Is this healthy?

Ok! so I downloaded the app for iphone, and I have been doing this fairly religiously for the past couple of weeks. The first week I lost about 6 pounds. I know, that sounds pretty bad, as if I'm just starving myself, but i'm really not.

My breakfast usually consists of 5 egg whites (80 Cal), with some water, and sometimes a banana, or an apple.

I DON'T eat at school, because god knows what they make there, so I usually go until about 3:00 PM, and then I may stop, and get a burger (Usually a wendy's deluxe thing.. they're pretty mini, so I don't think it's terrible.) and usually a small fry. (this is NOT every day, but I do enjoy stopping because it means I don't have to make anything when i get home! (Usually 800 cal TOPS.. I always get a raspberry iced tea, or a diet soda)

As I usually eat a very late lunch, I sometimes skip dinner, or will eat very minimal. occasionally I will have some kind of snack bar, like the crunchy granola stuff.

I know my eating habits aren't quite healthy right now, but i'm working on it! I am not very accustomed to eating lots of fruits and veggies, but I know to change myself for the better, i'm going to really have to change my diet.

I'd also like to say that this app has helped me lose about 10 pounds (I believe I was up to 12, or 13... But I had my final exams, which was quite the buttload of stress and the holidays). I have tried nutrisystem for a month, and it did work, but it's really not worth the money when you can just use this! :)

Any Advice/comments? I'm also looking for some friends to keep me on track! I could really use some positive people as I have about 50-60 pounds until my goal weight.


  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    I could help more if you opened up your food diary so I could look at it myself.

    Edit: could you bring lunch to school?
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Umm how old are you and are you doing this with your Dr???????? Skipping lunch out and having take away is not the best idea. I am sure your school food would be along the same lines as takeaway, if not possibly better esp if you have fruit, salad and vege options.
  • AustinSalava
    I could help more if you opened up your food diary so I could look at it myself.

    Edit: could you bring lunch to school?

    I haven't logged in about two weeks, due to the holidays! I am just getting back into it.

    Mornings: 5-6 egg whites, water, possibly a fruit.
    mid-day: Usually nothing, until about 3PM, and then i may have a small fast-food meal (I do always check before I buy it, to make sure i'm not putting in a ton of empty calories).
    If I go home instead, which is usually the case, I bought a lot of the portion controlled meals with like 300-400 calories and decent stuff in them.
    Evenings: sometimes I will skip an evening meal because I'm just not hungry! Sometimes I will eat a couple bites of whatever the family is having, and I'll usually have a Dr. Pepper 10 (10 calories) sometime between 5, and 10PM.

    Also, I COULD bring a lunch to school, but we are expected to lug around quite the load all day, and I'd have to look into some special pack, so my lunch isn't a pile of squished mush by lunch time! That's a good suggestion, I haven't really thought of that, as it was never really relevant to me in the past.
    Umm how old are you and are you doing this with your Dr???????? Skipping lunch out and having take away is not the best idea. I am sure your school food would be along the same lines as takeaway, if not possibly better esp if you have fruit, salad and vege options.

    I am 17 years old. I haven't gone in-depth with my doctor about it, but we both acknowledge that changes need to be made. I don't dare eat at school, due to the fact that it's pretty much an open cafeteria, with a lot of temptation! Last year at school, I got 2 cookies a long with lunch everyday. I told myself that I would stop, but I didn't. I now Just choose to avoid that situation and temptation all together! it also gives me some time to work on homework! ;)

    I am not keen on the fruit and veggies, but I know I need to try! I have gotten the v8 fusion (Or the one that is actually vegetable juice, and not some sugar filled junk). But it's quite pricey.

    I'd also like to not, that I don't eat out super often, but it is convienent, and I ALWAYS look it up before I get something, so I don't exceed 1000 calories. I try to stay under 800, which isnt hard as most places have them labeled! :)
  • jillymurdoch
    jillymurdoch Posts: 42 Member
    All I can tell you is don't try to force yourself to eat something just because it's "healthy". Pick the fruits and veggies you DO like and start there. Eventually your tastes will change as you develop better habits. For example, I tried to make oatmeal for my breakfasts, and I just ended up resenting it and going back to junk. But I do like plain yogurt with blueberries, so I started there. Now I crave fruits when I don't get them.
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    I'd still suggest that you pack your food from home if you want to avoid the dining hall at school.
  • AustinSalava
    All I can tell you is don't try to force yourself to eat something just because it's "healthy". Pick the fruits and veggies you DO like and start there. Eventually your tastes will change as you develop better habits. For example, I tried to make oatmeal for my breakfasts, and I just ended up resenting it and going back to junk. But I do like plain yogurt with blueberries, so I started there. Now I crave fruits when I don't get them.

