newbie to this site

Hi, I'm just getting started and have never really blogged before so please bear with me. I'm looking for inspiration any way I can get it. I don't usually do this at the first of the year because I hate New Years resolutions. It's time I make some serious life style changes and I have my daughter to thank for it. My husband is supportive but we tend to sabatoge each other. I guess we are just too comfortable together. We both have cravings for ice cream at the same time. I need the inspiration of others and not negative feed back please. Thanks for listening!


  • Mal76137
    Mal76137 Posts: 163 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I log everyday. You have made the first step. Just start making more steps along the way. Log everything you eat. It can be a real eye opener.
  • Hello! I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks now & it's great! Feel free to add me! Let's do this!
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Feel free to add me also! I too log everday! Good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome, I am back after a few months off the program if you want to add me as friend! Check out great recipes for those ice cream cravings :)
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    I've been on MFP for over a week and love it. If you want support please feel free to add me!
  • KirstenMac0
    KirstenMac0 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new too!
  • I am new as well. Always looking for friends.
  • Hi, I am starting today also. Just taking it one day at a time and this time I am going to realize I am human and will take everyday as an adventure.