Welcome to day 2, I'm hungry

Holy crap, let me start off by saying that I never realized how many calories I ate until now. Thank you, or perhaps not so much, for that realization fitness pals.. Thanks to the iPhone application I have not gone over my calories and am managing to keep 100-200 calories left over but damn.. I'm hungry and it's 8pm and I know that I should NOT eat anymore tonight AND it's only day two. I WANT ICE CREAM.. I'm going to say no to the ice cream tonight but I can not guarantee anything for tomorrow. Please tell me it gets better..

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    I gets better :flowerforyou: Go brush your teeth - you won't feel like eating anything with a nice clean mouth!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    gum, water and teeth brushing all help. If you are hungry you should try loading up on more veggies, snap peas, carrots, celery! you can do it!:tongue:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    IT GETS BETTER! :wink:
    I learned early on that I could eat more if I exercised, sooo, I did! I also made sure to eat lots of protein and fiber type foods, and drank plenty of water, and then I usually wasn't hungry at the end of the day.
    I'm an icecream lover too, and discovered Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough, which to me, was JUST as good as "the real thing". It amazed me that I lost most of the weight that I wanted to by eating icecream almost every night!
    (Gotta tell you though, in case the cookie dough sounds good to you, that I recently found out that Edy's discontinued it! :grumble: :sad: ) Now I'm eating their fudge tracks, which is "pretty good".
    Anyway, enough rambling and grumbling, :laugh: I just wanted to let you know that if you give it some time, you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :wink: :smile:
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    That feeling of true hunger only lasts about a week. After that it will be more emotional, at least that was my experience. You should be eating all your calories though MFP has a deficit built in if you stay too far under depending on how many total calories you are allotted you may end up not losing or even gaining, especially if you calories are around 1200. OH, and drink LOTS of water it will help.
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    LOL its like you took the words right out of my mouth. I get hungry at night too.. its my biggest downfall. Fill up on water first, then maybe have something healthy, fruits, veggies etc. and YES brushing teeth helps so much! maybe even have a water after that too! haha, I'm kind of a newbie too so I feel your pain!
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice! I decided I had enough calories to eat a half cup of vanilla ice cream which I savored every bite of! So is it okay to have 100 calories left over or should I grab something else little before bed? My goal is 1240 intake if that makes a difference.. ?
  • m2m4christ
    I was looking for low calorie snack options and one was a grapefruit. I think it was only 50 calories for a 1/2 of a grapefruit. Sounded good to me. I decided to drink water first and was completely satisfied. I'm new too... good luck!!
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    I learned about the MFP deficit this weekend... If it gives you an amount like 1200 calories to eat then eat them! ... Your body will go into survival mode other wise, which will slow your weight loss. If you aren't hungry then that's another thing...lol.

    The first week was hard for me because I wanted to eat so much more than I should. By the second week my stomach was smaller so I needed less food to fill it. I was shocked at the small amounts of food I could eat and feel just as full as when I ate twice that!

    Keep up the good work! You're going to do great!
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    I agree with SammyLynn about retraining the stomach... LOL It should get easier for you later after you establish some new habits.

    One strategy that I used was maybe a little weird, but when I got hungry in the evening, I got on the computer and started looking up low calorie recipes. And then I worked on organizing my own personal healthy low calorie low sodium cookbook. Somehow working with the recipes seemed to satisfy me - weird, I know, but alls fair in love, war, and dieting!!!!!!!!

    Good luck to you in this new adventure.
  • nathaliexol
    You read my mind! Only I keep running into negative remaining calories...from 5 to 750! Does MFP has phone applications only for the iphone? I think is a great idea to keep track even when you are out to dinner (which could be the greatest downfall of the day) at least that way you could check online before ordering form the menu!
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I am confused about the negative calories, too. They say, "calories in, calories out," which means that you have to burn more calories than you eat. So, why when you exercise do you earn more calories? I am allowed 1200 calories/day, yesterday I burned off more than 1600 and ate around 900 calories, then I had around 1800 calories left, should I really eat 1800 more calories?
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    That's always been confusing to me as well -- the adding on of calories when I record my exercise. Have to admit that I decided not to calculate my exercise on this site because of that. Not sure what the correct strategy is supposed to be, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that is a little confused by this. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see if someone will clarify this... Thx for bringing it up.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    When you first signed on to MFP you checked a box to say if you were: sedendary; or a little active; or a lot active. etc. etc.
    MFP took this into consideration when figuring your daily calorie allowance.

