Need help.. so confused..dont know which way to turn!

Hi guys

I just wanted a bit of help/guidance/ advice really. Pls be nice! :smile:

Im 27, f, 136lbs, 5ft 7. I would like to lose a few pounds and tone up. Ive never been 'slim' but have lost 3.5stone in the last 3yrs, by cutting calories to around 1200 and exercise. Im now stuck....

Last year I completed Insanity- with little results. I found I put on a little (prob due to muscle) but didnt look and different. I started the prog eating my normal which is about 1200/1300 cals then tried eating more and following the diet too and eating 1600 cals, and thats when i found I put on a bit of weight.

So now Im currently doing a mix of 30 day shred, 6 week 6 pack and my exercise bike for about 40mins. Most days I will do 2 out the 3 and burn around 600 cals (hrm) and do this 6 days a week.
Im eating 1200 cals then burning 600.

This is where im ready to cry with confusion/depression that ive put on 2lbs and also, Honestly, SCARED to eat more in the fear that I will put weight back on!

Ive read so much on here about eating back my exercised calories but that scares the hell outta me!

What exercise should I be doing? Am I doing too much?

In my settings Ive set my activity level to Lightly active- I work in a shop and on my feet lifting, stacking, moving constantly for 5.5hrs 3 days a week then workout on top of that.

Any advice is appreciated.


  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    At 5'7 and 136 you are at a pretty good weight for your height.

    I think that your body is probably pretty stressed out. You are doing some exercising everyday, but you aren't fuelling your body for it.

    600 net calories a day is not going to do you any favours either.

    If you are exercising as much as you are, then you should be eating at least 1600-1800 calories. I know that for Insanity they actually recommend around 2000 calories.

    You will likely see an initial gain from increasing your calories, because your body is not used to being fed that way....but stick with it for 3 or 4 weeks and see where you are at.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I would recommend weight training. Stop doing some cardio and work with weights. Not 2lbs hand weights either, but heavier ones. You will start to notice a difference then. At first you will probably gain, but just stick with it. Also, if you are working with weights you'll need to eat more, mostly protein.
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    Not all calories are created equal. 1200 of junk food is not the same as 1200 of healthy fat. Did you follow the diet ideology or just eat what you wanted and kept it at 1200? Abs start in the kitchen.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You're at a healthy weight for your height. If you don't like what you see then you need to focus on body composition not dieting. Switch to maintenance calories (you are not eating enough right now!) Forget about the extreme cardio workouts and long cardio sessions and start lifting heavy weights. I would suggest reading 'New rules of lifting for women', it's a good guide and has a lot of great info. Keep your protein intake to 80 - 100 grams. Stop obsessing, beating yourself up and feel good about your accomplishments! And once again EAT MORE. At this point, low calorie intake and extreme workouts can really mess up your metabolism. :flowerforyou:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I would go for the lifting changed my body so much, and your weight isn't that bad. Cardio is okay, I just got so much better results from lifting.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    You are entirely to active, and not eating enough calories. Especially when you have so little to lose.

    I know if is scarey to add more calories to your diet, but I think you may need to add a little. Don't go overboard.
    Be sure to eat a good balanced diet and eat 6 meals a day.

    Your body needs the proper fuel to have strength for all that exercising and you seem to be really active at work.

    How much are you wanting to lose?

    Really you should stop looking at the scale and focus on inches and firmness of your body. I personally believe if you are overweight or obese is the only time you should really even concern yourself with a number on a scale.
  • rhiannonjh
    rhiannonjh Posts: 11 Member
    That's great, thanks guys! (And you were all so nice! :wink: )

    When you say start lifting weights... what sort of things should I be doing with weights?

    I will google 'New rules of lifting for women' now, thanks for the info!

    Im guessing my body has just got used to sustaining on 1200 cals for a good few years now- tbh thats a fairly normal diet for me!

    I have started to eat more nuts etc to get cals up that way. Then i got on the scales the other day and my numbers were up! which made me really annoyed and down hearted, which then makes me scared to eat MORE. I have measured myself and its all still the same.
  • rhiannonjh
    rhiannonjh Posts: 11 Member
    Ideally I would like to lose 5lbs but also tone- I know that toning will probably cause my numbers to stay the same or go up as 'muscle weighs more than fat'

    I know im not overweight anymore, but I still see a fat person and its hard to shift that mindset. I also know that my body is no way designed to be super slim! lol
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    That's great, thanks guys! (And you were all so nice! :wink: )

    When you say start lifting weights... what sort of things should I be doing with weights?

    I will google 'New rules of lifting for women' now, thanks for the info!

    Im guessing my body has just got used to sustaining on 1200 cals for a good few years now- tbh thats a fairly normal diet for me!

    I have started to eat more nuts etc to get cals up that way. Then i got on the scales the other day and my numbers were up! which made me really annoyed and down hearted, which then makes me scared to eat MORE. I have measured myself and its all still the same.

    I started using the machines at a gym, the guys would should me how to use them, give me suggestions on starting weight and reps. Honestly, I saw progress in a week in my arms...I've moved on to free weights too now, but am still trying to build up to stuff life deadlifts etc...I want to get the book "new rules.." too. My gym also has Crossfit classes that have lifting in it with cardio...I honestly think what you are looking for will come from lifting, not so much cardio.
  • Jenne1979
    Jenne1979 Posts: 29 Member
    I have a friend with similar goals...she tried Jamie Easons 12 week live fit trainer...which is free. She looks fanfreaking-tastic!
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    At 5'6", 135 pounds is my goal weight! I'm at 142ish right now...

    I think you need to step back from the scale a bit. Your weight is perfectly healthy - if you don't like how your body looks, it's because of your ratio of fat to muscle.

    As the others have said, I would suggest eating more, especially protein. That will provide your body with the fuel it needs to build muscle - it simply can't do that if you're not eating enough. And the most efficient way to build muscle is to strength train. You can look into the New Rules of Lifting for Women, which is a great resource even if you don't follow their plan. And a lot of people here have had success with programs like 30-day shred, which focuses on full-body movements that work your muscles.

    Best of luck!
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    I have a friend with similar goals...she tried Jamie Easons 12 week live fit trainer...which is free. She looks fanfreaking-tastic!
    I'm doing that! Who's your friend. I must interrogate