Changing to 5:2 diet

I have been successfully losing weight simply by tallying my calorie intake on MFP, low carbing and exercising. I have lost 6 lbs in four months, trying to stick to around 1200 c daily. However I am finding it increasing restrictive, I am not eating the same things as the family and I feel as if I am losing out on all the fun. And definitelynnot being able to enjoy breads, noodles, pasta etc which i love. Holidays and night outs are looked on with trepidation. I have recently read about the 5:2 diet and thinking of trying it. I thought I would do five days of 1500 c and two days of 500 C, which would even make the total calorie intake same as 1200C as I am doing currently. That would allow me to have more lee way on non fasting days.
I weigh 64 kg and my goal is 60 kg. I am 1.66 m or 5 ft 5.
The 5:2diet suggests 2000c for non fasting days and 500c on fasting days but that means higher total calorie intake per week compared to what I am doing now which surely mustn't be a good thing?
What does everyone think?


  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    I am on day 3 of my 5:2 - which for me is the 2 day of 'fasting' It is very early days, too early to tell if it'll make me feel better, or whether it suits me or my lifestyle but I'm doing OK so far
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You could up your calories and you'd still lose then you could have a little more of what you like. I was on 1200 for many months till I found out there is no need for it.
  • mazzyw65
    hi there, same as tuppence really day 3 of 5:2 first fast day yesterday. I would exercise only on feast days though to begin with xx
  • ToriaStitch
    ToriaStitch Posts: 62 Member
    My friend started this on Monday, don't know if I could do it, but if you can, well done :)

    I'll find out on Saturday how she's gone on and try and remember to let you know :)