    I do try to force myself, but I have about zero desire to eat any!

    I do like the mcdonalds yogurt parfait though! It's got regular vanilla yogurt, some fruit, and granola. It's also minimal on calories, But I'm sure they mix something in to make it unhealthy!!! I do enjoy yogurts, and groupon is constantly telling me to buy these frozen yogurts!

    Fruits aren't too much of a challenge, as they are more of a desirable taste, but vegetables are damn near impossible! I'll have to look into foods that have them mixed in, so I can get some vegetables in, without really having to sit down with a plate of carrots or something! haha.

    I do like the idea of getting accustomed to the healthy stuff though! I will definitely try that!
    I'd still suggest that you pack your food from home if you want to avoid the dining hall at school.

    Thanks for the suggestion. :) I do appreciate the input :D Although, at this point i'm pretty accustomed to eating at 3PM, where I'm usually not hungry until around 2 at least. (I have an early lunch, at about 10:30.. which is a bit early for me, and I imagine for most people).
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    So what are you looking for as an answer? For people to say its acceptable? Are you just looking for someone to coddle your current eating choices?

    Stop making excuses, because its not healthy and a poor way to lose weight.
  • AustinSalava
    So what are you looking for as an answer? For people to say its acceptable? Are you just looking for someone to coddle your current eating choices?

    Stop making excuses, because its not healthy and a poor way to lose weight.

    I never claimed it was healthy. I am looking for suggestions, and motivation. I know doing it alone is 1000x harder!
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    So what are you looking for as an answer? For people to say its acceptable? Are you just looking for someone to coddle your current eating choices?

    Stop making excuses, because its not healthy and a poor way to lose weight.

    I never claimed it was healthy. I am looking for suggestions, and motivation. I know doing it alone is 1000x harder!

    making an excuse for every suggestion is productive how?
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Also, I COULD bring a lunch to school, but we are expected to lug around quite the load all day, and I'd have to look into some special pack, so my lunch isn't a pile of squished mush by lunch time! That's a good suggestion, I haven't really thought of that, as it was never really relevant to me in the past.

    Hey, so for lunch don't you have a locker or something that you can put it in? If not, maybe just get a little tuppaware container that you can put something healthy in so that it doesn't get smushed.

    I am 17 years old. I haven't gone in-depth with my doctor about it, but we both acknowledge that changes need to be made. I don't dare eat at school, due to the fact that it's pretty much an open cafeteria, with a lot of temptation! Last year at school, I got 2 cookies a long with lunch everyday. I told myself that I would stop, but I didn't. I now Just choose to avoid that situation and temptation all together! it also gives me some time to work on homework! ;)

    I understand the part about not wanting to by cookies but can't you just bring enough money for the lunch so you don't have any money to buy cookies with? And Fast food isn't any healthier than cookies. Maybe you could bring fruit or something with you to school that way you have something to have at lunch time, and something if you're hungry after school that way you can eat an actual meal at home (Which is probably healthier than the fast food)
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Mate, I am going to tell you straight up. So you now have the option to not read. Before anyone slams me for posting this: read the statement above, you don't have to read this.

    I am a serial NON eater by habit. I am a teacher who also find school food undesirable, so I pack mine. I also found it very very hard to find time to eat, but I have to. I know that as a result of BAD habits - avoiding eating til on the way home from work, my body was living in survival mode, thinking that every time i fed it, it was going to have to wait up to 24 hours for the next lot of food, so went and stored it.

    You are young enough to break this sort of habit now. You need to eat at regular intervals - not huge long breaks between meals so that you go via the takeaway store and woof down whatever appeals to you. It is all about retraining your mind as well as your body. This takes time and being ready to do it.

    Again I suggest you talk very carefully with your Dr about what you are planning on doing re weight loss.

