I was bad

Okay guys yesterday I got the attack of the munchies, it was BAD!!! I couldn't stop eating. I went 200+ over my calorie allowance. This is the first time I went over my calories since starting this journey and I am a bit disappointed in my self. I went to the beach this morning and jump roped on the concrete. I had no idea jump roping was so hard, I was out of breath in no time and actually had to do it in 15 second intervals. I'm not going to come down on myself to hard because this is the first time in like 15 years that I have been working out and trying to eat right. It was definitely a bad slip up day yesterday but today I am right back on track!!!

I would love to hear from other people about bad days. How do you deal with them? How do you feel afterwards? Do you allow yourself a cheat day once a month or so? How do you make yourself feel better after a bad day?


  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    A bad day is just that! One Day! Every day is a new day just forget about yesterday and do good to stay on track 2day! You cant change it so just try to not do it again. And 200 cal over isnt horrible :-)
    Good luck!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Okay guys yesterday I got the attack of the munchies, it was BAD!!! I couldn't stop eating. I went 200+ over my calorie allowance. This is the first time I went over my calories since starting this journey and I am a bit disappointed in my self. I went to the beach this morning and jump roped on the concrete. I had no idea jump roping was so hard, I was out of breath in no time and actually had to do it in 15 second intervals. I'm not going to come down on myself to hard because this is the first time in like 15 years that I have been working out and trying to eat right. It was definitely a bad slip up day yesterday but today I am right back on track!!!

    I would love to hear from other people about bad days. How do you deal with them? How do you feel afterwards? Do you allow yourself a cheat day once a month or so? How do you make yourself feel better after a bad day?

    Believe me, you are NOT alone with having a bad day! :noway: We ALL do, once in awhile.
    In my own case, if I find I'm over eating on a particular day, I try to off set it by getting in some extra exercise. And by exercise, I don't mean killing yourself! Exercise doesn't always have to be awful. :noway: For my exercise, I walk almost every day, (weather permitting!:wink: ) I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria") :love: :happy:
    It's free, (unlike a gym!:grumble: ) fun, :smile: and I can even watch tv at the same time, so I never get bored! :happy:
    I also have Wii Fit, and jog to that, which is a lot of fun, and easy too! :smile:
    I also try logging my foods ahead of time, sometimes as much as 4 or 5 days ahead, so that I know EXACTLY what I'll be eating, and that I'm IN CONTROL of my eating, and not my eating controling me! :wink:
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day.

    (And even if you think about it -- most of us have our calories set a 500 a day deficit or more, so those 200 calories didn't even make that big a dent in your progress.)
  • sweetrevenge
    "I also try logging my foods ahead of time, sometimes as much as 4 or 5 days ahead, so that I know EXACTLY what I'll be eating, and that I'm IN CONTROL of my eating, and not my eating controling me! :wink:"

    I LOVE this idea. I may try this. I never even considered this before. Thanks for the tip!!!
  • sweetrevenge
    Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day.

    (And even if you think about it -- most of us have our calories set a 500 a day deficit or more, so those 200 calories didn't even make that big a dent in your progress.)

    My boyfriend said the same thing this morning, plus as I said we went to the beach this morning and jump roped. I felt good about that because Germain (the boyfriend) is in great shape and even he was winded!! Plus he says he will help me "work off some more calories later" :love: tee hee.

    I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I guess I just feel accountable to you guys and wanted to be honest. Coming on here and telling the truth is what is going to keep me on track. Thanks for all the encouragement!!!!!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Well one thing is for certain, bad day or not, you have a GREAT attitude!
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day.

    (And even if you think about it -- most of us have our calories set a 500 a day deficit or more, so those 200 calories didn't even make that big a dent in your progress.)

    I completely agree!! I've gone over 700 before and didn't see a negative impact on the scale. Just chock it up to that you were hungry, or you really wanted that snack! Whatever you excuse it as, don't keep guilt-tripping yourself. THAT is what makes people go through the destructive downward spiral.

    200 calories is only a tinsy amount of the 3,500 calories that make up a pound. I would say if this is the first time you've gone over, you are doing GREAT! Keep up the fantastic work. :]
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    "I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria") "

    OMG if those are "oldies" I want to die! :frown:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Sweetrevenge, YOU WERE NOT BAD. Did you make a bad decision? Might be, I can't judge. I went over my calorie limit by about 200 calories yesterday too. And the worst part... I did it after realizing I was already 100 calories over.

    What is 200 calories? 200 calories is 2 cups of non-fat yogurt. 200 calories is 2 slices of most sliced bread. More importantly, 200 calories is equivalent to a little less than 1/17th (5.7% actually) of a pound of fat. You're not going to gain 5 pounds from yesterday's lapse.

