Busy Mom needing help

Hello to all the parents out there that struggle with eating healthy and excising 3-4 times a week because your busy running your little ones to their practices, meetings, school events, play dates, ect... The last year has been an eye opener for me when I realized I was constantly out of breath. I started eating better and exercising more but found it was difficult with 2 very active kids in the house. Im looking for others that are needing to lose 50+ pounds and have ideas, recipes, techniques, ect to the otherwise very busy working family always on the go.


  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    dont need to lose 50 lbs, but I have lost 71 and have 9 to go to hit goal.. I have some tips, a few recipes and great support .. Feel free to add me.. Good luck on your journey
  • I don't have any magic tricks really, but when I cook, I do it in larger batches, so I can freeze portions for the future. I also chop up larger amounts of veggies I use a lot like onions. Sometimes, we get a lot of the veggies raw, so that saves on cooking time. Zucchini is great raw. Or, I chop up cauliflower or just spritz asparagus with olive oil spray and roast at 400F. For daily meals, I don't do much food prep since I try to do it on a weekly basis and freeze.

    I have had flexibility with my work schedule, so I've been able to get time to go to the gym after I drop off the kids. I have also gotten my kids to back off a bit from demanding this or that by really making activity a priority. I just tell them I have no choice but to exercise/be more active/etc. They see a huge difference in me since I started. I was exhausted, falling asleep if sitting down, etc. Now I have a lot more energy and am more in shape after doing this for @ 40 days.

    Sometimes, I just do an exercise video on a crazy day. There are lots of workouts on the internet. Even youtube which is free will have all kinds of workouts. My kindergarten son tries to do them with me now.

    I've heard of parents at soccer practices or other sports actually just walking around the field or track while the kids play, so they can get some physical activity in. It's a total challenge for sure. I'm going to do some of that when the weather gets better in the spring.....