Loosing weight with nighshift!

eveningkiss Posts: 3 Member
Ive been doing the weightloss attempt game for a few years. I did really well when i was unemployed lol. bed at midnight, up at 8am, jogging by 8:30 .. lost alot of weight!
THEN,,, I moved and started working 7pm - 7am. Gained all the weight back and then some =( I have attempted to use this firness pal before but working nights it is SOO hard to keep up on the calories since i spend most days sleeping and only reallty get a decent lunch break at 4am.
Has anyone else had issues trying to loose weight or keep up on the calories without drinking copous amounts of coffee?


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have access to the same food from 7pm-7am... and 7am-7pm. As long as you count what goes in and stay under your calories, your body won't care what shift it's working.

    That said, if it's hard, you could pre-log your meals and just stick to it. Plan out whatever you're going to eat and leave some wiggle room in case you need something else.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I did two natural competitions while working night shift and actually just switched back to it (2300-0700). Here's two key things I learned:
    1) Be able to simulate night and day. Redesign your circadian cycle. Melatonin is only produced with the rods (light receptor cells on the retina) sense no light.
    2) Maintain adequate time in a fasted state preferably around sleeping hours. The absence of insulin and secretion of glucagon is essential for IGF1 and GH release to stimulate lipid metabolism and recovery. Also allows better circulation of DHEA.

    If you're having interrupted sleep and eating around the clock, thats bad news. Here's my given day/night for body recomp:

    1800 - wake
    1900 - fasted training (or cardio on rest days)
    2000-0000 feeding window (I consume all my days calories in this phase, then fast the remaining 20 hrs)
    2300-0700 work
    1100-1800 sleep

    Training days = 3200-3300 calories (440/68/225g C/F/P), Rest days = 2100-2200 (160/71/225g C/F/P)
  • eveningkiss
    eveningkiss Posts: 3 Member
    Sadly most my days go
    4:30pm - wake/shower/dress
    5:00pm - grab toast and water.
    5:30pm head to work
    7:00pm start work ( i live a fair distance from work)
    4:00am - lunch
    7:30am get off work
    8:30am get home.
    9:00am - Bed

    even if i got up at 4 to get a small work out in that just costs me more sleep which isnt good. =/
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    12hr shifts are rough. Im assuming 3 days/week? So workout the other 4. Thats all you need. And you're getting a good 6-7 hours sleep.

    I would rather see a protein shake over toast and water. Maybe some nuts or nut butter.
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    I also work night shift (7p-7a 3 nights a week). I've gained some weight over the holidays but have lost 75 pounds over the last year and a half (only 10 with myfitnesspal).

    Currently, I eat no processes carbs. No bread, no pasta, no crackers, cookies, chips or anything like that. I rarely use butter or oil or creamy dressings. I don't eat any read meat either. My diet consists of fruits, veggies and lean white meat (shrimp, chicken, turkey, fish). As hard as it is, I work out after every single shift. It could be the night from *you know what* and I still drag my behind to the gym and put in at least 20 minutes of cardio. Something is better than nothing. And then on my days off is when I spend a good amount of time at the gym.

    It's all about balancing and figuring out how much sleep you require. I have to sleep at least 6 hours or I am a miserable person.

    My schedule when I'm working is like this
    7:05 get out of work
    7:30-9 (some days) gym and home by 9.
    9:30 asleep
    Awake by 4:30
    Eating a dinner/breakfast whatever you want to call it by 5.
    Out of the house by 6:25 - I live super close to my work
    Then during the night I eat when I have time. I always have cut up veggies and fruit handy because you can grab them on the go. Also, deli meat that's free and you can grab and snack on.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    ^Why no red meat or oils? That close commute is a huge upper hand.

    I advise pre-packing meals with you as well. Usually at that hour all thats available is microwavable and deli food... horrible choices. This will also help you maintain a dietary regimen. I have all my food pre portioned up to a week in advance.
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    My body doesn't process red meat (burger, steaks, etc) well, never has. I don't know why. So, instead of feeling crappy after eating it, I just cut it out of my diet. No big deal. No true/real reason why I don't use a lot of oils/butters/etc, I just don't. It all works for me.
  • ArguelM
    ArguelM Posts: 2 Member
    I too am working graveyards 2215-0616 and have gained 15lbs over the last three months. I've eaten the same and workout 3-4 times a week. Prior to graveyard shift I was working out 4-5 times a week. I also sleep a lot less 4-5 hours a day compared to 8-10. If you have any suggestions let me know. Good Luck
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I work 7p to 7a, I bring almonds and beef jerky to snack on and it helps keep me full so by the time I get home I don't have a huge meal then sleep...