    You should eat the amount of calories MFP says no matter what.
    When you exercise MFP figures the amount of calories you burned.
    If you don't eat these calories that you burned you won't have enough calories to make your body metabolize fat to energy.
    You could possibly put your body into a mode that will force it to 'hang onto' fat just in case it may need it later (starvation mode).

    So, in other words; you should always try to eat the amount of calories MFP figured for you. If you exercise you used up some of those calories so you should try and replace them to keep your calories at the same amount you started with.

    I'm sorry if I only confused you more! lol!
    And I hope I'm correct on all this calorie stuff, if not, I hope somebody will correct me.

  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    ...but then if you say that you do moderate workouts 3 days a week (when you sign up) and MFP calculates that into your calorie intake for each day, it seems like you're counting it twice if you then enter those actual workouts into the exercise part of the site and get more calories...

    Sorry, I bet I'm not being clear... ...just shows how confused I am. LOL

    I'll have to go back and look at the settings again... I'm sure I'm missing something that makes it all fit together - just don't know what it is.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    So, if I change my activity level on MFP because I decided I wanted to exercise more it will up my caloric intake. I get that part, but will it still give me "earned calories" from exercising? If so, I'm still confused because you still need to burn more calories than you take in. I'm confused with you , amk44. Thanks for trying to help us, Suzi!! :)
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    The general consensus is you should eat what MFP allots for you PLUS whatever you burn off. It's a much-debated topic here, but you'll see that most people that have been here for a long time agree. There are some extremely helpful "sticky" topics at the top of "general weight loss", including this one:


    Go read and learn, hopefully it will help clear up some of the confusion.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    So, if I change my activity level on MFP because I decided I wanted to exercise more it will up my caloric intake. I get that part, but will it still give me "earned calories" from exercising? If so, I'm still confused because you still need to burn more calories than you take in. I'm confused with you , amk44. Thanks for trying to help us, Suzi!! :)

    I'm pretty sure the "activity level" MFP asks you for is NOT including exercise. For example, do you sit at a desk all day, or do you move around a lot? Then, you log your exercise each day (since it will vary every day) and MFP will add that to your calories for that day. Pretty good system, if you ask me.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    When you started with MFP you gave them all your info and your activity level. I put in sedentary and that I want to lose 2 pounds a week. MFP calculated that I would burn 2500 calories not doing anything except for breathing and just every day stuff.In order to lose 1 pound I have to not eat 3500cal.,so since I want to lose 2 I have to save 7000 cal a week which puts me at around 1500 cal a day. If I work out for 1 hour I add that to my exercises because I burned more then I would have if I sat on my couch and watched TV. Let's just say I burned 600 calories every day and I would not count it or eat it back, my deficit would be1600 calories a day and my net calories I have would be 900,after a couple of days my body would think we are having a famine and would hold on to every ounce of fat there was. Would I still lose weight? Probably, but it wouldn't be very healthy , mess with my metabolism and after a couple of weeks I would go back to my old eating habits because I would feel deprived.
    I hope this helps a little, I have been here since January and I feel good, I don't feel deprived and I am still loosing( got a long way to go)
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    You can'y get much simplier than this - stick with it and you will loss / there are too many people on this site that have seen results. Keep at it and you will find that you are much happier than you were and you won't end up in mine and many others boats where we are close to turning fifty and had weight to lose.

    Good Luck and keep up your spirits. That 1/2 cup of ice cream was the right move - you did not overdo and yet you satisfied your craving - portion control.
    When you started with MFP you gave them all your info and your activity level. I put in sedentary and that I want to lose 2 pounds a week. MFP calculated that I would burn 2500 calories not doing anything except for breathing and just every day stuff.In order to lose 1 pound I have to not eat 3500cal.,so since I want to lose 2 I have to save 7000 cal a week which puts me at around 1500 cal a day. If I work out for 1 hour I add that to my exercises because I burned more then I would have if I sat on my couch and watched TV. Let's just say I burned 600 calories every day and I would not count it or eat it back, my deficit would be1600 calories a day and my net calories I have would be 900,after a couple of days my body would think we are having a famine and would hold on to every ounce of fat there was. Would I still lose weight? Probably, but it wouldn't be very healthy , mess with my metabolism and after a couple of weeks I would go back to my old eating habits because I would feel deprived.
    I hope this helps a little, I have been here since January and I feel good, I don't feel deprived and I am still loosing( got a long way to go)
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Thank you , Gabi and everyone one else! It is all much clearer now! I'm going to eat all the calories that MFP tells me too. I trust you guys!! You are living proof that it works! And why complain about the extra calories I have to eat?? LOL. :)