How to Handle a Vacation

I'm just getting started and feel like I'm on the right track so far. My family and I are going to Texas in 1-1/2 weeks to visit family. I've never been to Texas and I hear the food is Amazing. How do I keep myself from getting derailed on the trip? I don't want to feel like I have to start over after the trip.


  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    This is what I do:

    -search out a restaurant before hand and try to pre-plan or even pre-log food.
    -pack a bunch of snacks and things to eat that would hold me over if I get hungry between meals.
    -take a cooler, lots of water bottles, even stuff to heat up in a microwave, if I will have that available
    -not expect perfection from myself, just control portions and enjoy my trip. Maybe even have goal just to maintain current weight

    As long as you don't "throw in the towel", but rather get back in a routine when you return, you are not starting over!

    OOps, don't know how I glossed over staying with family. That's a bit tougher. If you're comfortable, I'd share privately that you're watching what you eat. Or else, just be very gentle with portions. I'd still take the snacks on my own, but not food to heat up, as that would feel rude. If you eat out, maybe you could still plan that. Don't sweat it too much. This is life, and the "throwing in the towel" statement still applies! Have fun!
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    It's vacation, have fun.
  • LessofJenJen
    LessofJenJen Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the tips!