What do you do when you are hungry all of the time??



  • _jkr
    _jkr Posts: 24
    If you have a microwave in your office, you can try eating popcorn! There are low cal variants of these. You can also try grapes! I'm usually very happy with the crunch I get with them (:
    Like others suggested, warm drinks help (: You can heat up some skim milk, drink tea or coffee.

    What fills me up most of the day is water. For breakfast, I usually eat oatmeal (you can eat it with different fruits, if you prefer!) -- it fills me up until even way after lunch.

    Good luck! I hope you find what suits you (:
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Things that help me: a good breakfast (rolled oats, greek yogurt, flax seed), more protein, more healthy fats (like avocado), a higher protein-fat ratio to carbohydrates..
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    nothing wrong with eating many times a day, try little and often rather than much and far between.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's not how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. Be sure to get a mix of protein, fat and fiber with each meal or snack. My breakfast is usually a cup of Kashi Go Lean mixed with half a cup of fat free vanilla Greek yogurt and it keeps me full for a long time, Sometimes I'll also have hot chocolate (Ovaltine with soy milk). The total of all that is around 300 calories but very filling.

    Dark chocolate and cinnamon are natural appetite suppressants, too, so maybe try to incorporate those into your meals. I love Green & Black's 85% cocoa dark chocolate (I eat about six squares a day). I am NOT a dark chocolate fan. It's the only one I can stand and I love it.
  • turquoise3
    turquoise3 Posts: 79 Member
    I have porridge for breakfast. It keeps my hunger well at bay. If i do get hungry i keep making myself nice hot drinks, like green tea, or peppermint tea for example :) It really works for me!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I drink water. And eat eggs & meat based foods for breakfast & lunch.

    I am currently snacking on celery sprinkled with salt & pepper & seems to be doing a good job of keeping me off the choccie & crisps.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    But on the weekdays, it feels like such a long day, I get really hungry and I can't stop eating

    It's probably because you find your job boring. If you're engrossed in something, the time would just fly by and you wouldn't even think of food. For instance, when I play Battlefield 3, I could go for 3 hours without thinking of eating. I call it the Battlefield 3 Diet. :D

    So either get your boss to give you more interesting work or find a different job. :)
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    I eat/ suck on ice cubes along with upping how much water I drink. It is something to fill the space. However, I rarely get hungry during the day but this is my fix inbetween snacks and meals.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    1) Can you workout after work instead of before?
    2) Can you moderate your target intake somewhat? Say shoot for 1700 instead of 1500. Sometimes a few hundred extra calories means the difference between being starving and overeating and maintaining your diet
    3) Can you handle spicy food? That helps me a lot with intake.
    4) Drink lots of water
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    I eat eggs, when I get hungry, but it is not mealtime yet.
  • KiwiiMcgee
    I distract myself quite often when I get like this - Taking your mind off it helps alot.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    usually a normal person eats ... listen to your body . if u hungry u must eat , if u thirsty u must drink , if u needa pee u must pee !!!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Another thought:
    I usually practice Intermittent Fasting and have eaten late lunches plus worked with food in a fasted state. I found drinking water and/or zero calorie drinks eg green tea to be useful. Also, knowing that I was working on my special project by not eating made me feel good and focus on remaining hungry! That hungry feeling was just part of the "special feeling".
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    number one advice i can give you (helped me A LOT) is strong, black coffee. i really enjoy the taste, and it kills the appetite. also diet soda.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I'd double check that you dont have your numbers set too low - When my numbers are set right I dont get hungry at all but I'm usually ready to gnaw on my arm if they're too low.

    Check this link out - should help you!


    Good luck
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I also go to the gym before work, so that adds onto wanting to eat more. I'll have a pre-workout snack, then breakfast at 7am.

    I suspect this is the "problem". Not saying avoid it, but it is going to make you hungry. Doesn't matter how much I eat afterwards, I still need something more 3 hours later. I wasn't allowed to eat outisde of break times at work but could drink, so protein shakes became my friend!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Coffee, water, and self control.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    I drink water to fill in the gaps between snacks. Keeps me full and hydrated through out the day and for my workouts. I love water and when it gets boring I add a splash of Mio. I try to drink at least 12 cups per day.

    I love Mio, too. Water does help the munchies for me. FWIW, Evian is now doing water add-ins, too, and I ADORE the pineapple-coconut. Coconut is food i need to be careful of because of usually-associated fat and sugar (plus I love it, so I can go overboard), and this satisfies that yen, too).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    number one advice i can give you (helped me A LOT) is strong, black coffee. i really enjoy the taste, and it kills the appetite. also diet soda.
    Tea works, too. Any hot liquid will kill the appetite for some time.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I learned to fast.....seriously.
    I hate the notion of fasting. I detest the word fast.
    It's like exercise; you do this to make yourself stronger. It's like a fighter punching a bag.
    Practice makes perfect, or in my case...practice makes this tolerable.
    It's just an idea I found useful.
    Good Luck!