Emotional Eater putting it all on the line

I have known this for a long time but it is time to get it out. I am an emotional eater! In the past 4 years I have gained 50 lbs. I hate it. I have been through a lot. My husband has been laid off several times (finance industry failed) We lot our house and moved across the country twice away from family and friends to follow a job and just ended up at a dead end. But all that is over. I little over a year ago I promised myself I would "face the music" I did a lot of soul searching and I addressed my fears and challenges. In that time, we have moved back to family and friends and I have a wonderful career. My husband’s job is back on track and he has settled into a new career as well. I am so much happier and positive. That being said I still have 50 lbs left over from the mess and it needs to go. When I am stressed I need to beat it with something other than food. I work full time and I am starting graduate school full time today so stress isn't going anywhere. But I have kicked so many negatives out of my life in 2012 and I now need to concur the stress eating and weight. Life will happen..... so does anyone have tips to avoid the stress eating. I would love some strategies to get and stay on track and some friends to kick a little *kitten* with. 2012 was the "face the music year" and this year the theme will be UNSTOPPABLE!


  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    I was a weight loss instructor for several years and one of my favourite classes that I taught was about emotion eating.
    In order to resolve this issue, we must be resolve this question..
    "If I have always used food to sedate or calm myself when I feel stressed, angry or scared... and I give that up... then what am I going to do to help myself when I am stressed angry or scared, that does not involve food?"

    the interesting thing about this... is the answer lays in dealing with our nervous system more than dealing with hunger. After consulting with an OT therapist, many of my clients found that any activity that drains (lowers) stress and anxiety can be used successfully to replace emotional eating. The key is to find the one that works for you, which may require some observation and feedback on your part.

    here are a few that I know work for many people..
    -exercise (walking, running dancing)
    -a hot bath
    -being wrapped tightly in a warm blanket (yes this is true.. works on autistic and hyper kids too)
    -wearing a weighted vest
    -talking, or journaling the issues
    -chewing gum
    -herbal antidepressants, and sedatives
    -cuddling a pet
    All of these things drain energy, lower cortisol levels, and help to remove the anxiety that we have been medicating with food.

    I hope these ideas give you a starting place... just remember.. this issue is not "hunger" the issue is your nervous system :)
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    I am also an emotional eater. Tonight was a tough emotional night. So, instead of eating, I came home and got on the treadmill. After 30 minutes, I felt much better, and no longer needed to eat. I have 60 pounds to lose (again) and am starting off 2013 with a healthy outlook.

    You can do this! It sounds like you have survived so much over the past few years. I wish you all the best for an Unstoppable new year!
  • Juliex42003
    I to am a emotional eater. But I eat when I am happy, sad, and or stressed. Food is my go to for everything. I have 60 lbs to loose. My first week weigh in is tomorrow morning. Keeping my finger crossed. I went over on calories 2 times in one week, so I am not starting off very good in my opinion. My exercise goals were met but I plan on bumping them up this next week.

    I quit smoking as of October 25, 2012. So I found a piece of gum or exercise seems to help me with the eating and the not smoking.
  • Juliex42003
    Wishing everyone the best for 2013. I was always told to keep a positive attitude and it will take you far.
  • BrendaJean77
    I eat no matter what the emotion. I think a lot of it may be anger, though. When I feel slighted or disregarded by a family member I have a tendency to swing through a drive-thru. Having these feelings while I'm in the car (I drive a lot) means I can't choose an alternative way of handling them. I'm open to suggestions.
  • Inglebert
    Inglebert Posts: 39 Member
    Love Ladywendolyn's post. I've comfort/happy/any emotion eaten for years now. I need to break this habit. That's all it is, isn't it? And they say 30 days to make/break habits. Going to think of the way to go for me, maybe chewing gum. Thanks.
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    I eat no matter what the emotion. I think a lot of it may be anger, though. When I feel slighted or disregarded by a family member I have a tendency to swing through a drive-thru. Having these feelings while I'm in the car (I drive a lot) means I can't choose an alternative way of handling them. I'm open to suggestions.

    I had to really work on the car thing... People would say "pack a healthy snack"... But the thing is that I did not want a healthy snack. So I have compromised ... I now keep the hundred calorie cheesie portioned packs and a diet coke in my car, not as healthy, but I have found that if its there, I am much less likely to go to the drive through.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Great suggestions ladywendolyn!
    Recent events have made me fall back into emotional/stress eating to the tune of regaining 12 of the 36 lbs I had lost. I'm having to really focus and concentrate on getting back to the better things I was doing. Seems like keeping it on my mind most of the time it not only keeps me from eating but keeps my mind off the things that got me stressed to begin with.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I am in no way going to pretend that I have completely kicked the habit of stress eating, but I have gotten a whole lot better about it since joining MFP. One of the best ways I have found for combatting stress eating is simply going to the gym instead or even jogging in my living room. Working out releases endorphines into your body which make you happier and less stressed. They act as a natural pain reliever in a sense. When I go to the gym and spend an hour on the elliptical I can just feel my stress melting away and it puts me in a better mood. I'd say calorie burning is a much better stress-relieving alternative to calorie gaining (aka emotional eating).

    Another thing that has really helped me is choosing to not buy the snack foods that I used to. I try not to keep the foods that I use for emotional eating in the house. If it isn't there then I can't eat it. I try to buy healthier snacks such as popcorn, almonds, peanuts, rice cakes, and fruits and vegetables so that even if I do over indulge a bit with my snacking at least it's a better option than eating a whole can of pringles or half a dozen cookies.

    Just remember that it's a process and you aren't going to become perfect overnight. If you slip up don't beat yourself up over it. Every single day is a new day with a fresh start! Good luck in your weight loss journey!
  • ladywendolyn
    ladywendolyn Posts: 45 Member
    Just remember that it's a process and you aren't going to become perfect overnight. If you slip up don't beat yourself up over it. Every single day is a new day with a fresh start! Good luck in your weight loss journey!

    This is an important truth! Well said :)
  • craft_tracy
    I'm also an emotional eater, but eat when I'm happy, sad, bored.
    I've still got lots of treats left over from xmas, but I certainly won't be buying any more as 1 of you suggested. If it's not in the house, then I can't eat it. I'll certainly try a few of the other suggestions as well
  • kimjay1992
    I am an emotional eater that eats mostly when under stress, which seems like ALL the time... I will be doing so good and then the smallest thing happens and I eat everything in sight. Wish I could control this part of me. It is definitely a step by step, day by day thing. I hope one day to be strong enough to overcome..
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    I have known this for a long time but it is time to get it out. I am an emotional eater! In the past 4 years I have gained 50 lbs. I hate it. I have been through a lot. My husband has been laid off several times (finance industry failed) We lot our house and moved across the country twice away from family and friends to follow a job and just ended up at a dead end. But all that is over. I little over a year ago I promised myself I would "face the music" I did a lot of soul searching and I addressed my fears and challenges. In that time, we have moved back to family and friends and I have a wonderful career. My husband’s job is back on track and he has settled into a new career as well. I am so much happier and positive. That being said I still have 50 lbs left over from the mess and it needs to go. When I am stressed I need to beat it with something other than food. I work full time and I am starting graduate school full time today so stress isn't going anywhere. But I have kicked so many negatives out of my life in 2012 and I now need to concur the stress eating and weight. Life will happen..... so does anyone have tips to avoid the stress eating. I would love some strategies to get and stay on track and some friends to kick a little *kitten* with. 2012 was the "face the music year" and this year the theme will be UNSTOPPABLE!

    Here is a support group you may like.