    But - please please start to eat regular meals. As another poster said, are you seeking someone to tell you what you are doing is OK? I'm sorry I can't do that for you. I work with kids your age all the time and see the effects of poor diet in the classroom. You need to make sure your body is fuelled, you need to be able to concentrate. Without food your grades will reduce, as you are not able to study effectively.
  • PMKelly4
    I know you're probably sick of reading all of these negative posts, but they are true. Holding off that long to eat lowers your metabolism and reduces your ability to fight weight gain. Bringing lunch to school is really easy! I used to do it all the time in high school. A good lunch box and some ice will keep a salad fresh all day. I always put the dressing and the tomatoes in separate containers because they made everything else soggy. Hummus and veggies is easy too, because they don't have to be warmed up!
  • mrsricta
    No, with the exception of the egg whites absolutely nothing about this is healthy! We ALL have to start somewhere but it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that eating fast food and skipping meals is healthy when it's just not. This is not an easy road to be on, especially if you aren't ready to make changes. Everyone on here wants what is best for one another, this site is truly filled with people who want to support each other so utilize that, but also be honest with yourself at the end of the day you are responsible for your own decisions so take control!!! It will not be easy, you are still allowed to eat cookies and fast food sometimes but no one on here is going to tell you that this is healthy!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    No, and you're supposed to be 18 to even use this site.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    No, and you're supposed to be 18 to even use this site.

    ^This is true. You might want to check out Best of luck and wish you much success :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Erm … egg whites (80 cals) for breakfast, then a 400 calorie lunch, and a Dr Pepper 10 for supper … So you're getting about 500 calories a day? This is SO NOT HEALTHY!!!! You can't keep this up and expect a healthy or strong body.

    I hate the blanket statement and random/generic 1200 calories a day, because that doesn't apply to everyone. But an active 17 year old should be eating far far more than 500 calories a day. You should be getting at least twice that, if not more.

    Definitely pack a lunch. I did this while going to college for years. I went to the discount store and bought a reusable lunch bag, then loaded it with healthy stuff I like … yogurt, sandwich, nuts, apple or orange, carrot sticks or raw broccoli, etc. I know what a drag it is to lug it around with everything else (I also had to lug my gym clothes around every day I wanted to work out), but it's worth it! You'll have more energy and a better appetite, so you can continue to eat healthy foods.

    As far as fruits and vegetables go, it may be a learned appreciation, but it's truly possible to love them! I think that many people who don't like fruits & veggies either haven't tried enough variety to find the ones they like, and/or haven't had them prepared properly (vegetables boiled to an inch of edible aren't prepared properly). It's okay to have carrot sticks, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, etc with a bit of ranch dip or salsa, if that makes them more palatable (just don't smother them :wink: ) Keep trying different foods, you'll find that you like more and more as you make a habit of eating well.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    It seems like a lot of the people responding have never been in school, or have been out for a very long time. :) College schedules are wacky and it's a challenge to eat at normal times. I would usually opt for a bagel with cream cheese in the morning because it was calorie-dense and would keep me full until the evening when I finally had a break from classes (I didn't like eating in class because I feel like it's rude and distracting to the other students). Nowdays I feel like I need to consume food constantly and can't imagine how I went for 12 hours stretches without a bite to eat, but if it works for you then stick with what you're doing!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Doing 1000 calories and less meal plan is very unsafe unless it is under doctor supervision.

    Go see your doctor and come up with a plan that will be safe. See about getting a nutritionist and possibly talk with a psychiatrist/counselor.

    Maybe talk to your parents and let them know the situation and to ask them to help you get some help.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    It seems like a lot of the people responding have never been in school, or have been out for a very long time. :) College schedules are wacky and it's a challenge to eat at normal times. I would usually opt for a bagel with cream cheese in the morning because it was calorie-dense and would keep me full until the evening when I finally had a break from classes (I didn't like eating in class because I feel like it's rude and distracting to the other students). Nowdays I feel like I need to consume food constantly and can't imagine how I went for 12 hours stretches without a bite to eat, but if it works for you then stick with what you're doing!
    the kid is 17. This isn't college.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    You should be eating every 3 -4 hours, especially if you are active at school. Plus you are 17, you are young so please don't screw up your metabolism now. I would reccommend finding your TDEE and BMR and finding a happy medium for healthy fat loss.

    When I was at high school I brought my own lunch every day.. Whats wrong with that? It was usually snack bars, chips, fruit, yogurt. I kept an ice brick in a lunch box so cold food stayed cold. Since starting uni I have also packed a lunch as the food there is so expensive!

    Its really not that hard to change your habits. I was the fussiest kid and teenager, never ate fruit or vegetables (I'm not kidding.. NEVER). Now I am vegetarian and depend on it daily! You can learn to love it.