Homeschooling Mommies...

Ok, so I heard the crickets as I typed that, so I know it's a stretch :laugh: ... but are there any of you on here?

Thought I'd see if there are any other homeschooling mama's that want to encourage each other. Not that we want to feed into the idea that SAHM's sit at home on the couch and each bonbons (whatever those are) lol. On the contrary, I know I'm an on the go mom of 4 that barely has had time to think of my own nutritional needs. So... anyone?


  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I don't have children, but kudos to you homeschooling moms!! I know quite a few of you and you guys work your butt's off!!
  • vansolkema1996
    I am a home choolmom, of three. I homeschool my 13 yo and my 5yo. Sometimes it is hard for me to get on here, but it is alway encouraging to meet another homeschooler!
  • mhagoaliemom
    Hi! I'm a homeschool mom of a 16 yr. old son. Doesn't keep me as busy as it did when he was younger. He does most on his own now. I mosty supervise & grade tests. It's the extra curricular activities that keep me busy these day! Love it though! Glad to find some other homeschoolers here!:flowerforyou:
  • melting_mama
    melting_mama Posts: 11 Member
    Oh Great!! I 'm glad there are some homeschoolers on here!!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I'm not a homeschooling mom but I was a homeschooled child and kudos to you.

    In my case homeschooling wasn't a good thing for me but I'm not convinced school would have been any better. BUT homeschooling can be very good! Especially in the American and Canadian society.
  • NaturalMom
    That is awesome that you homeschool. I have been thinking of homeschooling our 14 month old daughter when she gets school age, but for now I am just a SAHM and I totally understand how busy life can get and how our nutritional needs get sidelined. My focus lately has been on preparing healthy family-friendly meals and trying not to snack so much. Best of luck!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hey! I am a homeschooling Mom!! I have 5 kids...two have graduated already and the third is a senior this year. Next year will be completely different for me as I had several miscarriages so my last two are not even in highschool yet.

    I love our homeschooling lifestyle!!!
  • twonabunny
    I work part time and a homeschool mom of two. My youngest(8 year old) was the only one homeschooled. My oldest(13 year old) is in a gifted program in public school. She has recently asked to be homeschooled, getting bored at school. So starting this fall I will have both of them home with me. It's nice to hear from other homeschooling families.:laugh:
  • melting_mama
    melting_mama Posts: 11 Member
    Hey! I am a homeschooling Mom!! I have 5 kids...two have graduated already and the third is a senior this year. Next year will be completely different for me as I had several miscarriages so my last two are not even in highschool yet.

    I love our homeschooling lifestyle!!!

    Congrats on successfully graduating 2!! That's wonderful! I hope to be there someday ;) My oldest is 11 and we had considered private school for her last year, but she very politely asked us to keep homeschooling. So... we have. She went to Kindergarten in the public school and calls it "prison"... I know a little dramatic. lol. I have loved watching my kids learn. It is a beautiful thing to work hard with a struggling reader (my son) and then one day see the light bulb come on!!

    I'm so sorry you had to go through several miscarriages. I had one 2nd tri loss and that was enough. It was emotionally draining and devastating so I can only imagine what women who have more than one go through.

    So... Ok, homeschool mama's how can we encourage each other on this path to fitness. I guess we just post here when we're struggling. ;)

    I'm actually wanting some ideas from all of you as to what you serve your kiddos for lunch. My kids get so stuck on pb and j that I'd like to feed them some fun healthier things... any ideas?
  • NaturalMom
    Re: lunch ideas.
    I am looking for some new ideas, too! I do a lot of grilled cheese, quesadillas, and homemade (organic, free-range, wheat-germ powdered) chicken "nuggets". My daughter is only 17mos and isn't really into anything green (other than green beans) or white. Plus she is lactose-intolerant which makes meals even more challenging. I recently tried making vegan "ravioli" ( and my daughter loves it, but I am running out of creative, dip-able ideas.
    Breakfast and dinners I try to prepare in bulk on the weekend, freeze in individual servings, and microwave for convenience. My daughter doesn't like eggs, tho, either so I end up with a lot of sneaky french toast, waffles, and oatmeal. Any other breakfast ideas would be a huge help to me, too.
    I am really anxious to learn from you other homeschooling moms because I really hope to homeschool my daughter someday, too! :)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    LOL! As the school year starts to come to an homeschooling mothers stop posting! Anyone else feeling the crunch? I need to order my standardized tests today. I live in NY and their laws are ridiculous! We used to live in OH and it was much easier!

    Lunch? oh, you mean you need to feed kids too? Ooops! Just kidding. I am a wonderful mom! On good days I make soup and we eat a nutritious lunch of soup and salads. My kids are all older so gone are the days of pulling out the icecube tray and filling each little cube with a nutritious something for them to snack on or the melt downs because you went too long without feeding. I think this must be why I breastfed them all until they basically weaned themselves (ages 3-4).

    On bad days, they know where the bread or leftovers from dinner are. On really bad days they make lunch for me!:laugh:

    Life is so different when they are older. Your mental problems are much harder but it is less physically exhausting so you have a reserve to deal with the issues.

    In the morning when the kids are waking up we have smoothies. I put yogurt and fresh or canned fruit and some veggie/fruit juice in. Add some extra vit c and acidophilus and they are delicious and nutritious.

    After two hours of schooling they are ready for something else. I try to have yogurt, fruit, hummus, whole wheat pretzels, cheese, etc on hand for snacking. Then lunch which like I said is normally soups, salads and sandwiches. One tip that I do for myself is on Saturdays I bake chicken breasts and freeze them individually. I even weigh them and label the bag so that I know don't have to do it then. This way I always have a quick source of filling protein and they do too.

    I don't think it is a bad thing to stick with what the kids like. I like to experiment with dinner but streamlining the daytime part is not a bad thing. I don't want to think too much about that part. I am too busy cramming the endocrine system into my kids heads or helping to prepare for the SAT or whatever to be thinking too much.
