MUSCLE SORNESS post that will never be read by anyone


Instead of coming onto the forums and stating 'I worked out yesterday and I'm supposed to work out today...but I'm sooooooooo sore what should I do?????' take a minute and try to figure it out for yourself.

I'm 27 and a former athlete. I'm out of shape from years of being sedentary and eating all the delicious foods to great excess, but I can still push myself pretty hard in the gym. So when a 65 year old woman comes on here and says 'I walked a mile yesterday and I'm so sore should I skip my workout today?' I can safely say 'push through it' and my advice would be valid...for me. I don't know that said person has bad arthritis in both knees and her right ankle, is recovering from mono, and has a torn ALLOFTHEM-CL. In that case, the lady should probably not take my perfectly reasonable advice and should sit the f*** down and get some rest. But what she should really do is recognize that she's busted up herself rather than trying to get permission to heal from someone she's never met.

By the same token, if I post about trying some obscure Russian lifting method that has me squatting 8 times a week, people are quick to shout 'zomg overtraining' or 'your knees are literally going to turn into chainsaws and will shred up your whole body and face Texas Chainsaw Massacre style'. They don't know anything about my work capacity, or how much I'm eating/resting to account for the workload. Maybe I could handle it and see success from that kind of program, you certainly don't know.

When you work out, it should be uncomfortable. It should strain your body. This strain can and will cause soreness. In general, a good way to address that soreness is to force blood through the area. How do you do that? By stretching or working out. Or you can rest, and it'll work itself out that way too. Or you could keep whining about it on the forums, I guess that works for some folks?

Soreness is generally a dull to moderate throbbing or stiffness. If it's sharp, shooting, burns, makes funny noises, or has an odor like rotten cheese farts, go to a damn doctor! As far as I know, no one on the MFP forums can remotely take an MRI of your knee, so go get a professional to do it.

Also, if you're already injured, any advice to push through it goes right out the damn window (duh). I have a friend who's a corrections officer. He has an injured shoulder and knee from altercations at his job. You know what he does? Surprisingly, he doesn't logon to MFP to ask if he should skip shoulder day because he's sore...he just favors his shoulder and knee. He gets the work in that he can, and stops if he starts to feel uncomfortable. He knows he needs to maintain as much mobility and strength as he can as he can't risk getting injured (it would potentially put him in danger at work). He's not going to get accurate medical advice here since he doesn't post his medical history on the forums, and neither are you.

The MFP forums are a fantastic place to get suggestions and reference material to do your own research. Much of the knowledge I have regarding fitness and nutrition came from links posted by folks on here that are far smarter than I. That knowledge came from asking how things worked (what are the principles behind IIFYM, what are good exercises that target your hamstrings, where can I find good videos of proper technique for front squats, which chicks on here have the best spank bank profile pics...I mean are the most motivational). I then applied that information to myself as best I could. I didn't try to skip the step that takes work and ask things with no background info that no one could possibly answer on the forums (should I do cardio or lift today, can I do 6 sets of squats instead of 5, is Paleo right for me, can I have a piece of cheesecake for dessert, why does nobody love me, why does it burn when I pee, what the hell did the ending of Inception mean).

There's a lot of information to be had here, but you have to be willing to put the work in. You have to actually understand the principles behind the information and how it applies to you personally. Other people aren't going to be able to do that for you, and they certainly can't tell you with any confidence if that twinge in your chest is just a little tightness that'll go away when you hit C25K this afternoon or if Uma Thurman hit you with the exploding heart technique in your sleep (by the way, why didn't David Carradine just confine himself to a wheelchair after that?)

Also, boobs



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member


    Saw "boobs"


    Thank you.

  • GBOGH_5
    GBOGH_5 Posts: 174 Member
    Read the first three lines and the last. It's legit. Carry on.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    Instead of coming onto the forums and stating 'I worked out yesterday and I'm supposed to work out today...but I'm sooooooooo sore what should I do?????' take a minute and try to figure it out for yourself.

