Exercises that I can do at home

I am a single mother who works a full-time job outside the home and a part-time job inside the home with a 3 yr old. I can't really afford to pay for gym membership, and barely have time to relax... So any ideas of some at home exercises that I can do would be great.... PLEASE HELP


  • You could always try various workout DVDs! That's what I'm going to start doing :)
  • toodloo
    toodloo Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! I feel your pain. It's really hard to work out at home. There are a ton of great workout DVDs out there, and all you need for them is hand weights! I'd look on amazon.com for stuff that's affordable. I have some of the Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper DVDs and really like them... they're tough workouts but you can modify them to whatever level you're at. I'd also do a quick google search for "home workouts" or something like that. I bet a lot of websites have great info :) hope that helps!
  • My husband recently bought me 3 Mega Miles by Sansone and I love it. It's easy and faster than it seems to take, which is about 44mins. I also have Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, but I found that too difficult on my knees and shins. I decided to try it again after 30 to 50lb loss, hopefully I get there soon enough. :) Good luck! Oh, I walk back and forth throughout my living room while listening to music.
  • CourtneyTobin
    CourtneyTobin Posts: 1 Member
    Are you on Pinterest? There's a lot of quick little workouts you can do w/ no weights at all. Like for instance, one set might look like this: 20 jumping jacks, 5 pushups, 5 squats, 15 situps, 5 pushups, 5 squats, 5 lunges, 1 minute wall sit....etc etc etc. I usually make a list of about 8-12 things. I have some dumbells at home so I do add some bicep curls, shoulder stuff etc, but I do each "list" 3x!! Usually takes me no longer than 20 minutes and I'm sweating my *kitten* off! Just a thought. Videos are okay, but they get boring. I like how I can mix it up everyday, and my son (6) loves to bark out the orders of what's next on my list. Like a mini drill sergeant! ha.
  • If you read Cosmo, do those exercises.. I use to do them and it helped a lot.
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    Youtube has loads of free exercises you can do. Just search for what you want. There are walking exercises, aerobics weight lifting or whatever you fancy.

    Edited to add zumba too
  • magsxx
    magsxx Posts: 46 Member
    I love leslie sansone! She does 'walk at home' if you go on utube and put her name in the search bar loads come up from 1 mile walks (15 mins) to 5 mile walks :) . Because its u tube its free so you can do a couple of different ones a few times a week x