god I feel so fat

I don't know if it's my body recovering from binge eating or what.. but even with 1500 calories I never feel satisfied! eating as much protein as I can and such.

I decided to give myself a break today. snacked on air popped popcorn blueberries celery/peanutbutter and grapes. then had some ice cream and 3 servings of garlic butter noodles mom made. Sadly scales have been banned from my house due to my weight obsession and purging.

I feel like I'll never lose this damn weight. I have being 160 lbs (at 5'3) I hate being the fat ugly girl and wanting to throw up everytime I look at my repulsive body in the mirror.

I needed to vent... sorry :(


  • dangerouscurvesNZ
    dangerouscurvesNZ Posts: 23 Member
    Hey - hugs to you. I've been there, bingeing and all, and it's taken me a lot of years to realise everyone is different, and the only real reason to make a change is for your own health and well-being. I think the key for me is exercise, I still eat a lot so I have to work out every day. Also being on here and tracking everything I eat helps me get it all in perspective.

    You might also want to look at eating small and often, rather than big meals, so you feel more satisfied, and focus on low GI foods.

    It also took me a lot of years to realise guys like girls who are confident and sexy, regardless of their size. Focus on the things you like, start loving yourself and keep posting on here. I'm sure you're gorgeous, learn to love yourself xx
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I checked your diary and even eating that much you didn't go over your TDEE.
    Be kind to yourself
    You have 250 cals buffer for every half pound you put that you want to lose per week
    That means you could go over but a bit every day and still lose weight.
    Your diary says you went over by 56
    You're fine, really
    You had some lower days and it will all balance out.
    If I feel bloated I find a walk helps
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    You live and you learn sometime we have those days when we're just really hungry. Sometimes we just have to say I've ate enough today so please be quiet tummy. Do you eat when you're bored? I know I do! Maybe try finding a new hobby :)
  • Fitstephy
    thanks guys
  • peacelovecandace
    A good thing to remember-- fat is NOT a feeling. Stop classifying yourself that way, because then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. All you can do is accept the fact that you failed and next time, fail better. It's not going to all fall into place over night. Give yourself some grace.