WTF ~ Warning guys ~ TMI

So I'm 39 and having my second TOM in 3 weeks. WTF? Is it pre-menopause? I am serioulsy freaking out here. Not only for that, but because it's also screwing up my diet BAD.


  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I feel your pain...I get TOM every 3 weeks as it is! It sucks. Sorry sweetie, I have no help for you :(
  • mhesterruns
    I had that happen to me once. It wasno big deal. I went in and had an ultrsound done in a very uncomfortable way and they found npthing. They thought it could be because I was working out alot.. .My grandma who is a nurse said it meant I was pregant (before I went to the doctor) but I wasn't. I would advise to call your doctor no matter what.
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    well, i can't be pregnant, so that's not it. ok, i'll call doc.....just one more thing for me to stress about. gggrrrr. thanks, as always ladies.
  • candicemcl
    My cousin said if she goes over too much on her iron regularly she tends to spot but not a full TOM thing. Of course then there is my mom from age 35 till a few years ago when menopause kicked in finally she had hers every 2 wks, the dr found no medical problems so let it continue on its own cycle :-O I hope I don't get like that I hate my TOM as it is
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    changing your diet and exercise can affect your cycle. The first month after I started I had almost nothing and the months after it has actually gotten lighter then it used to be. It is your body having a WTF is going on moment.
  • Rebecca__Lynn
    There does come a time, for honestly, ALOT of women, that you begin to develop fibroids on the uterus..not dangerous, but they create alot of bleeding, clotting etc...... can be controlled by birth control pills I believe...I just had a hysterectomy.....I had tons...and they like just come upon you quickly it seems!!!
  • electricgypsy
    electricgypsy Posts: 32 Member
    my mum had fibroids it was her TOM for 28 days out of 30, she had a scrape and a coil fitted and it worked really well, both were done as brief day surgeries. best thing is just see your doctor :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I've had my cycle every 21 days since my mid 30s. I do have fibroids and am finally getting my hysterectomy in June. I can't wait to be done with this nonsense.