Looking for 30-somethings s to lose 15-20 lbs with!

Hello MFP's! My name is Ulrike and I am looking for fellow 30-somethings who are looking to lose about 15-20 pounds. I am 5'4, Female, currently 158 and looking to get down to 140-145 by my birthday in May. I have lots of support to offer to those who are willing to help support me in my weightloss adventure.
My goal is to lose 1 pound a week so I have the perfect amount of time to reach my goal by May.
Best of luck to you all on your weight loss adventure!


  • I wish I weighed 158. Im at 170+. Im 5'3" and my birthday is also in may. Wrong side of 40 though at 43. Good Luck to you!!
  • ulrike1995
    ulrike1995 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck to you as well! :)
  • meeksfour
    meeksfour Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! My birthday is May 3rd and am 5'4 too. I am looking to loose the same amount so I can reach my goal before our birthdays and Mother's Day Baseball. I have a few mini goals to get me there. Right now I want to get to -10 by the end of soccer season in six weeks... Soccer for my son who is 6. Then treat myself with a spa day! Then work my way to my goal by mid April, however more realistically will me May.

    Ok, friend me if you think I'm worthy of taking this journey with you.

    Oh, is 38 too old? Trick question... Don't answer that ;)
  • ulrike1995
    ulrike1995 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Meeksfour! Lets lose some weight before our Birthdays!!!! :) 38 is the new 28! Lets do this!
  • dancetrix
    dancetrix Posts: 11 Member
    Hi :) I am 20 years old but I'd still love to support you! I just started this site today...
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Hi, I'm 35 and 5'4" and currently weigh 156. I'm trying to get back down to the 135 that I was at last summer.
  • Ready2Serve
    Ready2Serve Posts: 113 Member
    Hey I am 37, i am on board to help out. Will have to keep you all around afterwards because I have another 20 after your 20. I have been doing this a while and have already hit my first 20 pounds as of yesterday (I was not always tracking on here).

    If you all want to just add me.
  • I'm 30, my birthday is also in May, and I'm 157. I'd like to lose the same amount too!
  • ejgngc
    ejgngc Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Em, 5'3" and currently weighing in at 145. My ideal goal is to be at 130 by the time I go on a cruise April 6, but I'll be happy if I'm just back to 135 finally. Look forward to all of us supporting each other! 2013 is our year!! :D