Overeaten by 400kcal at 2pm – how to save the day?

The question in the topic.. One of those bad days.. It is 2pm and I am already 400kcal over :(

I could choose not to eat today at all (hard!), running in place or running up and down the stairs to burn the calories, but afraid that starving will lead to more overeating..

After I come back from work, I will have 2 kids with me, so going to gym is not an option.


  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    I think rather than play catch up and starve/potentially eat even more.... just make good food choices for dinner and leave today
    Start fresh again tomorrow x
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    presumably you already have a defecit in your daily calorie goal so the addition 40 cals is not going to make you gain, so have a light dinner & just eat to maintenance for today & get back on it tomorrow.
  • whyldebear
    whyldebear Posts: 28 Member
    id say eat as best you can so you dont have another 400 ontop of that but basically all you can do is draw a line under it mark it down as a bad day and start a fresh in the morning maybe try a few cals under tomorrow and rest if week to pull some back x
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I think rather than play catch up and starve/potentially eat even more.... just make good food choices for dinner and leave today
    Start fresh again tomorrow x

  • hmrtym
    hmrtym Posts: 49 Member
    veggies, veggies,veggies, you will still be over, but veggies are a good solution....and low cal. Get as much activity as you can also!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Carry the two kids to a park and play. Burn calories AND busy the kids at the same time.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Find a way to exercise...with the kids...dance...walk...play...watch TV and run in place.
    I seldom go over my calories, because I will always find some sneaky way to exercise.
  • matchete8
    matchete8 Posts: 7 Member
    I've over eaten by 100 already today and not sure how to salvage it either! Yesterday in total I overate by about 1000kcals so no, not interested in people that would say oh .. don't get on hung up on it.
    I may manage a swim later but I'm not a very good swimmer so doubt I would be losing a lot of calories there, I could in theory manage the gym later but then I know I'll be eating eating put tonight so either way .. it wouldn't end very good for me today.

    All we can do is try!
  • presumably you already have a defecit in your daily calorie goal so the addition 40 cals is not going to make you gain, so have a light dinner & just eat to maintenance for today & get back on it tomorrow.

    ^^ yep ^^

    just try and learn from this. it's not going to be the case that you need to eat that many cookies every day, so just remember how this feels and use it as motivation to make better choices next time you feel you need to have so many cookie-ish things
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Eat well for the rest of the day - look at it as damage limitation, and drink lots of water (all the exercise running to the toilet to pee has got to be good, right?). Starving yourself won't do any good. Start afresh tomorrow.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    Meh, I'm no expert, but I'd say just make smart food choices for the remainder of the day, be conscious of your body and move it when you can (chase the kids around the living room!), and be more aware of your calorie intake tomorrow. I definitely wouldn't starve yourself for the rest of the day - I'd probably aim for some veggies/fruits and lean protein so that the calories you're putting into your body for the rest of the day are good, healthy ones.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Yup, choose to make the rest of the day good. Eat a healthy dinner, play with the kids or clean the house rather than vegging on the couch. Start again tomorrow. Look at your weekly numbers rather than your daily numbers, can you get some extra exercise in each day?
  • luperaz
    luperaz Posts: 26
    Take the kids on a hike or walk 400 over is not the end of the world. sometimes we get in our head that 1 day makes or breaks a diet and that is really not true at all. you can always make up the calories tomorrow at the gym. Its what you do over the whole week and months that matters most in the end.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I think rather than play catch up and starve/potentially eat even more.... just make good food choices for dinner and leave today
    Start fresh again tomorrow x
    And I love this!:drinker:
    Forget today, have a nice, healthy dinner, take a walk afterward, and call it x-mas.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    eat a light supper of salad and veggie, and get the kiddies running around, do some jumping jacks, jog on the spot, do walking lunges down the hall, give the kids airplane rides on your feet, clean the house, wash the floors those are some good mommy exercises :)
  • luperaz
    luperaz Posts: 26
    I've over eaten by 100 already today and not sure how to salvage it either! Yesterday in total I overate by about 1000kcals so no, not interested in people that would say oh .. don't get on hung up on it.
    I may manage a swim later but I'm not a very good swimmer so doubt I would be losing a lot of calories there, I could in theory manage the gym later but then I know I'll be eating eating put tonight so either way .. it wouldn't end very good for me today.

    All we can do is try!

    Swimming is awesome exercise you use your whole body.
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    Just because you are over one day isn't going to make or break you. Still eat, but make healthy choices, lots of veggies and water will help. Eat an apple. They will fill you up. Do some exercising today and up it 15 mins more thoughout the week. You would be suprised how you can eat away at the calories you over ate.
    I have a cheat day once a week. I tried the clean eating diet and went to a party and ate some junk food and I was sick for days. I now make sure I try to do well and if I cheat too much on one day then that is my cheat day. I try to save my one cheat day for the weekend.
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    Continue eating healthy for the rest of the day. Log the calories and move on. We all make mistakes.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    As you can't go to the gym perhaps you could do something with your children e.g park, as someone suggested, or clean the house and get them to join in as a "fun(!) game"? I don't know.. sorry! But don't worry. It's just one day :)
  • Biggoal50
    Biggoal50 Posts: 33 Member
    You have 6-7 hours left in your day!. Run in place, march, dance, do the stairs--spend at least 1 hour moving. Have a light dinner with lots and lots of veggies and lean protein (400-500). Good luck!