Coming back to MFP and really need some support/friends

Hello all! I was new to this site last January and made some friends and lost 12 pounds....but then I got distracted by life and whatnot and wasn't logging in as regularly. I regained a few pounds and I am determined to see this through this time. I am trying to eat really clean (no processed food, no gluten, no added sugar). I'm a mom of 2 boys (1 and 3) and 34. I'd love other mom friends! Both of my boys (and my husband) have been really sick this week, but I've stuck with eating clean even though I am feeling really stressed and discouraged from trying to get my family well with little/no me time to exercise, meal plan, etc. So, I could definitely use some friends on here to keep me sane as I navigate fluville.


  • aleatha5
    aleatha5 Posts: 23 Member
    Bump! Bump! I'm feeling miserable today and I really want to fall off the healthy wagon after getting 3 periods of 1 and 1/2 hours of sleep broken up over last night. The flu stinks!
  • Kedikat
    Kedikat Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new too, and I'm not a Mum - but I do have the flu, so thought I'd say hi.

    I'd love to be comfort eating, and drinking lots of sugary tea to feel better about feeling ill - but my food diary has made me think twice. I've also resisted drinking lots of orange juice, in favour of water with a dash of lemon juice. I can get my Vit C from a supplement for far fewer calories!

    Good luck with your meal planning. I've noticed that I would usually serve myself about the same as my hubby, so I'm weighing my portions while I get used to what is sensible.

    I'm looking forward to feeling well enough to exercise too - and I'm visualising myself in a sports top and shorts, minus the muffin top belly hanging out!!

    Good luck - any small loss is a step in the right direction. Lighter is always better than heavier. :)
  • Sounds like your're having to manage a lot. And that's even tougher wihen you're not feeling well. Get as much rest as you can and keep downing water. As you start feeling better start re-introducing a few of your heathy habits until you build back up to what you were consistently doing that helped you shed those 12 pounds (GREAT JOB!). You're a mom raising 2 children and keeping a household running - WITH THE FLU!!!. I know you have in you what it takes to renew your committment to reaching your health and fitness goals. Hang in there..
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    Was just in the sameee boat :) Back on again, and I feel like I'm doing great! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • AliciaNorris81
    AliciaNorris81 Posts: 185 Member
    I was going strong...lost 50 pounds and BAM October came. Then I got busy with preparing for the holidays and everything else and gained 7 pounds and 2 inches back! I am back at it too...feel free to add me. :)
  • Hey! Request sent. Feel free to add me! I'm looking for more friends and can always use the motivation and support that comes with that. I'll do the same!
  • jb100908
    jb100908 Posts: 9 Member
    I just got over the flu and I'm having a hard time getting my workouts in & up... it's amazing how lazy you can get after only one week of being a bum. :(
  • Today is my first day back and yes, Im doing this for good now!
    The flu sucks but if you can boil a pot of water, add 10-12 peppercorns in it, have the kids take steam before they go to sleep, with a towel or blanket over their head. Make sure they atleast get about 10-15 mins of steam in them. Cover them with blankets and rest up. They'll be much better in the morning.
    Also try warm water with honey :)

    Hope the boys feel better
    Add me as I need support as well :)
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone feels that way at some point. :) It's human!

    You already took the first step and decided that you wanted to get back in to it. Now it's just taking the next steps. Tracking food, exercise and finding people to motivate you! :) Look at some of the success stories. They motivate me!
  • islandgirl76_
    islandgirl76_ Posts: 86 Member
    Just friended you! I'm 36 and a mom as well. I just moved over here from my food diary.
  • Big hugs to you (((O)))

    You obviously want to lose weight or else you wouldn't have returned so just keep thinking that too.

    Add me if you want to as I also need support especially if I get on those scales tomorrow and I haven't even lost a lb !!!

    Keep smiling and get better soon.

    Annie xxx