always under my calories but things in minus?

i really need help. my calorie goal is 1200 and I am always under by hundreds, the trouble is if I try to eat more my carbs etc go high?
can anyone tell me what I can do?
another thing is my vitamin a is always over too?
I don't understand?
please help x


  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Make up the extra calories with fats and protein instead of carbs?

    Or are you saying that you hit your macros but your total calories are under? If that is the case the the info you have on the things you are logging is wrong.

    I'm not really sure what the question is.
  • SonnyKaykay
    This happens to me as well, I was eating too little fats. You are under your calorie goal and need to eat more, but not eat more CARBS, so try to get those extra fats or protein in without the cabs through cheese, milk and olive oil. Basically, it just means you're getting your calories from too much of one source and need some more variety. By just adding one tablespoon of olive oil to any meal you increase the calories by forty and your carb/fat/protein ratio should be fine again.
  • melissa_bobblehead_cox
    thank you. I just played around with what I would eat tomorrow and I see what you mean, it just basically balanced itself out.
    I'm gonna just plan ahead my meals. I think that will be easiest :)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Avocados, nuts, oily fish, whole milk, nut butter :)
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    The goal here is to get your calorie number to zero. Being under is NOT a good idea, especially when you are only shooting for 1,200 to begin with.

    Not all of the numbers you see in your macros and micros are maximums. Many of those vitamins are a minimum. Going over on any of them won't hurt you. Nitpicking the minor things will just confuse things. Try to get your calorie intake straight first, then you can learn to tweak the nutrients.