I've gained weight? Advice please

I've started mfp over a week ago, I've been eating really healthy and good portions, staying just under my calorie limit and I've been dong cardio and burning calories, I should be losing weight but this morning I checked my weight before I'd eaten anything and I've gained 2 pounds. I weigh myself first thing in the morning, and I thought I had started so well. Can anyone tell me why this is? Maybe it's too early to have lost any weight? Thank yoo


  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    Could be water retention.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Ok first off, you started a week ago. calm down.
    secondly, chances are you aren't eating as well as you think you are. I can't see your diary but this is often the case.
    another problem could be that you've increased your physical activity while dropping your calories too low. yes this is a huge problem on here.

    Also, cardio is NOT king. do strength training. cardio burns calories, but it doesn't burn fat, strength training does.
  • Eve1972
    Eve1972 Posts: 297
    Weight loss is not linear, if you could see my weight loss graph, it looks like a crazy roller coaster. So many things affect weight, sodium, your time of the month, a hard workout. Just make sure you are sticking to your goals, and keep up the good work!
  • jessticles36
    Ok first off, you started a week ago. calm down.
    secondly, chances are you aren't eating as well as you think you are. I can't see your diary but this is often the case.
    another problem could be that you've increased your physical activity while dropping your calories too low. yes this is a huge problem on here.

    Also, cardio is NOT king. do strength training. cardio burns calories, but it doesn't burn fat, strength training does.

    I am pretty calm thank you :)
    Yeah I'll look into strength training see if a combination will do any good. Yes after a week I wasnt expecting results but I certainly wasn't expecting to gain anything. I'm just disappointed as it takes alot to keep me motivated after a short amount of time, if I keep gaining weight I'll be put off trying anymore. I'l just keep going and see what happens.
  • susannahsutton1
    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary, but one thing that does make a big difference is the level of salt you are taking on. Track your sodium in your food diary, if it is high, you will retain water and you won't lose the weight you want. Common culprits are ready meals, shop bought sandwiches, that sort of thing x
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Agree with above, hard to tell when we can't see your diary. We may think we are eating healthy but not so much. Also eating too little can cauae you to gain weight! Just don't give up, you'll have your ups & downs but in the end it will be all worth it! :smile:
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Also, cardio is NOT king. do strength training. cardio burns calories, but it doesn't burn fat, strength training does.

    I don't even know where to begin with this statement. Let's just summarize and say that is wrong on many levels. I suggest the poster go back, read the definition of a "calorie" and learn how the enrgy that it represents is stored in the human body. She may then revise her statement on her own.
  • mommieoftwingirls12
    everyone's body is different and we all lose weight differently..the key is not to give up..keep doing what you're doing..it will start to come off..and there will be many times when you plateau..been there, done that..just keep telling yourself you can do it..don't get discouraged by the scale..i know, easier said than done..this is a lifelong adventure! you can do it!
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    If you would open your diary, we might be able to help.
    Also, one of the biggest mistakes newer ppl make is relying on their scale
    You need to MEASURE every month, preferably on the same day.
    Many times, your scale will be your worst enemy. Especially as you lose fat but gain muscle.
    You will (maybe) notice your clothing is looser, but you will definitely know if you take your measurements. (Once, I had had only lost >5 pounds, but lost 22 inches.)
    Makes a huge difference in your motivation levels.

    I suggest you put your scale away for a while, and give the program some time.
    Also, you said you were eating "Just under your calorie limit."
    Well, are you exercising?
    This is a HUGE debate here, but I for one, have been here over a year, and have seen that the MOST successful people eat about 2000 -3000 cals a day, because they eat back their exercise calories.

    This is NOT A DIET. This is a LIFE CHANGE.

    PS, enjoy yourself. You did not get overweight in a week, don't expect to see great losses in a week.

    Hope you are hugely successful, and remember, it exercise is fun!
  • bcriminger
    bcriminger Posts: 11 Member
    Keep in mind, if you have been really sore, you may be gaining muscle mass, that would also increase your weight.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator

    Also, cardio is NOT king. do strength training. cardio burns calories, but it doesn't burn fat, strength training does.

