Need some friends on here for motivation!

Hi all, I joined this site last year but didn't use it and now i'm back. Started my healthy eating and exercise at the beginning of the week and so far so good, its the weekend that'll be the challenge! I'm determind to make changes this time though, would be nice to have a few people to have a chat with along the way. I live in Southampton, England :drinker:


  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    I started over again too this week.

    I'm in Texas

    Love to be friends!
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi... I joined yesterday, am tired and bored at work today. On day 4 of healthy eating. Love to find some new friends!!
  • Hey guys! Welcome! I've lost *almost* 40 lbs so far, but things got out of hand around the holidays. Back at it again for my final 50. Feel free to add me as a friend!!!! Good luck!
  • Heya, Im back on the diet and exercises routine again, feel free to add me as a friend xx
  • london1811
    london1811 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Good to see another Brit! Also need more friends for motivation can never have too many!
  • Hi I joined last year but lost motivation very quickly but back again as my sister in law gets married this year so determined to stay motivated this time
  • Hi i started last year but fell off the wagon....back on and riding smoothly although i find i am at a plateau, any suggestions...good luck everyone
    Have bigger motivation going to hawaii and 12 months and wanna fit in that bikini for the first time :happy:
  • I'll give you an add :smile:

    Need some friends myself for some motivation and support! x
  • Hi all! I just joined today. Would love to have some friends on here for support! I started exercising on Monday, but really start eating healthier tomorrow. I lost 70 lbs 4 years ago, but have gained back half of that in the last year. I know I can do this. I'm so ready and super excited! :-)
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 275 Member
    You're all welcome to add me if you'd like. Been here over a year and don't plan on going away any time soon :)
  • Empots88
    Empots88 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone, I've added you all! Anyone else feel free to add me, more the merrier :happy:
  • caliurion
    caliurion Posts: 7 Member
    add me i am in scotland and have recently started again as well
  • caliurion
    caliurion Posts: 7 Member
    Add me if you want i am over in sunny Scotland