Balancing Calories, Fat, Protein and Carbs

Has anyone got advice on balancing calories, carbs, fat and protein? Is it important to be on or near the suggested targets or should the focus be on calories?

Thank you.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    i personally, prefer 40/30/30, to what MFP suggests. if you just want to lose weight then its all about the calories but if you want to eat healthily try to get a good balance of carbs, protein and fat. I'd only change the MFP settings if the red numbers are bothering you :D
  • Tapsor
    Tapsor Posts: 1
    I`d like to loose weight as well but keep a healthy lean muscle definition. However, today for example, i put in all my meals , and am 400 cal under my daily goal and most of it comes from carbs that I need to add (85g) ; my goals for protein and fat are already reached. What foods would you suggest that has mainly slow carbs and no fat or protein ? Or do I "have" to add the remaining 400 cal ? I dont want to create an imbalance that will mess my weight loss up.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I focus on getting macro's close but mainly targeting that daily calorie goal.
    Pre-planning meals helps.
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    I try to do a 40/30/30 split as well (c/f/p)
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I`d like to loose weight as well but keep a healthy lean muscle definition. However, today for example, i put in all my meals , and am 400 cal under my daily goal and most of it comes from carbs that I need to add (85g) ; my goals for protein and fat are already reached. What foods would you suggest that has mainly slow carbs and no fat or protein ? Or do I "have" to add the remaining 400 cal ? I dont want to create an imbalance that will mess my weight loss up.

    Shrimp, tuna, chicken breast and protein whey are examples. When I upped my protein with this problem I started adding protein whey to my coffee instead of creamer that offered no nutritional value.:drinker:
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I focus on getting macro's close but mainly targeting that daily calorie goal.
    Pre-planning meals helps.

    QFT!! My macros are set to 40c/40p/20f.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I`d like to loose weight as well but keep a healthy lean muscle definition. However, today for example, i put in all my meals , and am 400 cal under my daily goal and most of it comes from carbs that I need to add (85g) ; my goals for protein and fat are already reached. What foods would you suggest that has mainly slow carbs and no fat or protein ? Or do I "have" to add the remaining 400 cal ? I dont want to create an imbalance that will mess my weight loss up.

    I personally think mfp is low on their protein macro...I try to aim for 1g protein for each pound of body weight. 40/30/30 targets that almost perfectly for me. You can set your own macros by going to "goals" and clicking custom.
  • what is 40/30/30?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    what is 40/30/30?

    40 % of calories from Carbs, 30% from protein and 30% from fat.

    Carbs and protein are 4 calories per gram. Fat is 9.
    So a 2000 calorie diet would be 800 calories from carbs, 600 from protein, 600 from fat. That works out to 200 g of carbs, 150 g of protein and 67g of fat.

    ETA - I also follow 40/30/30. I am not usually right on. I try to hit my protein goal and be reasonably close with the others.
  • Thanks for you suggestion of resetting, sarahc001...where can I find "goals" on my mobile app?
    I appreciate your help.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thanks for this...where can I find "goals" on my mobile app?
    I appreciate your help.

    I just checked my app. I can't seem to see a way to do it on there. I could be missing it. I always just do it online. Sorry.
    But once it's changed you can see it on a pie chart under "Daily" which I like.
  • Thanks...I'll try to do it online later!
    So nice of you to help me out :-)
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    i always try to stay with in my calories and sugars. protein, i always go over.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    First, the main objective is to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. However, putting focus on getting macro's close is certainly beneficial and all boils down to what an individual's goals are. In general, I recommend 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fat.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    Also, in order for you to change this, you will need to go under "My Home" tab and then click on "Goals". At that point you would click in the circle that says "Customize" and then click "Change Goals". From there you will be able to change your ratios for your proteins, fats and carbs.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Thanks for you suggestion of resetting, sarahc001...where can I find "goals" on my mobile app?
    I appreciate your help.

    Sorry, I just saw this, and notice you have an answer. Good luck!

    Btw I also usually just try to make sure I hit or exceed my protein.
  • Thank you! You are all so helpful!
    I was able to go online and set 40/30/30.