new & need to lose 10 stones


I'm new to my fitness pal and not 100% sure whether to do this or weight watchers as i'm quite used to counting points, just interested to hear any words or wisdom, success stories using my fitness pal. How do you find the calories etc. my calories are set at 1340 and i just worry that's a bit low for me to stick to

Thanks, Lou x


  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Lou, and welcome to MFP!

    I've never done Weightwatchers so I can't vouch for that, but I wish I had found MFP years ago. The great thing about this place is that there is always someone around on the boards to swap tips and hints with, or to ask for motivation. I love the photo posts; they are a real inspiration.

    I'm set up with 1200 cals a day, but if I exercise every day as well then I eat those calories too. Eating out is quite difficult but I save my cals up or do extra exercise. And if I go over occasionally then I just get back to it the next day. See how you get on, and review your goals regularly.

    Good luck - you can do it!
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Hi. I love MFP and think its a great tool. You'll love it too. They do set the calories quite low and as you have around 10 stone to lose I would say 1350 is much too low for you. If I were you I'd be looking at eating around 1800 a day - as I did when I began losing weight (I had 9 stone to lose when I started). My advice is keep at it, take one day at a time and if you "fall off the wagon" just get straight back on. Try and incorporate exercise, thats certainly been the key to my success. And use the forum as a support tool, were all in the same boat to lesser or more extent.
  • clairebear82
    Hello and welcome, are you set for a 2lb per week weight loss? A suggestion would be to lower your loss initially to 1lb per week and see how you go, because if you are trying to incorporate some exercise, then this will help you to achieve more than 1lb per week. Then when you feel you want to lower the calories, then you could up it again to 2lbs?
  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    WW will set you at a very low point. Be realistic. Pick the half pound per week goal here and you will still probably lose more than that!! When I did WW, I was on 20 points, which is about 1000 cals, which is FAR too low for me.
  • lolpops7
    lolpops7 Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone for your replies, advice and inspiration, i think i will change my settings and definately incorporate more exercise into my life. I've decided for now not to join ww, i find the support on here fantastic and the idea of managing my calories in versus calories out is fab at the end of the day that's what it's all about anyway!

    Thanks again, Louise x
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    I had success with WW in the past, but I much prefer this. I didn't like WW meetings but I love the support here (I'll add you as a friend!) and I find this more flexible - and it's teaching me where the traps are in my favourite foods so that when I eventually get to my target weight (I'm trying to lose another 4 stone) I'll know where I went wrong when I was gaining!

    I also like eat my exercise calories - otherwise I'd find it hard to stick to my calorie goal!