Can't believe i have only just discovered this site!!

Hi , I'm new! (can't believe i have only just discovered this site - i have been dieting for years wondering if there are any like-minded people to chat to about food or cravings!!!)

Anyway, just wanted to say Hello! I am here to lose weight...i have lost 7 stone in total HOWEVER i have put 1 stone back on due to a holiday before Christmas and then Christmas i really over-indulged on the old chocolate!! Really mad at myself as i worked so hard to get that stone off and now all back on (& worse still i can see it on my belly and can't fit into my work trousers!!)

I started being ''healthy'' as of yesterday, lets get this stone off again (& more!)

Good Luck everyone and Hello!!



  • Haley_Adele
    Haley_Adele Posts: 37 Member
    Hi i have been doing this since June I log everyday so feel free to add me. :-)
  • pinkxpanda
    pinkxpanda Posts: 18 Member
    7 stone is fab! I've only just dicovered this site yesterday and i think it's great. I started 'being healthy' as of yesterday too :)

    I've never done diets as i have zero willpower - but things really do have to change. And this site is going to become an odd obsession, i can see it.

    Good luck!
  • pinkevie
    pinkevie Posts: 6 Member
    I only discovered it recently too! I hope to stick with it
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    Celebrating my 100th day and 31 lbs lost. This site has been a blessing to me and I'm thankful for the support I recieve from MFP Friends!
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    I only started last week. I was talking to a friend over Christmas about how I was feeling really fat, and instead of the usual “you’re not fat, have a slice of cake” that you normally get she told me about the app.

    It’s great, it just makes me aware of what I am eating and makes me realize that yes, actually, that slice of cake does matter. I can have it if I want it but only if I am prepared to exercise for a long time to burn it off or restrict my other meals that day according and be hungry!