Friends to motivate -- BUSY family lifestyle

I'm a 43 year old mother of 2 (a son age 9 and a daughter age 20), local high school coach's wife, and drama teacher. My hubby is a great supporter but I sometimes feel like he has no idea what it is like to be his dumpy wife (he runs at least 5 miles daily, works out with his players, still has a great athlete's body and is in no way overweight). We both have after school practices and our son is typically involved in two sports at a time, so grabbing fast food has been way too easy. I'm trying to do better to plan our evening meals so that we are eating correctly. I NEED to lose at least 55 pounds. Five years ago I shed 75 pounds and keep it off for a year and a half but changing schools that we teach at, adding responsibilities with jobs, and our son getting to the age where he wants to play every recreational sport possible have given me excuses to eat fast food and junk and let 50 pounds creep back on. I am determined to look the way I looked 5 years ago. I would love friends that would be good accountability partners.


  • madhousenmich
    madhousenmich Posts: 45 Member
    Just sent you a friend request, I have basically the same lifestyle, my kids play sports and we are starting baseball/softball soon and that is the crazy time for me 3 kids on 3 different teams is a bit challenging but I will make it work.
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I am a wife, mother of 2 girls and work full-time, so I know what you mean about busy family lifestyle. My girls are 7 and 1. My oldest is into girl scounts and at least one sport every season and also does after school stuff that requires me to run her around from here to there. Then the 1 year old just has me running, chasing her all around. I have found that using my George Foreman grill to cook chicken and turkey burgers saves a bunch of time vs. cooking in a pan on the stove or in the oven. I will also fill up my crock pot in the morning and have a hot meal ready when we get home at night. My husband works 12-16 hours a day, so I have to make sure I make life a little easier for myself when he's not around. I'm not sure if you are on Pinterest, but there is a website that a lady puts meals in ziploc bags that are healthy and freezes them and you can just pull them out and dump them in the crock pot for the day. is the website if you want to check it out.
  • Berlygirl10
    I am right there with you .. I have 5 kids all involved in some sort of sport - work full time and commute to work an hour each way.. My husband is lean with zero ounces of fat.. I feel like that nursey rhyme Jack Sprat would eat no fat.. and is wife would eat no lean.. together they ate their plate clean :) im tired of never making time for me. I am trying to change all of that. But feeding the kids and feeding me is two different challenges!
  • DramaKellee
    DramaKellee Posts: 5 Member
    I have seen that ziploc baggie trick on pinterest -- I used to have a GREAT casserole club and that always helped so much but it was all coach's wives and we are all now in different places -- I LOVE my crock pot
  • Berlygirl10
    I hear you on the crockpot!!! I love mine, I have found some great recipes for soup that are low cal. that the family will eat and not realize they are eating healthy :)
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    I have two girls who play academy sports, plus take piano, girl scouts and have religious ed. You are not alone!

    I'd love to be where I was at 35, at least 25 pounds lighter. My toughest challenge is timing-- feeding everyone with little time left at night, and still getting the girls to bed at a decent hour (they are 8 and 10).