Does being overweight/obese make it harder to find a job?

A friend of mine is probably in the obese category. She's unemployed and working hard at trying to find a job. She's had quite a few interviews, but so far, nadda.

Could it be that her weight could be the issue? It shouldn't be, of course, but people do judge.

I'm going to guess that few people if any would suggest I bring up her weight as something to work on in order to help her get a job... I'm just looking to help and/or understand and be supportive.



  • It certainly shouldn't, but no doubt, it does.

    How many high profile CEO's do you see that are overweight?

    Answer, not alot.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Women love to be told that they need to lose weight
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    For me it was the opposite. A former boss actually told me that he decided to hire me before we even sat down to talk because I was big, because to him that meant I had not social life so I must have dedicated my time in my studies and work.
  • estrobabe
    estrobabe Posts: 337 Member
    I know someone (who is obese) and she said that every time she went in for a job interview, the interviewers would immediately look at her up and down with a disgusted look. She said she knew before the interview would even start, that she was not even considered to be even hired. She believes that appearance does has its role sometimes. (That's her opinion)

    I'm not sure if that is the case, but the decision to hire someone should be based on qualifications not appearance, race, etc.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Yes, it does matter, although in a perfect world it shouldn't. There are stereotypes associated with obesity, just like there are with race/gender. there have been studies done that show the taller you are, the more income you will accumulate in your lifetime....
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't doubt that. Before I got fat, I used to be able to get a job by simply sending a resume. But the last 10 years or so I have had a *very* hard time with it. It may not be the case, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    For me it was the opposite. A former boss actually told me that he decided to hire me before we even sat down to talk because I was big, because to him that meant I had not social life so I must have dedicated my time in my studies and work.

    Wow, that's awful!
  • I would say yes to that. I think that I have been passed over for jobs before because of my weight, especially when dealing with another woman. Its weird working in a predominantly male field the only time I've even had issues getting a job was when I dealt with women (who gave me the skinny chick once over) in the field.

    Interviewing with a guy though, no issue getting a job, even while big.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Yes, it does matter, although in a perfect world it shouldn't. There are stereotypes associated with obesity, just like there are with race/gender. there have been studies done that show the taller you are, the more income you will accumulate in your lifetime....
    I need to move to Japan then..................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I think it depends on the job, the people making the decisions, and the person looking.

    There really are too many variables to say a hard and fast 'yes' or 'no'.
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    The Subway in the store I work at refused to hire a overweight girl. Their excuse was hygiene issues..
  • I feel like it's hurt my chances of getting hired. Even though it's wrong to discriminate, that is part of the reason I decided to make this change, I'm currently a nursing student and I don't feel like I would be setting a good example for my patients if I stayed heavy.
  • fihealth
    fihealth Posts: 165 Member
    Sadly, race, aesthetic (including weight), gender, age, and disability have all been shown to influence employment and salary stats, all else being equal. We must do the best we can with what we have personally and change the system to remove prejudice against factors that have no necessary causal connection to stellar performance.
  • I think it also depends on how you present yourself. I know I have my weight going against me, so I make sure I look really nice, and that I smile big, and win them over with personality. I also know there are certain places not to even waste my time applying at. Also, when I walk in to an interview I look at the other people that have been hired there. If they are all a certain type, I know what my odds are.

    Like someone else said, there are a lot of variables. I just know that my weight works against me, so I have to bring out all the stops to win them over.

    Also, I have a friend who is skinny and pretty, and has an awesome resume, and I'm getting more second interviews and job offers than she is - so again, it all depends!

    I wish your friend lots of luck because it's really tough out there right now!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Yes, I think it does play a huge role, sad to say.

    I have been both fat and skinny, it was easier to find a job when I was skinny, but I was still treated poorly when I was fat and skinny. Really depends on the job function.
  • I am obese and am in a senior management role in the very image conscious publishing industry, so I would say no. However, I know that I get very self conscious, which is why I am trying to not be obese anymore because to perform well at my job I need to be at the top of my game, which includes ensuring I am not distracted by anything and my self confidence is good. Being happy with yourself is far more important than your size. If your size affects that, then you have a problem with getting the job you want IMO.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    It depends on your field, your skills, and your confidence.

    I'm really good at what I do, I have a glowing resume, and any time I've wanted a change, it's never been a problem finding something new. Sometimes I even get job offers when I'm not looking. Lifetime, I think I've been turned down for 2 jobs; one was in a new city and I got lost on the way to the interview, which made me really, really late, and the interviewer was extremely angry and didn't even want to do the interview (this was pre-cellphone); the other was one I wasn't really qualified for, but thought I'd take a shot at it.
  • Gitn_Fit
    Gitn_Fit Posts: 40 Member
    I have had a VERY hard time finding work, even though I'm perfectly qualified and educated. Then again I'm in Michigan and it's hard to find work here anyway :) It has been extremely difficult to even get to the point of having an in-person interview, but even so I've never been hired once that happened either *lol* I just had an interview last week that lasted less than 5 minutes. We can guess why :P

    The job that I held before becoming unemployed I got the job because I was heavy as well. The lady doing the hiring was herself very heavy and she felt more comfortable with me being that I was female and heavyset. She wanted to hire me within seconds of me walking in the door.
  • Well, not that they'll ever tell you that your weight is the reason, but yeah.
  • only when you're a woman :/