Overeaten by 400kcal at 2pm – how to save the day?



  • oongiemongie
    Definitely just start over today. I did the SAME thing yesterday. I worked last night and "my stomach was eating itself "when I got home so I ate, too much. I used to the livestrong site starting in 2009 after I had my twins. I have had several phases where I have gone over and have managed to keep off about 15 pounds since then. I have decided to try and lose a solid 10 pounds per year and I have found that setting a more realistic goal for myself has actually helped me make more long term changes overall. Dont fret over your overage, just get back to it!
  • notreallytrillian
    notreallytrillian Posts: 77 Member
    The question in the topic.. One of those bad days.. It is 2pm and I am already 400kcal over :(

    I could choose not to eat today at all (hard!), running in place or running up and down the stairs to burn the calories, but afraid that starving will lead to more overeating..

    After I come back from work, I will have 2 kids with me, so going to gym is not an option.

    Maybe get some excercise by playing with your kids? But in the end, just learn from your mistake and start fresh tomorrow! I try to use MFp as a meal planner. If I know exactly what I'll be eating the day before then I very rarely go over.
  • htebaram
    htebaram Posts: 120 Member
    I think rather than play catch up and starve/potentially eat even more.... just make good food choices for dinner and leave today
    Start fresh again tomorrow x

    This is very sound advice!
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    20 minutes walking up and down your stairs should do it.
  • AlphaGnome
    AlphaGnome Posts: 11 Member
    You're going to have those days.. They happen, especially when just starting out. Don't get discouraged, but rather use it to train yourself to eat less.

    Personally on those days, I'll drink plenty of water, shrug it off and prepare myself to counter those calories over the next few days. Have a reasonable dinner consisting of a small chicken breast, carrots, celarie, yogurt, etc, just try and keep it under 500 calories. If the weather permits, you can go for a short 15-20 minute walk to burn a few calories. Then over the next few days, try to stay under your daily caloric intake by 200 or 300 calories, it'll balance out.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks guys I value your support so much.

    I often end up in a cycle of overeating, starving, overeating – and often fail in my diet in this way – I guess it’s time to change the attitude and just continue to eat (light dinner) and move around home as much as possible.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    That Marks and Sparks will get you everytime
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You could choose to accept that today is a day when you won't have as large a calorie deficit as you do on other days. If you are set to lose 1 lb a week, then you will have a daily calorie deficit of 500 cals, which you are still within. Even if you go a little over your maintenance number of calories (and lets face it, unless you go crazy, it's only going to be over by a few hundred), that will be absorbed by the calorie deficit you have set up for the rest of the week. It's never about how you eat on one day, it's how you eat most of the time, over the long term. Have a better day tomorrow, and if this is a regular problem, maybe try to plan your day's meals in advance.
  • wildcata77
    No starving!

    Eat a reasonable dinner and get as much activity as you can...maybe do a deep clean of the kitchen and bathroom tonight, do some pushups/situps/etc. after the kids are in bed. Just know you aren't going to meet your day and that's OK...you'll be back on it tomorrow.

    I did the same thing yesterday due to not checking nutrition facts and getting one of the worst things I could eat at lunch. It was a lesson learned for me to be more careful and to be stronger today.
  • qualitymama
    qualitymama Posts: 14 Member
    show the kids if they are old enough how to do jumping jacks or toe touches...make it fun !! dont worry too much about it ;) we all go through this !!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    First, lets start with a positive - You logged everything as you ate it and now you are 400 Calories over and have a chance to do something about it.. This is really important - imaging if you had gone home, had a normal sized dinner (400 Cals?) and then had some snack or another on top of it... Now, worst case, you eat only your dinner. So, you're 800 calories over today - that means if you eat according to your plan for the next two days you will be under your maintenance calories again - everything after that is weight loss.

    Of course, there are some measures you can take to help things - the obvious one is to do some exercise. OK, so you have the children but as people have said their is nothing stopping you from going some active games with them - it will be fun.

    You can also go for a low calorie dinner. The best way to do this and feel full is to cut out the carbs. You could have a pretty decent sized chicken salad for 200 calories and it will fill you up.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    veggies would be a great choice. Drink extra water too. Find something to do with the kids that will burn up some calories. Play ball or go to the park with them if it is nice enough. If you have to stay indoors see if you can find something to do with them. All of you run in place if nothing else. Make it a game and the kids will love it! then tomorrow is a new day.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    That Marks and Sparks will get you everytime

    Spot on. Those cookies were sitting in my work drawer since Christmas (received as a present) and finally got me. Thankfully, they are now finished and I won't be buying them myself.
  • nbernhard
    Good advice here:
    I think rather than play catch up and starve/potentially eat even more.... just make good food choices for dinner and leave today
    Start fresh again tomorrow x
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    exercise, exercise, exercise! you might even earn more calories to have a nice little dinner! Because it's only 2 pm, do something for 10, 15, 20, or even 30 mins right now... and do another little something in a few hours, and if you can, squeeze in a third little bit of activity! You've given yourself all this great fuel, now you just have to use it so it doesn't get stored. Get going, girl! You can do it! :D
  • Moofey2
    Moofey2 Posts: 327 Member
    I have over eaten by 2,000 calories without even trying when my friends and I had a party and ate a whole bunch of crap, Even my doctor says it is okay to have a day like that every once in a while and should not cause any harm. Just walk a bit and get back on track the next day :)
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Meh, burn some calories on those stairs and eat fresh veggies for dinner. You'll be ok just do better tomorrow!
  • molbray
    if you are aware of the 'overeating' by 2pm, then you are in a good position!! As many have stated already, plan an evening meal that is light, eg lots of veggies. As you have plenty of hours left in the day, make the most of the daylight and get out and burn some calories! Walking, riding, playing with the kids, mowing the lawn, not only is this a great way to burn calories, you'll feel better mentally about your 'oops' and not beat yourself up over it! (I find it's worse when it's 10pm at night and you discover you're over...) So get on your feet and live a little! Being out of the house will also limit temptation (cut down on the trips to the fridge or pantry!) So grab the water bottle, don a pair of runners and take the kids to the park!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I just noticed something and I have to ask it its true... I was looking at your diary and it says that on the 7th you ate 500g of Brussels Sprouts (215 Cal). That's a LOT of sprout!!! I think if I ate I would be declared a toxic health hazard (but I have stomach issues...)
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    Although it's tempting to use the "start fresh tomorrow" philosophy...believe it or not, it's one of the leading pyschological causes of sustained obesity. The idea that you've "blown today" gives you a free pass to guilt yourself (damaging to self esteem) and to not do anything about it today, and instead try to be perfect tomorrow. Guess what? No day is perfect. Improve on today NOW. Stay mindful, stay in the now. There's always something you can do to turn things around! The day is young, burn some calories and feel more vibrant! :)