Trying to get a handle on myself

I'm new to this and trying to get motivated. I'm a 23 year old physical education teacher. I'm active and I know what needs to be done, I've just always had issues with sticking to my plans. I get busy or bored with what I'm doing. I'm hoping that this site will give me a little more structure. Maybe I can meet some people that will help keep me on track as well.


  • cmellison33
    Guess I didnt introduce myself nice enough. Here i go being the loner kid in the corner again lol.
  • mikhague
    mikhague Posts: 4 Member
    can i join you in the corner, no one replied to me too , dont lose heart, go girl lol
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    hey welcome! i have a huge problem with consistancy too and mfp really helps with that it is a great support system :)
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    lol guys stop feeling sorry for yourself and go add people as friends!
  • cmellison33
    There's always room in the corner!...and hey its hard being the new kid lol
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    heres a tip...comment on posts, give advice, motivation, and support and poeple will want you as a friend and then u wont be the new kid :)
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Ah, I know that corner:) And I know knowing what to do but not doing it. Blue crayonz has good advice, though, plus a cool name.
  • PollyJags
    :smile: Believe that you CAN do it & you will. I recently went back on here & I am down 2's a start. Hope you have a super awesome day!