Not Getting Results...Please Help!



  • you are probably gaining muscle which is heavier than fat. If you are toning that's probably what it is. Which is good because that muscle just burns fat by itself while you do nothing. To see if you are getting smaller I would recommend taking your measurements of you waist, bust, hips and see if the number are going down.
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Eat a few more calories, it's better for you and more sustainable in the long run. You are lossing fat and gaining muscle. You are getting healthier. In the beginning, muscle retains a little water as it adapts to the increase in execise. Be proud of your success and hang in there.
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    1lb per week is a steady weight loss and you should be very proud of yourself - here's a link for what 1lb of fat looks like - - and you've lost 6 of those!!! So please don't give up - just take the advice that some of the lovely people have posted in response to your question and you'll get there - keep up the great work :smile:
  • Make sure to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Water is the key for me...i drink about a gallon a day and i loose weight, if i don't drink much water i don't loose much weight. Be sure to drink it all day, not large quantities at once
  • Emile_Jarreau
    Emile_Jarreau Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Candy,

    This will sound like something you may have heard before...but its a journey. My first question with my clients or new folks coming through is " How long have you had the desire to lose weight?"

    Most say..." A long time and Ive tried everything!"

    The big secret? Do not diet. Eat well, eat balanced and avoid ALL man made, process foods...drink water and tea only. Limit alcohol.

    From there learning the basics with macro nutrient rations for YOUR body. Unfortunately many people, including Dr.'s, RD's and some health professionals still use the outdated food pyramid to recommend ratios that keep most Americans over weight and lead them right into adult onset diabetes.

    I'll typical use a formula I've used for 33 years with myself, military personnel and now in my civilian fitness training business, M2 Fitness Pros and online as "Mr. Fat Loss"

    There are millions of steps to take and getting the frame work will take time to master while moving toward your goal. Get your mind and body to "feel" the success you want, not the failure from previous attempts...but the image of success in your mind. Like an actor preparing for a roll in a movie, you need to "see" yourself in the new thinner you role before it can be a reality.

    The other element is proper time perspective of weight loss. Faster is always nice and sells products, supplements, gym memberships and most dreams in the health and fitness industry. My experience has been slow is more permanent and we learn best over time to appreciate our efforts and the goals archived.

    Like the lottery winner broke with a few years, the weight loss person having limited success with a drug or quick fix usually will gain the weight back plus after a short time as well.

    Think long time for the rest of your life the new sexier you FOREVER. Not just for the meantime...for life. Feel me?

    Without getting crazy...I understand well the feelings associated with depression and disappointment for ALL of us that have had challenges with food, drugs or alcohol addiction and its hard unless we really fall in love with who we are enough as a person...a valuable do this for our future and those that depend on who and what we are and do in the world.

    Be who you need to be and KNOW you can do this...and fight every day until you achieve the success you know you want.

    Emile Jarreau, aka, Mr. Fat Loss

    P.S. If any questions, hit me back...this is my passion in you see when visiting my page :)
  • I just started reading this and now I'm confused!

    Are you supposed to eat your recommended say 1200 calories PLUS whatever calories you burn?

    I should also mention I have just started the journey so if someone could message me that would be great!
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Yes, I got it! That makes sense. But, it seems that the weight would be coming off a little more since I'm eating less calories than the net. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others. But, my girlfriend has lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks and she doesn't exercise like I do. I have been on this journey for the past 20 years. My weight has gone up and down. However, I never stuck with a program more than a month. I'm more determined than I've ever been, but it's very discouraging. I appreciate the support. I really need it.

    Just remember: This is NOT a program, this is a LIFESTYLE change! :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    This is my first post here on MFP. I need some advice. I've been exercising 5-6 times per week and eating the allowed calories based upon the amount of pounds I want to lose per week (2 lbs). I weigh 243 and I've been eating 1200-1300 calories per day. I burn 250-275 calories when I work out. I allow myself a treat on Saturdays. I do not eat up the extra calories I get from exercising daily. I have only lost 6 lbs in 7 weeks. I am toning, but shouldn't I have lost more weight than that. My husband said I should be eating my exercise calories, and that I'm not eating enough calories and that I should be losing only a 1 lb per week. Please shed light on this for me. I'm ready to throw in the towel because I'm working my butt off almost everyday in the gym and getting no results.


    Just for giggles and grins, I ran your numbers at According to them a 44yo female who is 5'5" ( i just guessed) and weighs 243 has a BMR of 1800 calories a day! If you work out 3-5x a week, you should eat about 2150 calories a day!

    I kinda suspected that you were majorly under eating. I am 195lbs, 5'2" tall and MFP gives me over 1400 calories a day for sedentary. I usually DO eat at least some of my exercise calories.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    you are probably gaining muscle which is heavier than fat. If you are toning that's probably what it is. Which is good because that muscle just burns fat by itself while you do nothing. To see if you are getting smaller I would recommend taking your measurements of you waist, bust, hips and see if the number are going down.

    Since she is on a caloric deficit, she did not gain muscle. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to actually gain new lean body mass and a caloric surplus. Plus, I don't believe the OP is even doing heavy weight training.
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other(exercise), develop good eating habits, properly hydrate and be kind to yourself.

    Making a "new you" is not a race, and it surely isn't for sissies!

    Good luck, sent you a friend request.
  • carmendave
    carmendave Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I have taken everythin into account. It is a journey and I'm in no rush, I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything right. I was under the impression that if you exercise everyday and and eat less the weight would be pouring off. I didn't realize that I could be starving my body. I have a long way to go with educating myself on good health and exercise.

    Thanks again,
  • I look at it like this. Metabolism is an energy, like electricity. Energy requires fuel to produce it. therefore, is you don't eat enough, you will not have the fule to produce the metabolism which is needed to burn the calories. My way of looking at it, and kind of dumb, but it works for me. I would also suggest that you drink your water and watch your sodium intake levels. If you drink lots of sodas and eat foods with sodiumm in it without the plain water, you are going to retain the extra fluids and your weight loss will be slower.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I originally my goal for 2lbs a weeks and it never happened.. then I switched it so now it is set to 1500 or so cal a day. I rarely eat back my exercise calories as I am just to full.

    I do cardio almost daily and also lift weights. What you have lost is great..I struggle to lose 5lbs a month. Don't forget to take measurements..
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    here is a link to some great info.. I don't think I saw it posted so here it is.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I worked out your number using 1.5 as your activity level, also I used 5'8" as your height as I didn't see it on your profile,
    If you would like better numbers, let me know your actual height and I will run your numbers again.
    or you can download this spreadsheet at and run your own numbers. Please share anything in this folder for others to educate themselves.

    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR WOMEN)"
    BMR 1,817
    TDEE 2,726
    Cut (@ 15%) 2,317
    Build (@ 15%) 3,135