Being good on holiday..?

merly Posts: 5 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm about to go on holiday (well, if the cloud of volcanic dust subsides in time that is!) and was wondering if anyone could help with tips on how to keep my motivation while away? Last year I put on 6lbs in a week! I always intend to be good but then one day in I think, 'aaaah, forget it, I'm on holiday' and munch my way through the next week!

Any tips? xxx


  • Where are you off to? Make sure you sample all the local delights but counteract it with masses of sightseeing on foot/beach games. Don't let yourself feel restricted, go have fun and feel good about yourself...
  • merly
    merly Posts: 5 Member
    Hmmmmm, going precisely NOWHERE! Thanks Iceland! So have made up for it by pigging out on pizza and wine tonight, mmmmmm.....(BAD merly!)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    So sorry to hear that your holiday was cancelled...will you be able to reschedule?

  • merly
    merly Posts: 5 Member
    Yep, work is being really good and letting me shift my holidays around so I'll just have to wait until the airports re-open and then try and re-book. We didn't lose any money so it's just the annoyance factor - being all psyched up for holiday and now I'm going to work instead - rubbish. Not to worry, it gives me the chance to lose that last pound to get myself under 11st and into a better place from a bikini-psychology point of view! Thanks for asking xxx
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