Body image?

Does anyone else struggle with their body image more so after a lot of weight loss? Im more upset with my looks now than when I was bigger. Am I just crazy?


  • topper133
    I think it's different for Females that Males and each to their own, I find it difficult to find the right balance of weight loss and muscle build that I am happy with, easy to get too much into Running and be "Skinny" and then overeat and get a "beer belly" look.

    Will get there though! And to me as long as I'm healthy then I can work on the aesthetics!

    How much have you lost?
  • lindseynyfarmer
    In total ive lost about 65 or so lbs! It happened pretty quickly!
  • JessMmmkay
    I struggle with body image often. I've lost 97lbs. For me it's when I'm looking at pictures of myself or look in the mirror. Sometimes I feel like I'm still huge and sometimes I wonder if I look too skinny..and other days I think I look amazing. My brain is totally effed when it comes to body image.. my perception of myself changes daily it seems. You're not crazy. I actually have 3 friends besides myself who deal with the same thing. I just try to tell myself that I've done something amazing with my body, transformed myself inside and out, and I'm awesome for doing that. It helps me a bit.
  • lindseynyfarmer
    The way i see myself also changes daily. Some days are better than others.
  • reklawn
    reklawn Posts: 112 Member
    I deal with this ALL the time. I lost a lot of weight and at my lowest, around 150lbs I couldn't help but see myself 50 or so pounds heavier. Now looking back at pictures, it's like I can see it from a different perspective and I can't help but wonder what the hell I was thinking lol. Now I waver around 190-200 and I see myself as 50lbs heavier. Kind of weird how it's so difficult to see yourself as others do.
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    I wouldn't say it changed with weight loss, no.... but i would definitely say I have lived a life with serious body issues. I've been working on changing that since my son was born and I felt the worst about my body..... I would say I feel better about myself today at 24 and 166lbs than I did when I was 18 at 115lbs. I'm not as hard on myself and these days I want to be fit not ONLY to look good but also to be a healthy mom for my son.... so i have better reasons these days.... I am more understanding of myself... And I'm probably the healthiest I have ever been, despite the extra weight.
    still trying again for the rockin' body, though ;p Just taking a more healthy route this time.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I look in the mirror and I think I look awesome, but then I see a picture of myself and I'm like who the hell is that? I love me, I feel pretty confident even overweight. Sure I want to be skinnier, but not only to look better I want to be more athletic and have a healthy body in general. At the end of the day your body it is what it is the only person you hurt by not loving yourself is you, and who has time for that. I'm sure you have a million other things in life to worry over, I know I do. If people don't like looking you, screw'em they need to grow up.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Before at my biggest, it was my arms and stomach and thighs that bugged me. Now that I'm almost to goal, even though they still aren't perfectly toned, I'm not as critical about them, but I am depressed about what the loss as done to my chest. Even though the guy I'm seeing thinks I look great, I'm not happy about the new flapjack boobs. But the thought of getting surgery on them depresses me more. I was so proud of being naturally big and suddenly having to get scars from a lift and add implants bums me out. I'm giving it a year though for my body to adjust to the weight loss and maybe shrink some of this loose skin before I invest in a surgeon.
  • Emmadennewitz
    Emmadennewitz Posts: 106 Member
    I have a huge problem with this and I look at myself and think that I'm huge. I'm 5'3" and weight 126 lbs. with a body fat percentage of 23% and a size four. I have people tell me that I don't need to improve the way I look and that I'm tiny but I guess I don't see the same thing others see. I'm getting ready to start a 12 week challenge at my gym on Monday with my before pic and measurements. My husband tells me I have no chance to win because I don't have a lot of improvements to make. I need to figure out how to be happy with the way I look and I know that I still she a fat girl in the mirror. I don't know that I will ever see a thin me in the mirror.