eating late is a big one that prevented weight loss on my end.) This might not be a case though; keep in mind that this is your first week. You could be retaining water or building muscle.
    The great thing about tracking your calories is that you can look back and see what you're eating and when. Take a second look and try to catch anything that might be holding you back..and DON'T GIVE UP or you definitely won't lose the weight!
  • This is exactly what I needed to see! It's been so helpful for me,so thanks for posting. I haven't lost anything in my first week either, so was feeling pretty down about. I will take on board all the comments and continue though.
  • hollyhilton13
    hollyhilton13 Posts: 3 Member
    One more thing! Your weight is going to go up and down, but when you log in every day and look at your progress, you will see that line on the graph moving down. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Starleng
    Starleng Posts: 52 Member
    Did you put the wight on in a week? Noooo, it will take a little longer than a week to take it off. Easy does it.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    one week is not enough time to judge. You are starting out, your body has to get used to what you are doing. give it time, you'll see. I usually lose 2 weeks then nothing the 3rd!
  • lifemember2b
    lifemember2b Posts: 351 Member
    Hmmm, time to give it up, perhaps?

    LOL that was funny..

    I didn't lose any weight the first week either.. I think you have enough advice here to know you have to be patient. Good luck!
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I worked out super hard all week, watched my calories, and I lost *one* pound. When I got off the scale, I would be lying if I said I wasn't sort of disappointed.

    Then I thought about it and I realized that

    1) I had way more energy this week than I normally have
    2) I wasn't constantly hungry, despite "dieting"
    3) I was happy most of this week - like, legit "in a good mood" all week sort of happy
    4) I felt accomplished
    5) This is only an experience in which to learn from. I reviewed my diet and saw that I ate WAY too much sodium and didn't drink nearly enough water. This week, I will focus on fixing that and hopefully see some change next week.

    Regardless, you cannot give up. This "setback" is just an excuse to go back to being the same old person you were on December 31st, 2012. Stick with it - give it 30 days. Take your measurements and revisit them at the end of those 30 days. You can do this!
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing.
    8 weeks for your friends to notice,
    and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.

    Give it 12 weeks... DON'T QUIT!

    You didn't gain the weight in one week, it's unrealistic to think you'd lose it in a week.

    This is good information, I have never heard that!
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    Weight loss is not an easy thing dear. It will take a lot longer than a week to start seeing results and longer still to get the body youwant. Keep with it. You'll get there.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    You should be proud. You started your first week off great! You worked out, you got used to counting your calories. You are off to a great start! Remember, it didn't take you a while to gain that weight, so it will take you a while to lose it. Maybe avoid the scale until after a month and then see how you did. And check your bodyfat percentage, too. I would have months where I wouldn't lose weight, but I'd lose inches because I was swapping fat for muscle.
  • That's not a nice feeling but I'm told that might happen... Be patient
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    Are you eating above your BMR? Are you drinking enough water (most of the times 8 glasses simply isn't enough to flush out your body)? Are you getting enough fiber? I would open up your diary! People can help!
  • netne1970
    netne1970 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't lose hope. I always have the same problem. First of all, you really should measure yourself. You may have lost inches. If you keep up the good work, it will eventually HAVE to pay off. It usually takes my body several weeks to start losing on the scale. It's like my body has to see that I really mean business. I alwasy lose inches first. pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. Do they feel looser? Don't give up. Just keep at it. I have worked hard this week too, and was actually 1 lb heavier this morning. But, I did 1 hour of strength training yesterday so I am usually up a pound the day after. My clothes do feel slightly looser, though and I don't feel as bloated. Don't give up!