    Not true. The calorie deficit it what reduces fat. But what strength training does over cardio is help preserve lean body mass. If you are eating a surplus of calories, neither cardio nor strength training will burn fat.
    Keep in mind, if you have been really sore, you may be gaining muscle mass, that would also increase your weight.

    There isn't any possibility she gained muscle. She isn't even weight training and she is on a calorie deficit. It's 100% water weight.
  • jessticles36
    It might be worth mentioning now that I don't really do strength training per say, but I've started weights, and I do high intensity exercises for stomach and glutes- I don't do random cardio, I do think I've gained a bit of muscle in my stomach and glutes.

    Also, I've checked my food diary over the week and it turns out that I'm eating a bit too much sugar. Would this be why I've gained weight? Thanks everyone for the replies xx
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    It might be worth mentioning now that I don't really do strength training per say, but I've started weights, and I do high intensity exercises for stomach and glutes- I don't do random cardio, I do think I've gained a bit of muscle in my stomach and glutes.

    Also, I've checked my food diary over the week and it turns out that I'm eating a bit too much sugar. Would this be why I've gained weight? Thanks everyone for the replies xx

    How many calories are you eating? And I can say unless you are eating a surplus of calories, you didn't gain muscle. It's water retention if you just started to workout or do an activity you normally haven't.
  • jessticles36
    It might be worth mentioning now that I don't really do strength training per say, but I've started weights, and I do high intensity exercises for stomach and glutes- I don't do random cardio, I do think I've gained a bit of muscle in my stomach and glutes.

    Also, I've checked my food diary over the week and it turns out that I'm eating a bit too much sugar. Would this be why I've gained weight? Thanks everyone for the replies xx

    How many calories are you eating? And I can say unless you are eating a surplus of calories, you didn't gain muscle. It's water retention if you just started to workout or do an activity you normally haven't.

    I've never had a huge appetite, I eat about 1300 - 1600 calories and burn 200-300 cals daily. And this is a huge change for my body because I've never been a healthy eater so my diet is alot better than it was, and I'm not new to working out but I've begun more focused and intense routines. I don't see why it's so impossible that I could've gained any muscle? :P
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member

    Also, cardio is NOT king. do strength training. cardio burns calories, but it doesn't burn fat, strength training does.

    OMG! My trainer and my doc have been lying to me!!!!!!!!! :sad: :huh:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    It's only been a week.

    Have you been drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day?
    Are you eating foods with a lot of sodium in it?
    Are you drinking pop, juice, etc?
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Weight fluctuates, stop worrying. I bet if you had weighed yourself a day earlier you'd be under or the same aswell. You havent gained 2lbs of fat in a week. Just make sure you are doing right thing and have patience.
  • jessticles36
    It's only been a week.

    Have you been drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day?
    Are you eating foods with a lot of sodium in it?
    Are you drinking pop, juice, etc?

    As I said, I know I wouldn't get big expectations after only a week , just curious about an unexpected weight gain that's all :)
    I drink around 6-8 glasses of water, my sodium levels are normal but my sugar levels are bit too high. No I've substituted juices and fizzys for water. Can sugar have a big impact on weight gain?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It might be worth mentioning now that I don't really do strength training per say, but I've started weights, and I do high intensity exercises for stomach and glutes- I don't do random cardio, I do think I've gained a bit of muscle in my stomach and glutes.

    what is 'random cardio'?
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    It could be a combination of several things... Could be water weight (especially if it's your TOM), gaining muscle, etc... Have you taken measurements? If not, I highly recommend it. The closer you get to goal and the more weights you do, you might see reductions in your size, but not your weight. I weigh and measure once a month on the Saturday following my TOM, so that I'm weighing in at the same point in my cycle to get the truest results. And anyway, it's only been 2 weeks, so don't give up! Sometimes it takes awhile to start seeing a loss. Good luck!