    I'm 27 and a former athlete. I'm out of shape from years of being sedentary and eating all the delicious foods to great excess, but I can still push myself pretty hard in the gym. So when a 65 year old woman comes on here and says 'I walked a mile yesterday and I'm so sore should I skip my workout today?' I can safely say 'push through it' and my advice would be valid...for me. I don't know that said person has bad arthritis in both knees and her right ankle, is recovering from mono, and has a torn ALLOFTHEM-CL. In that case, the lady should probably not take my perfectly reasonable advice and should sit the f*** down and get some rest. But what she should really do is recognize that she's busted up herself rather than trying to get permission to heal from someone she's never met.

    By the same token, if I post about trying some obscure Russian lifting method that has me squatting 8 times a week, people are quick to shout 'zomg overtraining' or 'your knees are literally going to turn into chainsaws and will shred up your whole body and face Texas Chainsaw Massacre style'. They don't know anything about my work capacity, or how much I'm eating/resting to account for the workload. Maybe I could handle it and see success from that kind of program, you certainly don't know.

    When you work out, it should be uncomfortable. It should strain your body. This strain can and will cause soreness. In general, a good way to address that soreness is to force blood through the area. How do you do that? By stretching or working out. Or you can rest, and it'll work itself out that way too. Or you could keep whining about it on the forums, I guess that works for some folks?

    Soreness is generally a dull to moderate throbbing or stiffness. If it's sharp, shooting, burns, makes funny noises, or has an odor like rotten cheese farts, go to a damn doctor! As far as I know, no one on the MFP forums can remotely take an MRI of your knee, so go get a professional to do it.

    Also, if you're already injured, any advice to push through it goes right out the damn window (duh). I have a friend who's a corrections officer. He has an injured shoulder and knee from altercations at his job. You know what he does? Surprisingly, he doesn't logon to MFP to ask if he should skip shoulder day because he's sore...he just favors his shoulder and knee. He gets the work in that he can, and stops if he starts to feel uncomfortable. He knows he needs to maintain as much mobility and strength as he can as he can't risk getting injured (it would potentially put him in danger at work). He's not going to get accurate medical advice here since he doesn't post his medical history on the forums, and neither are you.

    The MFP forums are a fantastic place to get suggestions and reference material to do your own research. Much of the knowledge I have regarding fitness and nutrition came from links posted by folks on here that are far smarter than I. That knowledge came from asking how things worked (what are the principles behind IIFYM, what are good exercises that target your hamstrings, where can I find good videos of proper technique for front squats, which chicks on here have the best spank bank profile pics...I mean are the most motivational). I then applied that information to myself as best I could. I didn't try to skip the step that takes work and ask things with no background info that no one could possibly answer on the forums (should I do cardio or lift today, can I do 6 sets of squats instead of 5, is Paleo right for me, can I have a piece of cheesecake for dessert, why does nobody love me, why does it burn when I pee, what the hell did the ending of Inception mean).

    There's a lot of information to be had here, but you have to be willing to put the work in. You have to actually understand the principles behind the information and how it applies to you personally. Other people aren't going to be able to do that for you, and they certainly can't tell you with any confidence if that twinge in your chest is just a little tightness that'll go away when you hit C25K this afternoon or if Uma Thurman hit you with the exploding heart technique in your sleep (by the way, why didn't David Carradine just confine himself to a wheelchair after that?)

    Also, boobs


    Totally agree, but the bolded part is too much for some. IMO, too many people want to be told what to eat and when to eat it, how to work out and when to do it, then see results the next day.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    Love it :) I honestly love reading the threads on MFP, 95% is for entertainment value
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Great post. It applies to virtually every decision on here. Read the advice of others, then listen to your own body. And, as you say, learn what's happening.
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Honestly - good post.

    Next time start with boobs :tongue:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Great post, my friend!
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member


    Saw "boobs"


    Thank you.


  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    I totally agree!!