    YOU WERE NOT BAD... YOU WERE GOOD. Rather than wallowing in a pity party, ("Oh, my gosh... I am such a failure at this weight loss endeavor.!!!! I need a twinkie!!!") you went out and did some exercise. Not just "an" exercise, but the king of all cardio exercises. Keep it up, next time shoot for 20 second intervals... then 25, then 30.

    YOU WERE NOT BAD. You just weren't as GOOD as you could have been. Fitness is not a shot in the arm, where it happens one day and you are good for a few weeks. And, if you are here, fitness is probably not easy for you. It is work... HARD WORK. But you have the positive mental attitude to be successful. No more pity parties when you struggle... just keep fighting and keep winning!!!!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    "I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria") "

    OMG if those are "oldies" I want to die! :frown:

    Well considering most of em are from the early to mid 80's, and it's 2010 now, I'd say being 25 or so years old would be considered oldies for "the younger set" anyway. :laugh: :wink:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Don't beat yourself up. Today is a new day.

    (And even if you think about it -- most of us have our calories set a 500 a day deficit or more, so those 200 calories didn't even make that big a dent in your progress.)

    My boyfriend said the same thing this morning, plus as I said we went to the beach this morning and jump roped. I felt good about that because Germain (the boyfriend) is in great shape and even he was winded!! Plus he says he will help me "work off some more calories later" :love: tee hee.

    I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I guess I just feel accountable to you guys and wanted to be honest. Coming on here and telling the truth is what is going to keep me on track. Thanks for all the encouragement!!!!!

    You have a wonderful support system with him. I like your attitude. I know you will succeed!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    MEH! I have a cheat day once a week where I eat whatever the heck I want. The most important thing is WHAT you do after you mess up. Do you get back on the horse or do you say *kitten* it....I messed up today so I'm gonna keep eating crappy.
  • sweetrevenge
    Well one thing is for certain, bad day or not, you have a GREAT attitude!

    AAAHHHH Thanks : )
  • sweetrevenge
    "I also dance to a fast oldies CD that my husband made up of all my favorite old songs. (Like "Love Shack", Wild, Wild West", "Mony, Mony", "Footloose", and "Gloria") "

    OMG if those are "oldies" I want to die! :frown:

    I swear I was thinking the same thing!! LOL
  • sweetrevenge
    Sweetrevenge, YOU WERE NOT BAD. Did you make a bad decision? Might be, I can't judge. I went over my calorie limit by about 200 calories yesterday too. And the worst part... I did it after realizing I was already 100 calories over.

    What is 200 calories? 200 calories is 2 cups of non-fat yogurt. 200 calories is 2 slices of most sliced bread. More importantly, 200 calories is equivalent to a little less than 1/17th (5.7% actually) of a pound of fat. You're not going to gain 5 pounds from yesterday's lapse.

    YOU WERE NOT BAD... YOU WERE GOOD. Rather than wallowing in a pity party, ("Oh, my gosh... I am such a failure at this weight loss endeavor.!!!! I need a twinkie!!!") you went out and did some exercise. Not just "an" exercise, but the king of all cardio exercises. Keep it up, next time shoot for 20 second intervals... then 25, then 30.

    YOU WERE NOT BAD. You just weren't as GOOD as you could have been. Fitness is not a shot in the arm, where it happens one day and you are good for a few weeks. And, if you are here, fitness is probably not easy for you. It is work... HARD WORK. But you have the positive mental attitude to be successful. No more pity parties when you struggle... just keep fighting and keep winning!!!!

    So nice, thank you so much. I knew that I would post and feel better. I really love this site, it keeps me so on point. I love that I now hold myself accountable. Today was a MUCH better day. I even had one of my yummiest treats (Dannon low fat vanilla yogurt, sliced strawberries topped with granola) and still have over 200 calories left and it's 9:15 and I'm done for the day. So I guess the 200 calories I went over last night I can forget about with 200 calories left over today. :happy: :wink: :wink: :happy: :wink:

    Thanks for all the wonderful support!!!
  • sweetrevenge
    MEH! I have a cheat day once a week where I eat whatever the heck I want. The most important thing is WHAT you do after you mess up. Do you get back on the horse or do you say *kitten* it....I messed up today so I'm gonna keep eating crappy.

    Definitely not!! Definitely got right back on the horse.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I even had one of my yummiest treats (Dannon low fat vanilla yogurt, sliced strawberries topped with granola) and still have over 200 calories left and it's 9:15 and I'm done for the day. So I guess the 200 calories I went over last night I can forget about with 200 calories left over today. :happy: :wink: :wink: :happy: :wink:

    That is absolutely true. The calories in-calories out / 3500 model works for the intervals between weigh-ins. So, a little over one day and a little under the next do cancel each other out. But try not to bank calories from one day to the next, because there are other affects that happen when you eat huge one day and not much the next.