Body Bug

I was just wondering if anyone uses a Body Bug like the ones featured on Biggest Loser and if so what you think of it.
Thanks for sharing!


  • williams3023
    A co worker of mine used one from lifetime fitness and lost over 80 lbs...she loves it, but now currently doesnt use one. She used it to lose and now she's using MFP to maintain.
  • cpatt
    cpatt Posts: 38 Member
    I just ordered one and will report back on it. It should be coming in early next week.
  • addicted2sweets
    addicted2sweets Posts: 14 Member
    I just ordered one and report back on it. It should be coming in early next week.

    Thanks, I'm curious on what your findings will be!
  • letsgetit
    letsgetit Posts: 33
    I have one and I really like it... the only down so far is that the food database is not nearly as good as MFP so I still come here when im lazy and just want to point and click vs. entering in my food. It really does give you a look at what you are doing and makes it easier to modify to make things better. The reports are really nice too and I think it motivates you to be more active and eat better to get a bigger deficit.
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94

    I got my Bodybugg yesterday, I wore it to bed and this morning I upload it to see,.... I burned 432 calories sleeping..(that’s due to strength training).

    It’s on sale for 179.00 ….
    Go to or I also used coupon code “bbgcj24" (it worked for me) and save 15.00.

    Also Note: It’s not recommend multiple users on 1 Bodybugg armband. Each armband is linked to a particular Bodybugg online program. Having multiple users wearing the same device simultaneously would negate the accuracy and effectiveness of the overall Bodbugg progam.
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94

    You don't have to use their food database (I'm not, I'm using MFP for that)..I'm only interested in the upload to see the calories burned.......
  • sweetrevenge
    Im absolutely dying to know what a body bug is now. I googled it, but I don't get it. It looks like a toy. What is it?
  • cpatt
    cpatt Posts: 38 Member
    That is awesome! I am so excited for mine to come in. I have been doing a lot of strength training lately too :bigsmile:

    I got my Bodybugg yesterday, I wore it to bed and this morning I upload it to see,.... I burned 432 calories sleeping..(that’s due to strength training).
  • addicted2sweets
    addicted2sweets Posts: 14 Member
    Im absolutely dying to know what a body bug is now. I googled it, but I don't get it. It looks like a toy. What is it?

    The bodybugg system uses a patented process to measure calorie burn.
    The process is based on:
    * Motion: The armband contains an accelerometer that measures motion from multiple perspectives.
    * Steps: The accelerometer counts steps by measuring the distinct patterns created by running or walking.
    * Galvanic skin response: When you sweat, your skin becomes more electrically conductive. This measurement helps the device understand how active you are.
    * Skin temperature: There’s an electronic thermometer inside your armband that monitors how hot you are.
    * Heat flux: When you move, your muscles produce heat. Your armband measures the heat that’s flowing from your body into the environment.
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    I would really like one too, but i cant seem to have it shipped to Canada. Does anyone from Ontario have one or know where to buy one or a similar product in Canada?
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94

    Okay, this morning when I uploaded my BodyBugg, I burned 432 calories sleeping..(that’s due to strength training). .I just uploaded it when I got home, I'm up tp 2057!!!! I'm going to workout.........and upload again...

    Be right back.....
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    I have had my BB since Feb 15th..and LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It is my best friend and goes everywhere with me. With the help of BB, I have lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks (2 of the weeks I went crazy and ate everything that didn't move (hmmm, that may explain my missing tv remote...but I digress)! It allows me so much more freedom with my food (more accurate calorie usage count allows me to eat more calories and feel like it is ok instead of killing myself. It also allows me more freedom with my exercise (there were some that I wouldn't do because I didn't know how to count the calories). It also let me know that some of the info out there about calorie burns are false...some are WAY high and some are WAY low!

    As others have stated, I hate thier website, so I just take the number of calories I burned and have created an exercise for myself that is BB. I only put in 1 minute of exercise on it so I don't skew my "real" exercise minutes then adjust the total number of cals burned.

    For example, BB says I burnt 2500 calories for the day...MFP says I burn 2190 calories by living (this is on your goal breakdown) so I subtract those getting 310 calories. It was a light day, so I walked for 30 minutes and BB says I burnt 195 calories during that time period, so I log 30 minutes walking at 3 MPH for 210 calories. That leaves 100 calories. I then enter BB for 1 minute at 100 calories and all my cal logging is complete.

    In short, I love it. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94

    Okay, this morning when I uploaded my BodyBugg, I burned 432 calories sleeping..(that’s due to strength training). .I just uploaded it when I got home, I'm up tp 2057!!!! I'm going to workout.........and upload again...

    Be right back.....


    Okay, I'm done strength training... uploaded my BodyBugg again... 2427!!!....
  • letsgetit
    letsgetit Posts: 33
    I would really like one too, but i cant seem to have it shipped to Canada. Does anyone from Ontario have one or know where to buy one or a similar product in Canada?

    The company that makes it is bodymedia and I know they have the same thing marketed as Gowear fit that might be available in canada... there is also a version that you get from doctors for probably people severly obese but i'm not sure of what they call that one.
  • Emorriso165
    Mm, I have one and I honestly think you will have just as good of results with MFP for free as with an expensive bodybugg. The bodybugg food diary is obnoxiously bad and the whole set-up just lacks any of the charm or support of MFP. It was a fun toy for a week or two, but I really don't think it gives you anything that MFP doesn't! Save your money and buy a new wardrobe when you lose weight instead :)
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94
    Mm, I have one and I honestly think you will have just as good of results with MFP for free as with an expensive bodybugg. The bodybugg food diary is obnoxiously bad and the whole set-up just lacks any of the charm or support of MFP. It was a fun toy for a week or two, but I really don't think it gives you anything that MFP doesn't! Save your money and buy a new wardrobe when you lose weight instead :)

    I totally agree, the food diary is obnoxiously bad....It's not people friendly but regarding the Bodybugg, you don't have to use their food database (I'm using MFP for that)..I'm only interested in the upload to see the calories burned.......
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I have the gofitwear version (they are both made by the same company). The food diary is not as complete as MFP but they constantly update and change information tools on their site ( based on information provided by users like me. I was very hesitant to buy one because at the time they were almost $500 if you included the display. I got a good deal on one when they had a sale about 6 months later.

    I like that the display beeps when I have met calorie burn, step, moderate and vigorous exercise goals. The sooner I reach all those the better. I have found it useful to see how I really burn calories, how many are burned during sleep and normal daily life. If I had to make the decision again I would have still bought it. It is a good tool and I don't mind having the armband on where a chest strap for a heart rate monitor just is not appealing to me.

    I would recommend it to people with significant amounts of weight to lose as a tool but if you have say 50 lbs or less to lose you may fare better with a good heart rate monitor instead if you don't think a chest strap will bother you.