    In getting fit I have spent as much time learning and reading as I have working out.

    When you understand "why" you are doing something it makes it much easier to adapt a plan to fit your life.

    It is a tremendous ammout of work to filter thought the a$$loads of misinformation and junk science that is out there in the world of nutrition and fitness.

    As far as pushing through soreness I find people tend to gravitate too one of these
    type 1: will fight through the pain, this includes running on an injury which just makes injuries worse
    type 2: walked 1/2 mile yesterday needs a rest day because the tired hurts so bad
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    and they certainly can't tell you with any confidence if that twinge in your chest is just a little tightness that'll go away when you hit C25K this afternoon

    This is an excellent point, I always laugh when people as others to diagnose their "pain." It takes experience to know the difference between "good soreness" and injury, and when you should push through, work around, or back off completely. If you're not sure, the safest thing to do is to rest & recover. If you're going to do something, start easy/light and see how you feel.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    If x hurts today, work y. Tomorrow, work x. Repeat process. Eventually it will get a little better...but not much. That's why it's called working out and not "getting naked and rubbing cake all over ourselves." And if you really really aren't sure...go to the doctor.
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    I'm with you, man...totally didn't get the ending of Inception. My wife things the top was going to stop and I think it kept spinning.

    Also, I'm 42 and have a bum right shoulder that hurts if I try too many reps on overhead press. I'm thinking I should push through with even more reps to show my shoulder who the boss is. Your thoughts, please?
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I slept through Inception. That approaches irony right?
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    Honestly - good post.

    Next time start with boobs :tongue:

    And pictures would help.

    On a running forum today was a discussion on "dead legs". Same concept, majority of responses were "work through it buttercup". Workout soreness is to be expected most of the time, you pushed your body outside of its comfort zone.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Read the first three lines and the last. It's legit. Carry on.

    Hmm. That's what happened to me, too. LOL!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I see no reason that people can't come here and ask. There is a ton of information to process. I would never assume that someone has not been trying and reading and thinking and just needs some people to talk to, to help work it out in their heads.

    This is what community forums are, to help you get to the answers you need. Seriously, I'm so happy you know everything you need to know about you, but, you seem a bit self involved. If you don't want to help anyone you need not read or answer any posts seeking help.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm with you, man...totally didn't get the ending of Inception. My wife things the top was going to stop and I think it kept spinning.

    Also, I'm 42 and have a bum right shoulder that hurts if I try too many reps on overhead press. I'm thinking I should push through with even more reps to show my shoulder who the boss is. Your thoughts, please?

    It's almost as if it was meant to be ambiguous or something!!!

    And yes, definitely. Also, just to truley make your shoulder submit, lift double the weight you normally do, for 902 reps per set. And if that's too easy, dislocate your shoulder
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I see no reason that people can't come here and ask. There is a ton of information to process. I would never assume that someone has not been trying and reading and thinking and just needs some people to talk to, to help work it out in their heads.

    This is what community forums are, to help you get to the answers you need. Seriously, I'm so happy you know everything you need to know about you, but, you seem a bit self involved. If you don't want to help anyone you need not read or answer any posts seeking help.

    I think you missed my point, which was that many people are asking questions that can't be answered on the forums, rather than the ones which would actually help them. I think the MFP community is great and said so in the OP.

    And yes, I'm very self involved, is it that obvious? I'm kind of a big deal.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I actually read it all (short attention span over here) and agree with you entirely!

    WTF are you doing, putting logic and reason into the forums... especially so EARLY in the morning? hehe
    Job well done OP.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    and they certainly can't tell you with any confidence if that twinge in your chest is just a little tightness that'll go away when you hit C25K this afternoon

    This is an excellent point, I always laugh when people as others to diagnose their "pain." It takes experience to know the difference between "good soreness" and injury, and when you should push through, work around, or back off completely. If you're not sure, the safest thing to do is to rest & recover. If you're going to do something, start easy/light and see how you feel.